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Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 13


We should define a number of properties for the object, including:. The query we wish to paginate:. The query we will be paginating. The query that we actually execute to give us the paginated results (as we will need to dynamically add limits to the initial query):. The maximum number of results to display per page. An offset that indicates...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 14


addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/list/'>First page</a>". addTag( 'previous', "<a href='members/list/". "'>Previous page</a>". addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/list/". "'>Next page</a>". "'>Last page</a>". <div id="main">. <div id="rightside">. <div id="content">. <p><strong>{name}</strong></p>. <p>Keeper of <strong>{dino_name}</strong>. a <strong>{dino_gender} {dino_breed}</strong></p>. <p>Viewing page {page_number} of {num_pages}</p>. <p>{first} {previous} {next} {last}</p>. -1)LIKE'".$alpha.". 'footer.tpl.php');. addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/alpha/".$alpha."/'>First page</a>". addTag( 'previous', "<a href='members/alpha/".$alpha."/". "'>Previous. page</a>". addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/alpha/".$alpha."/". <p>. <a...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 15


Our relationships table needs to relate two users together, as well as record the type of relationship. Since some relationships require mutual consent, we need to indicate if the non-requesting user accepted the request to connect. Increment A unique ID for the relationship between the two users. Type ID The type of relationship (a reference to the. relationship_types table). Usera...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 16


AND r.usera={$usera} ";. $cache = $this->registry->getObject('db')->cacheQuery( $sql. The controller needs to check if the user is logged in, include our relationships model, get the pending requests, and display them to the user in the view.. 'models/relationships.php');. $relationships = new Relationships( $this->registry. $this->registry->getObject('template')->buildFromTemplates(. 'header.tpl.php', 'friends/pending.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php');. $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage() ->addTag('pending', array( 'SQL', $pending. $this->registry->errorPage( 'Please login', 'Please login to manage pending connections');. We...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 17


$sc = new Profilestatusescontroller( $this->registry, true, $user. If the user tried to access a sub-controller that doesn't exist, we would display an error.. @return void. $this->registry->errorPage( 'Sorry, an error has occured', 'The link you followed was invalid, please try again');. Although the user's profile is going to be broken down into different areas, which are accessed through different links showing...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 18


This enacts the profile controller, which in turn passes control to the profile information controller. Views/default/templates/members/list.tpl.php. Views/default/templates/members/search.tpl.php The link is shown below:. <p><strong><a href="profile/view/{ID}">{name}</a></strong></p>. <p>Keeper of <strong>{dino_name}</strong>. a <strong>{dino_gender}. {dino_breed}</strong></p>. The profile information controller ( controllers/profile/. profileinformationcontroller.php ) needs to communicate with the model, to get the data for the profile, and have the data assigned to template variables.. We...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 19


if( in_array( $ext, $this->uploadExtentions. $this- >uploadTypes. $this->name = $name_prefix . $name_prefix.$name;. $this->loadFromFile( $path. return $this->name;. When we have finished processing an image, the save method finds the appropriate image function for the format of the image, and then saves the file.. after resize * @param String $location location of image * @param String $type type of the image * @param...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 20


$this->registry->getSetting('view. $this->page->addTemplateBit( $tag, $bit, $replacements. As mentioned above, we need to take this parameter in the method in the page object. this method also needs to be changed to assign both the template bit and the replacements array with the template tag, and not just assign the template bit with the template tag, as it previously did. This can be...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 21


The concept is very similar to the statuses section of a user's profile we created in Chapter 5 except that instead of relating to one specific user, this should combine the activity of all users directly connected to the logged-in user.. Although at this stage it is primarily simple statuses, this will involve some logic to determine the context of...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 22


'-fromself.tpl.php', $datatags. $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit(. '-user.tpl.php', $datatags. '.tpl.php', $datatags. $this->registry->getObject('template')->buildFromTemplates(. 'header.tpl.php', 'stream/none.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php');. We can now look at adding comments, likes, and dislikes to the stream.. Comments, likes, and dislikes. The functionality behind adding comments, likes, and dislikes is very similar to the work we did in Chapter 5 in developing the statuses on a user's profile.. The concept to adding these...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 23


If the user isn't connected to the user, or isn't logged in, then we simply remove the template tag from the view so they don't see any update or post box on the page:. $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage. >addTag( 'status_update. Now, we need to process status updates and profile posts, and create the templates that make up the final aspect of our view.....

