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Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 10


You can display some user interface elements in color. For example, you can show the Application icon in color or grayscale, show channels in color, or show selected menu items in user-defined colors. Interface preferences also allow you to use gestures with a tablet and pen ( New. You can also change the size of the text font on the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 11


ptg The Plug-ins preferences give you the ability to organize your plug-ins. These additional folders are typ- ically used to hold third-party plug-ins. When selected, plug-ins con- tained within the folder will be available from Photoshop's Filter menu.. Organizing your plug-ins into folders helps keep your projects focused and reduces the clutter of plug-ins when you select them from the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 12


You can use Type preferences to help you select the type and font options you want to use.. Click the Edit (Win) or Photoshop (Mac) menu, and then point to Preferences.. Select the Type options you want to use:. Select to display Japanese, Chinese, and Korean type options in the Character and Paragraph panels.. Select to display fonts on the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 13


For example, if you choose to paint a black stroke, you would select the Paintbrush tool, choose the color black, and begin painting. Where the marquee tools let you select areas of an image in a structured way (using squares, circles, lines), the lasso tools add a bit of freeform selection to the mix. For example, you can use the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 14


Select the Polygonal Lasso tool in the toolbox from the available Lasso options, and click to create a point. then, move and click to create straight lines between the two points. Double-clicking the mouse instructs the Polygonal Lasso tool to close the selection shape.. Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool. Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool on...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 15


Not only can you modify selections in any number of ways, Photoshop gives you the option to change your mind by adding and subtracting to an existing selection or even using the selection tools to crop the image. Either way, you can create com- plex selections with ease.. Add to an Existing Selection. Create a selection using any of the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 16


ptg After you make a selection in a Photoshop document, you can copy or. cut it to the Clipboard where you can paste it to another place in your active document or in another document. You can use the Paste Special menu to provide more direction to the paste location by using the Paste In Place ( New. If the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 17


You need to control color, to control elements of the design, and you even need to control the order of design ele- ments. Layers give you the ability to separate individual elements of your design, and then control how those elements appear. You can think of layers as a group of transparent sheets stacked on top of each other. Through...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 18


If you want to move a selection, you can drag the selec- tion marquee, even if the layer is hidden ( New!. Select the Layers panel.. Hold down the Ctrl (Win) or A (Mac) key, and then click on the image thumbnail of the layer you want create into a selection. Be sure you click on the image thumbnail, not...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 19


layer directly below it in the layer stacking order. Merged layers take on the characteristics of the layer into which they are being merged.. Or, if you merge a layer into the Background layer, the merged layer becomes a part of the Background. The Merge Visible option enables you to merge all of the layers that have the Show option...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 20


ptg The Layer Properties dialog box gives you control over two very impor-. tant characteristics of a layer: the layer's name and its identifying color. When you name your layers, you have a visual identi- fier of the information contained within that specific layer (assuming you name the layer correctly). Select the Layers panel.. Click the Layers Options button, and...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 21


Working with the History Panel. Adobe introduced the History panel in Photoshop 5, and the graphic design world hasn't been the same since. On an ele- mentary level, the History panel gives you the ability to per- form multiple undos. However, the History panel does much more than give you the ability to go back in time and correct your...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 22


ptg Photoshop gives you the ability to save the History states of a docu-. This gives you a running record of the time spent on a document, which is useful for client billing purposes. Photoshop saves the history files as a standard text document, which can be opened in any text-editing pro- gram you choose.. Saving the History State of...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 23


If you want to visually control an Adobe Photoshop docu- ment, then adjustment layers are the ultimate tool. The pur- pose of an adjustment layer is to show how a specific adjustment, such as Hue &. Saturation, changes the appear- ance of the image. Since the adjustment is contained within a separate layer, the original image never changes. Since adjustment...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 24


Adjustment layers perform two functions—they adjust the image and they give you control. Since an adjustment is held in a separate layer, you have the advantage of isolating the adjustment and keeping your original image information intact. The opacity of an adjustment layer controls the intensity of the selected adjustment. You can reduce the opacity of the Hue &. Saturation...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 25


Geometric distortion causes straight lines to bow out toward the edges of the image. Vignetting is a defect where edges of an image are darker than the center. Open an image.. Click the Filter menu, and then click Lens Correction.. Select from the following tools:. Drag in the grid left or right to remove geometric distortion.. Drag to move the...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 26


ptg If you want to sharpen or blur parts of an image, you can use the. These tools are grouped together on the toolbox. the more you use the tool, the greater the sharpening effect. the more you use the tool, the greater the blur effect. Use the Sharpen, Blur, or Smudge Tools. Select the Sharpen, Blur, or Smudge tool...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 27


Working with the Spot Healing Brush. Use the Spot Healing Brush. Select the Spot Healing Brush tool.. Using small short strokes, carefully drag over the areas you want to change, then release your mouse and move to the next area.. The Spot Healing brush works to match the sample to the source.. A powerful tool in Photoshop's formidable arsenal of...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 28


In the world of design, color is one of the most important ele- ments. When you're creating a brochure, advertisement, or banner using Adobe Photoshop, good use of color attracts the attention of the viewer. You can also color-correct a photograph by removing the color entirely or selectively remove colors from portions of the image. In addition, Photoshop gives you...

Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 29


ptg The CMYK color mode is the color mode of paper and press. One at a time, the plates apply color to a sheet of paper, and when all 4 colors have been applied, the paper contains an image similar to the CMYK image created in Photoshop. The CMYK color mode can take an image from a computer monitor to...