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AutoCAD 2010 Manual de personalización- P21


Inserta una forma desde un archivo de forma que se ha cargado mediante el comando CARGA.. Descripciones de tipos de letra grandes. Algunos idiomas, como el japonés, utilizan tipos de letra con miles de caracteres que no pertenecen al código ASCII. A fin de que los dibujos puedan incluir este tipo de texto, AutoCAD admite un formato especial de archivo...

AutoCAD 2010 Manual de personalización- P22


Compila archivos de forma y archivos de tipos de letra PostScript en archivos SHX.. acerca de 501. archivos de personalización 441 migrar archivos de. patrones de tipos de línea 77 and (función DIESEL) 468 angtos (función DIESEL) 469 API (interfaces de programación de. archivos de asignación de tipos de letra alternativos 15. archivos de configuración (dispositivos señaladores). archivos de configuración...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P1


Nikonians H http://www.nikonians.com is another of the. I’ve tried to retain as many of the. navigational features as Acrobat allows (for example, the Bookmarks section at the left is derived from the Table of Contents and is fully active—click on an entry and you’ll be taken to it). On to more a more positive subject: if you’d like a hard...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P2


Digital point-and-shoot cameras often use this same technique, though most also show exactly what the digital imaging sensor is seeing by displaying it on an LCD as a “live preview” of the eventual image. The mirror and prism make it so that virtually all of the light collected by the lens makes it to your eye. The primary culprit is...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P3


Another carryover from the D2 series: the D200 body can matrix meter with older, non-CPU manual focus Nikkor lenses (the D1 series could only use center-weighted and spot metering with AI and AI-S lenses, while the D50 and D70 don’t meter at all with these older lenses). The D200 retains the “button and command dial” interface for most major controls...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P4


These converters have a relatively simple job, which is to evaluate the number of electrons they see at each photosite and convert that into 12-bit digital values that are then passed on to the rest of the camera’s circuitry.. The EN-EL3e has a third connection terminal that the camera uses to monitor the battery condition.. It’s this third connection that...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P5


Tip: If you’ve been shooting using NEF or the NEF+JPEG qualities, both of which chew up considerable space per image, you can often squeeze a few more JPEG-only images onto the card because the JPEG compression makes the resulting image files much smaller.. õ To remove a CompactFlash card from the D200:. Turn the D200’s power switch to the OFF...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P6


they can be considerably higher in NEF if you’re using noise reduction in the camera).. With JPEG images, you’re working from the camera’s interpolation of the color and white balance. While you can often rebalance images using a program like Photoshop, you’re one step removed from the original information—in digital media, each interpolation of original data can result in lost...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P7


õ To get to the SET UP MENU, press the Þ button, then use the % and ". keys on the Direction pad to navigate to the SET UP Tab (the wrench icon near the bottom left of the display—. you may have to use the <. key to get over to the Tab area first. Press the >. key...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P8


73 What’s a focal plane? It’s the point at which the image is focused (i.e. the surface plane of the sensor for a D200 or the surface plane of the film for a 35mm film camera). On the top of the camera is the familiar (to 35mm film users) informational panel (called the Top Control Panel by Nikon), though it...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P9


However, note that due to the way digital images are captured, noise is more prevalent in the “dark” areas of your image than it is in the bright areas F 78 . shadow areas in an image, you’ll also be boosting noise, perhaps into visible range.. Note: Photoshop histograms are calculated a bit differently than those the camera shows. If,...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P10


õ To set compensation hold the £ button on the top right side of the camera and rotate the Rear Command dial until the value you want is shown in the top LCD. When you set this alternate method, called “Easy Exposure Compensation” by Nikon, one of the command dials on the camera is used to adjust compensation values, even...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P11


The camera does. key on the Direction pad to select it.. key on the Direction pad to. The white marker on the lens (right facing arrow in the photo) needs to be aligned with the white dot on the camera body (left facing arrow in illustration).. õ One of the first things you need to do is mount a lens...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P12


Under extreme magnification, the camera’s rendition is cruder and more readily detected than Photoshop’s, though (probably due to the radius chosen).. Auto—the camera decides what level of sharpening to use. and “vary shot to shot,” which isn’t very helpful in understanding what the camera might be doing.. Note: If you’re shooting JPEG images, the above parameters are used to apply...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P13


Depth of field in the 35mm film world is often calculated as follows:. Instead, I’ll present my conclusion: depth of field appears to me to be a bit less than a one stop difference for a D200 than 35mm film, at least for the sized prints that you’re likely to produce (11 x 14” or smaller).. So, if you’re using...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P14


To show and move the Highlight indicator between channels on this page, hold the ± button and press the <. key on the Direction pad.. To move between channels on this page, hold the ± button and press the <. of the image:. Note: The page and image browsing keys on the D200 can be 90 degrees different than those...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P15


I think that it’s much more likely that you’d want to change the default on this option than it is on Custom Setting #A1. By setting Release, you’re relying upon the focus system to get a good read on where focus should be initially and move the lens as the mirror and shutter get out of the way. To that...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P16


Custom Setting #D4 Continuous Low Shooting Speed (CL-Mode Shooting Speed). In either of the continuous frame advance settings the camera can rattle off a burst of more images than you might expect from a single shutter press. This gives you a continuous shooting option that doesn’t chew through card space and for which it’s easy to keep count of how...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P17


In order to have any variability in flash output something has to measure the amounts of light produced and make the decision of when to shut the flash off. Either the D200 or the flash itself can both measure and control the amount of light.. Yes, this means that the D200 has something inside it that measures the light produced...

Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P18


Focus on your subject by pressing lightly on the shutter release. Note the distance on the scale on the lens.. On the other hand, you will almost surely note that there is more lag in the shutter release. to substitute an SU-800 or SB-800 on the D200 as the Commander instead of the internal flash. key to enter the Flash...