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Study of an Infant's Nose


The word chiaroscuro is derived from the Italian words for light (chiaro) and dark (oscuro).. Another felt was placed on top of the thin sheet of pulp, and stacks of pulp sheets and felts were then pressed to extract as much of the moisture left in the pulp as possible. To harden the surface of the sheet and prevent ink...

Study of the Head of an Infant


Z-05 ADVANCED: DRAWING ON THE MASTERS. INTRODUCTION: Even though the masters’ drawings are far superior to mine, and their subjects are specific to medieval times, the fundamental techniques of crosshatching and chiaroscuro are the same.. As a member, I dress in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and attend events throughout Eastern Canada and the Northern United States, that...

Hatching with chalk


Explorations into chalks used during the Renaissance, are applied to the rendering of a figurative sketch. RESEARCH AND PLANNING: Creating the illusion of a three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface was a major innovation of the masters of the Renaissance. I have used the following supplies for rendering this project: Sepia, sanguine and white chalk pencils (you may prefer conté)....



You use both crosshatching and hatching to define textures and forms, and utilize a challenging grid to help you render the accurate proportions of the various parts of her head and face.. SHADING LIGHT AND MEDIUM VALUES: The dominant light source, which is to the front and right of Annie’s face, determines where the various light and medium values are...

Eye on Melissa


U-02 ADVANCED: EYE ON MELISSA In this project, you draw an eye, with a focus on correctly rendering the structures of the anatomical forms surrounding the orbital cavity.. The eye in this project belongs to a beautiful young lady named Melissa, who is the daughter of my friend Crystal Basta.. KEEPING AN EYE ON PROPORTIONS: You sketch the various parts...