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Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 61


Place the keynote as shown in Figure 11.98.. It is also important to note that, as your firm develops more materials, you need to be diligent in adding keynotes to the new materials as they are created.. Although you should try to stick to the CSI formatting, there will always be reasons to add your own. also, before you do...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 62


Many of the procedures we cover here in the first section of this chapter lend themselves well to the topic of standards and templates. The next group of procedures focuses on inserting and creating detail components to use in the sections.. drafting on top of the detail. Make sure you are still in the detail called Roof Taper Section.. On...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 63


Well, the soldier course is in place, but that fat line weight is horrendous! It would be nice if everything that came out of the Revit box looked nice and met our specifications, but alas, that is not the case. If even this is a concern, we will address proven BIM management methods in the last chapter (Chapter 23) of...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 64


3 2 The new soldier brick in the model. The objective of the next procedure is to discover how a repeating detail works and how we can create a new one.. Make sure you are in the detail called Roof Taper Section.. Select one of the repeating details, as shown in Figure 12.33.. In the Properties dialog, click the Edit...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 65


On the Insert tab, click the Load Family button.. Browse to the Detail Components directory.. Double-click the file called Plywood-Section.rfa. Click the Detail Component button on the Annotate tab. then, in the Properties dialog, make sure Plywood Section : 3/4 ″ is current in the Type Selector.. Click point 1 and point 2, as shown in Figure 12.44.. After you...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 66


Again, on the Modify | Place Text tab, click the Two Segments leader (the uppercase A in the lower-left corner of the Format panel) (see Figure 12.57).. Also on the Format panel, click the Leader At Top Right button (this is a new feature in Revit Architecture 2011).. In the section, pick the first point of the leader (labeled “1”...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 67


7 1 The detail with the hatching included. Groups can be extremely advantageous to the drafting process. Although I men- tioned at the start of this section that details and drafting views are not linked to the model, we can still provide some global control within the details them- selves by creating a group. The objective of the following procedure...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 68


8 2 The Set Work Plane button on the Work Plane panel of the Home tab. Pick the roof, as shown in Figure 12.84.. On the Model panel of the Home tab, click the Model Line button.. In the Properties dialog under Line Style, click the Medium Lines line type, as shown in Figure 12.85.. 8 5 Click the Medium...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 69


Type Vp in the view window.. In the Properties dialog, scroll down until you get to the Extents area.. Make sure the Annotation Crop option is checked, as shown here:. 8 Stretching the annotation crop region to the left. Now that you understand how to add crop regions and display them appropri- ately, it is time to add the match...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 70


The first part of the chapter will focus on the creation of a sheet, and how to populate it with views. The objective of the following procedure is to create a new sheet. In the Project Browser, scroll down until you see a category called Sheets, as shown in Figure 14.1.. Right-click on Sheets and select New Sheet (see Figure...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 71


1 2 Stretching the crop region so you can see the entire view. In the View Control toolbar, select Hide Crop Region.. By selecting Hide Crop Region, as shown in this image, you are simply cleaning up the view. As we will explore in this chapter, you can keep the crop region on and tell Revit not to print it.....

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 72


You can fill out the rest of the information as follows (see Figure 14.22):. this is because you added it to the appropriate field in the title block. remember, when you are dealing with revit, and databases in gen- eral, it is a two-way flow of information.. All of the information should be filled out.. 2 2 Filling out the...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 73


By creating rooms and areas, we are starting to merge the model with the database. In Chapter 11, “Schedules and Tags,” we did the same thing, but by adding rooms and areas we are physically building our construction documents, while at the same time adding crucial information to the model’s database.. The first topic we will tackle is the task...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 74


Add VCT to Floor Finish (see Figure 15.10).. 9 Hover the cursor over the room until the X appears.. 1 0 Adding values to the identity data. In the Properties dialog, click into the Base Finish field. Click the arrow and select WD-1, as shown in Figure 15.11.. Change the rest of the fields using the previous entries.. 1 1...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 75


Click the Edit Scheme button on the Modify | Color Fill Legends tab, as shown in Figure 15.23.. Notice, in the Edit Color Scheme dialog that opens, you can alter the color and the fill pattern for each room. Or you can simply draw a “line in the sand” between two rooms that are not separated by an actual wall....

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 76


Usually these chapters start with a claim that “the following procedure is so easy a caveman could do it” (or something of that nature). In this section, we will cre- ate an interior wall with a wood finish on the bottom along with different wood material on the top. We will also extrude a chair rail along the wall.. To...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 77


C h a p t e r 16 • A d v a n c e d W a l l To p i c s 7 3 4. The wall has been added to the model. Since we are placing it underneath a staircase, there will be issues with the actual profile of the wall. This brings us to...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 78


2 4 Adding the new stacked wall to the model. creating curtain Walls. As this section will explain in detail, a curtain wall is composed not only of glass and aluminum extrusions. A curtain wall can be constructed from building mate- rials such as brick, CMU, and wood. The first part of this section will focus on adding a predefined...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 79


C h a p t e r 16 • A d v a n c e d W a l l To p i c s 7 5 4. To do so, go to the Level 1 West plan and select the curtain wall. After you select the wall, you can click the little double arrow in the middle of...

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 80


C h a p t e r 17 • C r e a t i n g Fa m i l i e s 7 6 8. Reference Planes Yes, reference planes drive the family. Look at these as the skeleton of the family.. 3d Massing 3D massing is locked to the skeleton. The objective of the next procedure is...