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Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P60


In Internet Explorer 7, you find it in the. Favorites Center section of the browser. You can also jump directly to the Favorites Center by typing the key combination of Ctrl + H.. At the Favorites Center, click the down arrow in the History section and then select a page from the list. You can look by. Setting or changing...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P61


Finding Your Way on the Web. Turn On Pop-up Blocker. Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.. Configuring the IE7 Pop-up Blocker. Windows Internet Explorer includes several options for how its built-in pop- up blocker works. Click the Tools menu.. Hover your pointer over the Pop-up Blocker menu item.. Select Pop-up Blocker Settings.. You can turn the pop-up blocker on or off with...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P62


Taking Internet Explorer 7 Shortcuts. Complete .org Address 2 N/A Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Copy Ctrl + C Ctrl + C. Cut Ctrl + X Ctrl + X. DOM Inspector N/A Ctrl + Shift + I. Find Previous N/A Ctrl + Shift + G. Find in This Page Ctrl + F Ctrl + F. History Ctrl + H Ctrl...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P63


this is the name that recipients of your mail see on their own e-mail client.. It isn’t the same as your e-mail address, but if someone hits the Reply button, their software program will recognize and use your address from the details included in the message. Open the e-mail client.. Highlight the account you want out of the program.. When...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P64


Tread carefully here — leave it blank if you can or use an address other than the one you use for business.. Feeling Safe with Windows Mail and Windows Live Security. Setting the junk e-mail filter. Whichever starting point you choose, you should be very dedicated to examining the contents of your Inbox and your Junk E-mail folder for the...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P65


To create a photo e-mail with Windows Live Mail, do one of the following:. Click where in the message body you want to insert photos.. In the message window, click Add Photos.. Select the photo file you want to insert.. To select multiple photos, hold down the Ctrl key as you click each of the photos.. Windows Mail and Windows...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P66


you can also obtain an account and a copy of the program to use from a Windows desktop.. Making phone calls without the phone company Getting a good VoIP when you need one. W hen the Internet began to take hold in the 1990s, it didn’t take long for engineers to realize two important things about the plain old tele-...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P67


However, when you call your VoIP support desk and ask them to run tests on your line, you’ll be well-armed to rebut their claims that “everything looks good.” I’ve found that just mentioning that I know of the existence of www.testmyvoip.com is enough to get my complaint Figure 6-1:. 44 140925-bk08ch06.qxp PM Page 634. You can connect your laptop to...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P68


The problem is that a dedicated hacker could probably find any of these details with a bit of searching on the Internet. An auto- mated assault could try every possible pet name — trust me, there aren’t all that many — to get into your system.. (Note that not all operating systems or web sites distinguish between upper- and lowercase,...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P69


The LE version creates multi- ple 25MB encrypted containers on your hard disk that you can load and unload as needed. however, a number of hacker tools allow someone to determine this password and once someone has bypassed it, she can read everything on the drive.. Seagate’s Full Disk Encryption (FDE) system (introduced to consumers with its Momentus line of...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P70


You can also allow a program through the firewall by opening one or more ports.. Here are some of the ways firewalls check data packets:. This allows a router or hardware firewall to show just a single IP address, preventing the outside world from knowing about any and all computers connected on the protected side of the network. don’t buy...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P71


If you must visit web sites left of the mainstream (pirated software ven- dors, pornography, or illegal offerings), don’t download anything. Two of the best suppliers of this sort of comprehensive package are Symantec Corporation and McAfee Inc.. Peter Norton was one of the pioneers of the PC industry, launching his fame (and fortune) in the 1980s with the introduction...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P72


Giving Your Laptop a Physical...686. Devising a Solution with Device Manager ...689. Driver: Follow That Laptop...693. Putting your laptop on the doctor’s couch Mastering Device Manager. Running a diagnostics program on the hardware. The screen was bright and shiny, the hard disk purred like a happy kitten, and the WiFi was wide and fine. But now your laptop is doing...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P73


See Figure 1-3.. If updates are available, click the driver you want to put in place.. You can instruct the system to install new updates every day at a particular time, or select a specific day of the week. If you chose to update automatically, go to Step 4.. Double-click the device name you want to update.. Click the Driver...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P74


System Restore will fix many problems caused by unwanted or. Working System Restore. System Restore requires the most current file system, NFTS. It won’t protect FAT32 and other FAT disks because these older schemes don’t allow shadow copies — the mechanism System Restore uses to hold information about changes to documents and system files.. System Restore won’t run on hard...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P75


battery power and, 411 requirements for gaming,. 189–190. headers in Notepad, 189–190. See also disk. See also Address. creating in Notepad, 189–190. LCD (liquid crystal diode) battery power and, 411,. battery power and, 411, 427

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P76


PowerPoint keyboard commands, 341 Windows Media Player. keyboard commands, 189. 596–598. sending messages, 596–598. keyboard commands, 291. paragraph indents, 277–278. See also. character format keyboard commands, 338. keyboard commands, 336. creating keyboard commands, 335–336 deleting text/objects. Outline pane keyboard commands, 338 overview, 313–315 Presenter view, 332 rearranging slides, 319. distributing, 330–331 keyboard commands,. keyboard commands, 292–293. reviewing documents with keyboard...

Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies- P77


Home Buying For Dummies . Managing For Dummies . Marketing For Dummies . Six Sigma For Dummies . Small Business Kit For Dummies . Starting an eBay Business For Dummies . Your Dream Career For Dummies . Candy Making For Dummies . Card Games For Dummies . Crocheting For Dummies X. Dog Training For Dummies . Healthy Carb Cookbook For...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P1


University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Jon M. University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Friedemann Mattern. University of Bern, Switzerland C. University of Dortmund, Germany Madhu Sudan. University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Doug Tygar. University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Gerhard Weikum. City University of Hong Kong, Dep. University of Southern California, Dep