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SQL Server Tacklebox- P43


Figure 8.4 shows the output from rerunning DBCC PAGE , with this trace flag turned on.. Figure 8.4: DBCC PAGE with trace flag 3604 turned on.. Figure 8.5 shows the sample data that was inserted.. Figure 8.5: Sample data in the ONE table.. From Figure 8.4, I already know that, for our empty database, pages were unallocated. Figure 8.6 shows...

SQL Server Tacklebox- P44


We know that our ONE table, in the NEO database, is a heap, so any corruption we induce is going to be directly on the data pages, rather than on any non- clustered index.. The latter case is actually more favorable as the data in the index is a "duplicate". We'll cover this latter case after we've looked at inducing,...

SQL Server Tacklebox- P45


Corruption on non-clustered indexes. I noted earlier that corruption of a non-clustered index is much easier to deal with than corruption of an actual data page, as these indexes are just "redundancies". of the actual data and can be easily rebuilt. I'll use the same Hexadecimal editor technique to corrupt the non- clustered index, and not the data, and see...

SQL Server Tacklebox- P46


With this code, and an easy way to read the error logs where the DBCC CHECKDB results will be written (which I covered in Chapter 7), you will be comforted by the knowledge that you will not let corruption seep into your data infrastructure and go unnoticed. And that you can act thoughtfully to resolve the issue, once discovered.. The...

SQL Server Tacklebox- P47


from Red Gate Software. SQL Backup. Compress, encrypt and monitor SQL Server backups. SQL Response. Compress database backups by up to 95% for faster backups and restores. Protect your data with up to 256-bit AES encryption (SQL Backup Pro only). Monitor your data with an interactive timeline, so you can check and edit the status of past, present and future...

SQL Server Tacklebox- P48


The twelve essential SQL Server tools for database professionals. You can buy our acclaimed SQL Server tools individually or bundled.. Our most popular deal is the SQL Toolbelt: all twelve SQL Server tools in a single installer, with a combined value of $5,240 but an actual price of $1,795, a saving of more than 65%.. Fully compatible with SQL Server...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P1


One of the reasons for the success of these books has been our unique [email protected] program. A comprehensive FAQ page that consolidates all of the key points of this book into an easy to search web page, pro- viding you with the concise, easy to access data you need to perform your job.. Syngress Publishing, Inc., the author(s), and any...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P2


Chapter 1 Overview of Windows Server 2003. Windows XP/Server 2003. What’s New in Windows Server 2003. New Active Directory Features. The Windows Server 2003 Family. Windows Server 2003 Planning Tools and Documentation. Developing a Windows Server 2003 Test Network Environment. Command-Line Utilities. Using the Graphical Interface. Using New Command-Line Tools. Using New Command-Line Utilities. Sc.exe. Schtasks.exe. Setx.exe. Shutdown.exe. Tasklist.exe. Taskkill.exe....

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P3


Installing Domain Controllers. Create a new domain controller in an existing domain using the conventional across-the-network method. Create a new domain controller in an existing domain using the new system state backup method. Domain Rename Limitations in a Windows Server 2003 Forest. Rename a Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller. Implementing DNS in the Active Directory Network Environment. DNS and Active...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P4


What’s New in IIS 6.0. .903 301_BD_W2k3_TOC.qxd AM Page xxx. ISAPI Filters Are Not Automatically Visible as Properties of the Web Site. Chapter 27 Managing and Troubleshooting Terminal Services. Understanding Windows Terminal Services. Terminal Services Components. Using Terminal Services Components for Remote Administration. .939 301_BD_W2k3_TOC.qxd AM Page xxxi. Using Terminal Services Client Tools. Using Terminal Services Administrative Tools. Use Terminal...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P5


Windows Server 2003 has command-line utili- ties for managing printer configuration, including print queues, print jobs, and driver management.. Installing printers is easy in Windows 2003 because of plug-and-play (PnP) functionality.This allows you to physically connect the printer to the machine and have Windows set it up for you automatically (as long as the printer itself supports PnP). IIS 6.0...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P6


Upgrading preserves many of your existing settings, such as users and groups, permissions and rights, and applications.. Performing a clean installation can improve the performance of your hard drive, as it will be reformatted during installation.This also gives you a chance to change the partition and volume sizes used on your drives. Some administrators (the authors of this book included)...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P7


Windows Server 2003, built upon the same technology as Windows 2000, has been upgraded and improved to address a variety of needs in today’s networked environment. We’ve reviewed the new features in Windows Server 2003 and taken a quick look at some of the tools available to make installing, maintaining and repairing Windows Server 2003 a bit easier. We’ve also...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P8


Which Tool To Use?. How do you decide which one to use in a given situation? It really depends on what you are trying to do and in cases where you can accomplish the same thing with different tools, you might have your favorite tools for administering a server.. Remote Assistance is really a tool for end users and you...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P9


Windows Server 2003 enables users to print to printers over the Internet or an intranet. For servers run- ning Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003, the URL http://server/printers shows the printers available on the server. Figure 2.10 shows an example of viewing a queue using a Web page. Internet Printing requires Internet Information Services (IIS) to be running on...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P10


In addition to the two forest-wide master roles, there are three domain-wide master roles: rela- tive ID (RID) master, primary domain controller (PDC) emulator, and infrastructure master.These roles are described in the following sections.. The relative ID master is responsible for allocating sequences of numbers (called relative IDs, or RIDs) that are used in creating new security principles in the...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P11


For example, a user running an older version of Windows might need to use Office XP, but she doesn’t have the minimal requirements install it.Through Terminal Services, she can connect to and be pre- sented with a Windows Server 2003 desktop. If Office XP is installed on the terminal server, the user can open and use the application. Because all...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P12


EFS is used to encrypt data on NTFS volumes. EFS file encryption is completely transparent to the user.. Although EFS is an important part of securing a file server, this does not mean that every file on the network is a candidate for being encrypted with EFS. As mentioned, only files on NTFS vol- umes can be encrypted with EFS....

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P13


A system configured with the Default security template or not configured with any security modifications will send LAN Manager and NTLM responses. Security settings deter- mine which authentication protocol is used for network logons.The security settings determine the authentication protocol used by clients, the level of security negotiated, and the level of authentica- tion accepted by servers. Figure 4.2 shows...

The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P14


connect internally to your server.This system reduces WAN bandwidth requirements while also increasing security by minimizing the number of clients connecting outside of your network. SUS is the server component responsible for downloading the updates from Microsoft’s servers. Also, the SUS component provides centralized control of updates.The second component to the system is the Automatic Updates client software.. In this...