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Java Server Pages: A Code-Intensive Premium Reference- P23


java.lang.String. public java.lang.String getAuthType(). getAuthType() has no parameters and throws no exceptions.. public java.lang.String getContextPath(). getContextPath() has no parameters and throws no exceptions.. getCookies() has no parameters and throws no exceptions.. getDateHeader() throws no exceptions.. getHeader() throws no exceptions.. getHeaders() throws no exceptions.. getHeaderNames() has no parameters and throws no exceptions.. getIntHeader() throws no exceptions.. public java.lang.String getMethod(). getMethod() has...

Java Server Pages: A Code-Intensive Premium Reference- P24


public boolean containsHeader(java.lang.String name). containsHeader() throws no exceptions.. java.lang.String. public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String url). encodeURL() throws no exceptions.. public java.lang.String encodeRedirectURL(java.lang.String url). encodeRedirectURL() throws no exceptions.. sendError(int sc, java.lang.String message) Method. public void sendError(int sc, java.lang.String message) throws java.io.IOException. sendError() returns no value.. java.io.IOException. public void sendError(int sc) throws java.io.IOException. public void sendRedirect(java.lang.String url) throws java.io.IOException. sendRedirect() returns no value.. public...

Java Server Pages: A Code-Intensive Premium Reference- P25


extends java.util.EventObject. java.lang.String. java.util.Hashtable. public static java.util.Hashtable parsePostData(int len, ServletInputStream in). public static java.lang.StringBuffer. java.lang.StringBuffer. Figure 1.1: Output of the JSP example.. Figure 1.2: The steps of a JSP request.. Figure 2.1: Execution of a Java servlet.. Figure 2.2: A high-level object model of the servlet framework.. Figure 2.3: A GenericServlet request.. Figure 2.4: An HttpServlet request. Figure 2.5: The...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P1


Building Web Reputation Systems. Building Web Reputation Systems by F. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P2


We wrote this book primarily for you. If you must skim, be sure to read all of the practitioners tips, warnings, notes, and sidebars to make sure you aren’t missing something important. Assuming you’re reading this book as part of a plan to deploy a reputation system, read Chapters 1 and 2 completely—the definitions are important to later sections.. In...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P3


—EmployeeIssues.com As access to credit reports has increased, the credit bureaus have kept pace with the trend and have steadily marketed the reports for a growing number of purposes. The rise and spread of the FICO score illustrates what can happen when a reputation that is powerful and ubiquitous in one specific context is used in other, barely related contexts:...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P4


Molecules: Constructing Reputation Models Using Messages and Processes. Just as molecules are often made up of many different atoms in various combinations to produce materials with unique and valuable qualities, what makes reputation models so powerful is that they aggregate reputation statements from many sources and often statements of different types. Instead of concerning ourselves with valence and Van der...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P5


They typically are character-constrained in some way, but the constraints vary depending on the context:. The best way to evaluate text comments varies depending on the context. Here are examples of claims in the form of text comments:. On Yahoo! Local, it’s possible to give an establishment a full review (with star ratings, freeform comments, and bar ratings for subfacets...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P6


model is activated by a specific input arriving as a message to the model. Based on the requirements of custom reputation processes, there can be many different forms of input, but a few basic input patterns provide the common basic structure.. Often, the contextual claim name and other values, such as a timestamp and a reputation process ID, also are...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P7


With points, your system counts up the hits, actions, and other activities that your users engage in and keeps a running sum of the awards.. Simple Models | 71. (See “Keep Your Barn Door Closed (but Expect Peeking)” on page 91.). A karma model is reputation for users. In the section “Solutions: Mixing Models to Make Systems” on page 33,...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P8


The process reads the interesting-photographer karma of the user taking the action (not the person who owns the photo) and increases the viewer activity value by some weighting amount before passing it onto the next process. The resulting score will be in the range 0.5 to 0.75. Next, the Relationship Weighting process takes the input score (in the range of...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P10


Any time a Yahoo! Fantasy Sports user is considering a switch to a competing service (fantasy sports in general is big business, and there are any number of very capable competitors), the existence of the service’s trophies provides tangible evidence of the switching cost for doing so: a reputation reset.. User-generated content is a hot Internet trend that’s almost become...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P11


incentive model depends on the goals you set for your application. Direct revenue incentives. A direct revenue incentive is at work whenever someone forks over money for access to a content contributor’s work and the payment ends up, some- times via an intermediary or two, in the contributor’s hands. By far the most well-known and studied reputation system for online...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P12


Furthermore, it can be ap- propriate to ask users for more involved types of inputs for persistent items, because it’s likely that other users will have a chance to benefit from the work that the com- munity puts into contributing content.. Now that you have a firm grasp of the objects in your system and you’ve elected a handful as...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P13


Try to de- termine the correct scope, or restrictive context, for the reputations in your system.. the score will be diluted to the point of meaninglessness. The video responses on YouTube certainly indicate users’ desire to be associated with popular videos. It knew that users liked to respond to the articles by leaving text comments—the inputs.. It proposed an obvious...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P14


Lockout of potentially abused features, such as content editing, until the user has demonstrated familiarity with the application and lack of hostility to it. such users don’t usually go to the trouble of getting a new IP address whenever they want to attack your site.. Don’t trust it alone for any legally or socially significant actions.. We should represent good...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P15


The simpler the score is—that is, the more it directly reflects the opinions or values of users—the more ways you can consider using and presenting it. For example, on the Yahoo! TV episode page, a user can give an overall star rating to a TV program and a thumb vote on an individual episode of the program. Examination of the...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P16


Use top-X leaderboards for content to highlight only the best of the best contribu- tions in your community.. Because available categories in a top-X system are bounded, they will have greater perceived value in the community.. The very high number of reviews written by each of these leaders creates value both for Amazon and the reviewers themselves. This eventually lead...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P17


It’s a system that favors your rights as a discriminating information consumer over everyone else’s desire to be heard.. You may be concerned that providing a quality threshold will unfairly punish new contributors or new contributions that haven’t had enough exposure to the community to surpass the level of the threshold for display. Consider pairing this strategy with Inferred Reputation...

Building Web Reputation Systems- P18


We’ve helped you identify all of the reputation features for an application: the goals, objects, scope, inputs, outputs, processes, and the sorts filters. You’re armed with a rough reputation model diagram and design patterns for displaying and using your reputation scores. In Chap- ter 9, we describe how to turn these plans into action: building and testing the model, integrating...