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The Mac OS X Folder Structure


The Mac OS X Folder Structure. The icon for your hard drive (usually called Macintosh HD) may appear in the upper- right corner of your screen. But if you begin each morning by double-clicking it, like millions of other people who've grown used to older versions of the Mac OS, you're in for a shock: Your stuff isn't there.. All...

The Mac Reads to You


The Mac Reads to You. So far in this chapter, you've read about the Mac's listening ability. it's even easier to make the Mac talk.. Truth is, the Mac can read almost anything you like: text that you pass your cursor over, alert messages, menus, and any text document in any program. The Mac's voice comes out of its speakers....

The Save and Open Dialog Boxes


The Save and Open Dialog Boxes. When you choose File Save, you're asked where you want the new document stored on your hard drive. The resulting dialog box is crystal-clear—more than ever, it's a miniature Finder. All of the skills you've picked up working at the desktop come into play here.. To give it a try, launch any Mac OS...

The Spotlight Menu phần 1


The Spotlight Menu. See the little magnifying-glass icon in your menu bar? That's the mouse-driven way to open the Spotlight search box.. If you can memorize only one keystroke on your Mac, that's the one to learn. Tip: You can designate one of your F-keys (top row of the keyboard) to open Spotlight, if you prefer. Choose System Preferences, click...

The Spotlight Menu phần 2


You can combine these codes with the text you're seeking, too. You can use a similar code to restrict the search by chronology. Here's the complete list of date keywords you can use: this week, this month, this year;. You can also type created:=6/1/08 to find all the files you created on June 1, 2008. As you can see, three...

The Spotlight Window phần 1


The Spotlight Window. As you may have noticed, the Spotlight menu doesn't list every match on your hard drive.. But at the top of the menu, you usually see that there are many other possible matches. There is, however, a second, more powerful way into the Spotlight labyrinth. And that's to use the Spotlight window, shown in Figure 3-2.. Spotlight...

The Spotlight Window phần 2


These commands in the second pop-up menu offer quick, canned time-limiting options.. If you choose Before, After, or Exactly, your criterion row sprouts a month/day/year control that lets you round up items that you last opened or changed before, after, or on a specific day, like 5/27/08. If you choose "within last,". you'll see that you can limit the search...

The System Preferences Window


The System Preferences Window. You can open System Preferences in dozens of ways. Tip: If you know the name of the System Preferences panel you want, it's often quicker to use Spotlight. You can view your System Preferences icons alphabetically (top), rather than in rows of arbitrary categories (bottom). Either way, when you click one of the icons, the corresponding...

The Trash


The Trash. No single element of the Macintosh interface is as recognizable or famous as the Trash can, which now appears at the end of the Dock.. You can discard almost any icon by dragging it onto the Trash icon (actually a. When the tip of your arrow cursor touches the Trash icon, the little wastebasket turns black. Tip: Learn...

Time Machine


Time Machine. If you don't have much to back up—you don't have much in the way of photos, music, or movies—you can get by with burning copies of stuff onto blank CDs or DVDs (Chapter 11) or using the .Mac Backup program described at the end of this chapter. You just want to know that you're safe.. Yes, Time Machine...

Two Kinds of Programs: Cocoa and Carbon


Mac OS X was supposed to make life simpler. It was supposed to eliminate the confusion and complexity that the old Mac OS had accumulated over the years—and replace it with a smooth, simple, solid system.. Someday, that's exactly what Mac OS X will be. advantage of Mac OS X's considerable technical benefits, software companies must write new programs for...

Universal Access


If you have trouble seeing the screen, then boy, does Mac OS X have features for you (Figure 9-17).. You'll be amazed at just how much you can zoom in to the Mac's screen using this Universal Access pane. If you have a 17-inch or larger monitor set to, say, 640 x 480, the result is a greatly magnified picture.....

Universal Apps (Intel Macs)


By the end of 2006, Apple had switched its entire Macintosh product line over to Intel's Core Duo processors (the successor to the Pentium).. Yes, that Intel. The company that Mac partisans had derided for years as part of the Dark Side. Why the change? Apple's computers can only be as fast as the chips inside them, and the chips...

Using the Dock


Using the Dock. Most of the time, you'll use the Dock as either a launcher (you click an icon once to open the corresponding program, file, folder, or disk) or as a status indicator (the tiny, shiny reflective spot, identified in Figure 4-1, indicate which programs are running).. But the Dock has more tricks than that up its sleeve. You...

Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox phần 1


10.30. Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox. The truth is, you're likely to use only about six of these utilities. Tip: Even so, Apple obviously noticed that as the sophistication of Mac OS X fans grows, more people open the Utilities folder more often. 10.30.1. Activity Monitor is designed to let the technologically savvy Mac fan see how much of...

Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox phần 2


your file won't decompress correctly, or it'll display the wrong icon, for example.In fact, you can make Disk Utility always skip that verification business, which is a relic from the days of floppy disks. You can create disk images, too. By turning it into a disk-image file on your hard drive, you'll always have a safety copy, ready to burn...



Fortunately, most of them involve the same two modifier keys pressed together: Control-Option.. As you press Control-Option and the arrow keys, a thick black border—the VoiceOver cursor—identifies whatever VoiceOver is currently pronouncing. You take this tour of the screen by pressing Control-Option with the four arrow keys (Figure 15-15).. Tip: Couldn't quite understand what VoiceOver said? Press Control-Option-Z to hear...

Web Clips: Make Your Own Widgets


Web Clips: Make Your Own Widgets. You don't have to be satisfied with Apple's 20 widgets or the several thousand that other people have written. Leopard introduces Web clips, a new way to make a Dashboard widget of your own—in about three clicks.. Web clips exploit an inescapable characteristic of widgets: An awful lot of them exist to deliver real-time...

Windows and How to Work Them phần 1


The Sidebar. The Sidebar is the pane at the left side of every Finder window, unless you've hidden it (and, by the way, also at the left side of every Open dialog box and full-sized Save dialog box).. The Sidebar has been overhauled in Leopard. The removable ones (CDs, DVDs, iPods, and so on) bear a little gray logo, which...

Windows and How to Work Them phần 2


Second, the title bar acts as a handle that lets you move the window around on the screen.. Of course, you can also move Mac OS X windows by dragging any "shiny gray". Tip: Here's a nifty keyboard shortcut: You can cycle through the different open windows in one program without using the mouse. It works both in the Finder...