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Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 132


Natural gas production (2007 est. 25.4 billion m 3 Natural gas consumption (2007 est. 35.3 billion m 3 Natural gas exports (2007 est. Natural gas imports (2007 est. Natural gas proved reserves ( Jan. Synthetic rubber has competed against natural rubber for markets, impact- ing Thailand’s rubber industry, which has suffered declining prices and lost income. Tin deposits stretch from...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 133


The second problem was solved by using the turbines as pumps, making it possible to use surplus electricity to fill the reservoir behind the dam to a greater depth than the highest level of the tides. The operating policy of this plant was to optimize the value of the power produced rather than maximizing the amount. In the decades after...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 134


has shown that the lead from the older types of cap- sules contaminated some of the wines and that corks posed a potential health hazard. The lead-based cap- sules were banned in Europe in 1993 and in the United States in 1996. “The Mineralogy of Economic De- posits.” In Introduction to Mineral Exploration, edited by Charles J. “Germanium, Tin, and...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 135


participation could open attractive markets for some of Turkey’s less developed resources.. It also shares a portion of the Balkan Peninsula, with borders with Greece and Bulgaria in southeastern Europe. The eastern third of the country is mountainous. Turkey’s population remains unevenly distributed, with higher concentrations in the western portion and sparse population density in the mountainous regions to the...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 136


Raises are driven only in special situations, because they require specialized machinery that can be operated in the confines of an underground mine.. The continuous miner replaces the coal cutter, coal drill, explosives, and loading machine in the con- ventional mining configuration, needing only a roof. In room and pillar mining, pillars can be extracted later in the life of...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 137


Sciences of the United States of America 104, no. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A . United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. United Nations Con- vention on the Law of the Sea. United Nations Con- vention to Combat Desertification. United Nations Environment Programme. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The conservation of...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 138


Principles of the U.N. Article 1 lists nine definitions of major terms used in the convention. The heart of the convention is Article 4. Annex I parties comprise forty-one developed countries, including the most industrialized nations in the world, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, and the European Economic Community. Annex II parties are a subset...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 139


The scientific and resource management accomplish- ments of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are global in their applications. The policy of westward expansion of the early United States created the need for more precise maps and an accurate assessment of the mineral wealth and natural resources of these lands. In 1803, Thomas Jefferson authorized the purchase of the Louisiana...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 140


In the same year, the country ac- counted for 2.9 percent of the world’s bauxite and 1.4 percent of aluminum output. Venezuela consistently ranks in the top twenty-five exporters of aluminum.. Most of these com- modities come from mining activities in the Andes Mountains or Guiana Highlands.. The Resources of the Third World. Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics, and the Challenge...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 141


It includes a number of practices such as the use of ozone, which is a strong oxidizing agent, to remove most of the remaining BOD, odor, and taste, and the addition of alum as a phosphate precipitator. This method has several distinct advantages over the traditional direct discharge of the effluent into surface watercourses.. First, biologic digestion in the soil...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 142


American definitions of water rights contain elements of English common law and French civil law.. To govern rights regarding surface waters, two funda- mental systems of water law have emerged over time:. The key issues concerning the definition of water rights are how they are acquired, how they are maintained over time (or conversely, lost), and to what precisely the...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 143


Weathering processes produce or affect most of the world’s natural resources. They consist of various mineral salts such as rock salt, borax, gypsum, and the carbonates calcite and dolomite. Primary biochemical precipitates form when organisms remove dissolved minerals from water and produce hard parts such as shells. New York: W. “Weather- ing.” In Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology. New York:. trade...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 144


Production of wheat begins with the selection of the seed. For winter wheat, the seed is planted in the fall, generally at the time of the average first frost. Spring wheat is generally planted as early as is practical in the spring, which is usually early March in the areas where spring wheat is normally grown. In the United States,...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 145


Energy from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) was in abundance and had essentially displaced wind power. However, Europe was developing more wind-power technologies. During the 1990’s, wind power was one of the fastest- growing sources of energy.. Wind Energy Technology. When the Sun warms areas of the Earth at different rates and the various surfaces absorb or reflect...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 146


Woody material is produced in many plants, but its most useful manifestation is in the limbs and trunks of trees. Thus wood is generally available in most inhabited regions of the world. These terms can be misleading, since they are not connected to the actual hardness of the wood.. In fact, balsa is classified as a hardwood even though it...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 147


Zimbabwe has the second largest reserve of gold on the African continent and the second largest reserve of platinum in the world. The country also boasts the largest elephant herd in the world as well as a sizable impala herd. The Country. Zimbabwe is in the southeastern corner of Africa, bor- dered to the north by Zambia, to the east...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 148


Cement, portland TX, CA, PA, FL, MI All other states, except AK, CT, DE, HI, LA, MA, MN, NC, ND, NH, NJ, RI, VT, WI. Clays, common TX, NC, AL, OH, GA All other states, except AK, DE, HI, ID, NH, NV, RI, VT, WI. Gemstones, natural 2 TN, OR, AZ, CA, AR All other states. Lime MO, AL, KY,...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 149


Resource Description and Leading Producers Abrasives. World production capac- ity in 2008 was led by China, Norway, Germany, the United States, Canada, Aus- tria, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, India, France, Venezuela, Japan, and Argentina.. Aluminum Aluminum is used in transportation packaging, building, electrical components, machinery, and consumer durables. World production capacity in 2008 was led by China, Russia, Canada, the United...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 150


More than half of magnesium compounds are used in refractories, with the re- maining used in agricultural, chemical, construction, environmental, and indus- trial applications. Magnesium metal Magnesium metal is a constituent of aluminum-based alloys used in packaging, transportation, castings, wrought products, and desulfurization of iron and steel.. Manganese Most manganese ore is used in iron manufacture and making ferroalloys for...

Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 151


Fiji Timber, fish, gold, copper, offshore oil potential, hydropower Finland Timber, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, chromite, nickel, gold, silver,. France Coal, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, uranium, antimony, arsenic, potash, feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum, timber, fish. Gabon Petroleum, natural gas, diamond, niobium, manganese, uranium, gold, timber, iron ore, hydropower. Gaza Strip Arable land, natural gas. Georgia Forests, hydropower, manganese deposits, iron...