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 24


ID of the message. ID of the sender. Name of the sender. ID of the recipient. Name of the recipient. Subject of the message. When the message was sent (TIMESTAMP). User readable, friendly format of the time the message was sent. Has the message been read. The message content itself. The constructor takes the registry and ID of the message...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 25


Once a user has read a message, we should update the database to indicate that the message has been read, so that the user can see at a glance which of their messages are new and unread, and which ones have already been read. However, for privacy reasons, we shouldn't show this information to the sender of the message.. @param...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 26


Changes to the view. Since all of the media types we are going to support require at least one additional database field in a table that extends the statuses table, we are going to need to display any additional fields on the post status form. To support a varying number of additional fields depending on the type, we could use...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 27


The following getter method is used to return the name of the image we are working with:. Get the image name * @return String. public function getName(). return $this->name;. after resize * @param String $location location of image * @param String $type type of the image * @param int $quality image quality /100 * @return void. public function save( $location,...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 28


One of the two main remaining features (the other being groups) is events. How to re-use this calendar feature in other areas of the site. How to notify users of the birthday of their contacts. Because a calendar is something we will most likely want to reuse throughout our network, and because of the complexities that come with it, it...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 29


$this->dates = $cal_dates;. $this->dateStyles = $cal_dates_style;. $this->dateData = $cal_dates_data;. $this->registry->getObject('template')->dataToTags( $calendar- >getDates(),'cal_0_dates_'. $this->registry->getObject('template')->dataToTags( $calendar- >getDateStyles(),'cal_0_dates_style_'. $this->registry->getObject('template')->dataToTags( $calendar- >getDateData(),'cal_0_dates_data_'. <p><a href="calendar/?&amp;month={nm}&amp;year={ny}">Next</a>. <a href="calendar/?&amp;month={pm}&amp;year={py}">Previous</a></p>. <table id="ccc">. <th class="weekend">{cal_0_day_0}</th>. <th class gt;{cal_0_day_1}</th>. <th class gt;{cal_0_day_2}</th>. <th class gt;{cal_0_day_3}</th>. <th class gt;{cal_0_day_4}</th>. <th class gt;{cal_0_day_5}</th>. <th class="weekend">{cal_0_day_6}</th>. <td class="weekend {cal_0_dates_style_0}">. {cal_0_dates_0} {cal_0_dates_data_0}</td>. <td class="{cal_0_dates_style_1}">{cal_0_dates_1}. {cal_0_dates_data_1}</td>. <td class="{cal_0_dates_style_2}">{cal_0_dates_2}. {cal_0_dates_data_2}</td>. <td class="{cal_0_dates_style_3}">{cal_0_dates_3}. {cal_0_dates_data_3}</td>. <td class="{cal_0_dates_style_4}">{cal_0_dates_4}. {cal_0_dates_data_4}</td>....

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 30


$this->registry->getObject('template')->dataToTags(. To display event information alongside dates in the calendar, we simply need to pass an array of data to our calendar library, indicating which days have events, and we can also pass the data itself for inclusion in the calendar:. pass data to the calendar for inclusion. $calendar->setData( $data. tell the calendar which days should be highlighted. $calendar->setDaysWithEvents($days);. We...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 31


This would be where we may wish to add an e-mail notification to the user to inform them that they have been invited to the event:. Save the event * @return bool. public function save(). $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')-. $this->creator. $this->registry- >getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->isAdmin. $this->ID. we are either the user created the event, or we are the administrator, or the event is being created. $this->$field;....

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 32


<div id="main">. <div id="rightside">. <div id="content">. method="post">. <label for gt;Name</label><br />. name="name". /><br />. <label for gt;Type of event</label><br />. <select name="type">. <option value="public">Public event</option>. <option value="private">Private event</option>. </select><br />. <label for gt;Date</label><br />. name="date". <label for gt;Start time</label><br />. name="start_. <label for gt;End time</label><br />. name="end_. <label for gt;Description</label><br />. <textarea name="description". </ textarea><br />. <h2>Invite friends?</h2>. name="". value="Create...