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Publishing PHP eclipse - part 10


Open the shelter.css stylesheet in the styles directory. You can now do this either by double-clicking shelter.css in the Navigator view or using the Open Declaration feature in. In plug-in development, editors inherit a lot of the same features from the main SDK editor. You can control the WTP editor preferences in the Windows | Preferences. From here you can...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 11


About the Debugger. From there, you can see details on how your program is executing. There are two versions of DBG—a commercial version and an open-source version, which supports less features but is more than sufficient for basic debugging.. It watches the PHP engine. This setup allows different clients to use DBG since DBG sits between and independent from the...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 12


Click on the first Environment tab to continue (there are two Environment tabs, with the first tab for general settings and the second one for configuring environment variables):. In the Environment tab, the Remote Debug tab should appear first by default. In Remote Sourcepath , specify the absolute path to the directory where your debug subject is located.. The debugger...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 13


The debugger will exit the function and pick up exactly right after the line where it entered the function. In this case, the debugger goes to line nine.. All the variables have been set. Let's see how the other two navigation commands, Step Over and Step Return , work.. The Step Over button is used to step over a function...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 14


http://www.xdebug.org . XDebug.org has DLL files already precompiled for Windows. The installation of this file mimics the method of installation of the DLL file for DBG. Therefore, you should not need to compile XDebug for Windows.. We will reference the deferphpize module, then compile and make the source code:. Download the DBG module source files from http://www.xdebug.org . [Blossom:/usr/local/src] shuchow%...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 15


Using the Quantum DB Plug-In. For Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase, you may want to consider using the jTDS JDBC driver. jTDS is an open source project that provides a free JDBC driver for SQL Server and Sybase. You can learn more about jTDS at the official project page at http://jtds.sourceforge.net. Downloading and Installing the MySQL JDBC Driver. The MySQL...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 16


Using the Quantum DB Plug-In. If you have ever worked with a Microsoft Access database, you will know how easily the GUI tools there allow you to write queries without writing any SQL code. To use the Filter and Sort functions, you'll need to double-click on the tCat table directly from the Database Bookmarks view. You can also right-click on...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 17


Make a note of where the software was installed because we might need to access this in the next step. You will have to restart your machine after the installation.. The installer should have created a shortcut to the CVSNT Control Panel in your Start menu and Desktop. Double-click on this. If these shortcuts were not installed, go to the...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 18


On the final confirmation screen you can review the files you are about to commit. Clicking the Finish button will confirm the creation of the project in CVS.. You will then be presented with one final screen to add comments and verify your commit.. Click on the Finish button. In the Navigator view, your project name will indicate that it...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 19


Eclipse automatically does a comparison of the two projects. For any change that is accepted, we can simply click on the Update All Incoming Changes icon. Subversion is a versioning system that was created to modernize versioning needs and address some of the shortcomings of CVS. Some of the advantages Subversion has over CVS include:. Better integration: Subversion offers out-of-the-box...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 20


After this step, your site will be uploaded to the remote server, and you will be taken back to the development perspective.. You may have heard of Ant in the Java development world. With Ant, you create scripts called build files that are interpreted by the Ant parser. In the PHP world, though, we do not have any code to...

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 21


Plug-ins and Plug-in Sites. While the plug-in directory at Eclipse-Workbench.com may not be as comprehensive as the previous sites, it is a sizeable collection. Further, Eclipse-Workbench.com hosts a library of FAQs and articles related to Eclipse and the plug-in architecture.. Notable Language Plug-ins. For multi-lingual web developers, there is an Eclipse plug-in for almost every web development language. This is...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 12


server, or when the user closes their browser, whichever occurs first). for longer periods of time and are stored on the user's computer (whereas sessions. option would be to store a random salted hash of the time the user logged in, within. If we simply relied on the user ID being stored in the cookie, it would be. If the...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 13


We should define a number of properties for the object, including:. The query we wish to paginate:. The query we will be paginating. The query that we actually execute to give us the paginated results (as we will need to dynamically add limits to the initial query):. The maximum number of results to display per page. An offset that indicates...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 14


addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/list/'>First page</a>". addTag( 'previous', "<a href='members/list/". "'>Previous page</a>". addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/list/". "'>Next page</a>". "'>Last page</a>". <div id="main">. <div id="rightside">. <div id="content">. <p><strong>{name}</strong></p>. <p>Keeper of <strong>{dino_name}</strong>. a <strong>{dino_gender} {dino_breed}</strong></p>. <p>Viewing page {page_number} of {num_pages}</p>. <p>{first} {previous} {next} {last}</p>. -1)LIKE'".$alpha.". 'footer.tpl.php');. addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/alpha/".$alpha."/'>First page</a>". addTag( 'previous', "<a href='members/alpha/".$alpha."/". "'>Previous. page</a>". addTag( 'first', "<a href='members/alpha/".$alpha."/". <p>. <a...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 15


Our relationships table needs to relate two users together, as well as record the type of relationship. Since some relationships require mutual consent, we need to indicate if the non-requesting user accepted the request to connect. Increment A unique ID for the relationship between the two users. Type ID The type of relationship (a reference to the. relationship_types table). Usera...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 16


AND r.usera={$usera} ";. $cache = $this->registry->getObject('db')->cacheQuery( $sql. The controller needs to check if the user is logged in, include our relationships model, get the pending requests, and display them to the user in the view.. 'models/relationships.php');. $relationships = new Relationships( $this->registry. $this->registry->getObject('template')->buildFromTemplates(. 'header.tpl.php', 'friends/pending.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php');. $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage() ->addTag('pending', array( 'SQL', $pending. $this->registry->errorPage( 'Please login', 'Please login to manage pending connections');. We...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 17


$sc = new Profilestatusescontroller( $this->registry, true, $user. If the user tried to access a sub-controller that doesn't exist, we would display an error.. @return void. $this->registry->errorPage( 'Sorry, an error has occured', 'The link you followed was invalid, please try again');. Although the user's profile is going to be broken down into different areas, which are accessed through different links showing...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 18


This enacts the profile controller, which in turn passes control to the profile information controller. Views/default/templates/members/list.tpl.php. Views/default/templates/members/search.tpl.php The link is shown below:. <p><strong><a href="profile/view/{ID}">{name}</a></strong></p>. <p>Keeper of <strong>{dino_name}</strong>. a <strong>{dino_gender}. {dino_breed}</strong></p>. The profile information controller ( controllers/profile/. profileinformationcontroller.php ) needs to communicate with the model, to get the data for the profile, and have the data assigned to template variables.. We...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 19


if( in_array( $ext, $this->uploadExtentions. $this- >uploadTypes. $this->name = $name_prefix . $name_prefix.$name;. $this->loadFromFile( $path. return $this->name;. When we have finished processing an image, the save method finds the appropriate image function for the format of the image, and then saves the file.. after resize * @param String $location location of image * @param String $type type of the image * @param...