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CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 60


A lthough CorelDRAW is a 2D vector drawing application, the extrude feature adds objects to create an illusion of a third dimension, one of depth. Depending on the intricacy of the parent object—and how you pose the object and light it—extruded objects can open up a whole new world of design opportunities and extend your style of illustration to present...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 61


goal of copying its vanishing point position. After the vanishing point has been copied, the property bar indicates the object’s vanishing point as VP Locked To Page.. Sharing vanishing points Choosing Shared Vanishing Point enables you to have multiple objects share the same vanishing point, but you must have applied at least an initial extrude effect to your objects before...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 62


You can achieve effects that range from flat, technical illustrations to highly polished metallic surfaces—which actually can work on their own without the need for lighting the object—and it all depends on the choices you make on the Color control window:. Using an object’s fill The Use Object Fill option is the most straightforward to use, but it does not...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 63


to curves, and the effects are live in this document, so you can use the Copy Extrude From command to sample and apply any of these effects to objects you’ve drawn.. In Figure 19-13 you can see the file, and an explanation of what was done and why will give you some ideas of your own based on the principles...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 64


To apply the effect using the Envelope docker, follow these steps.. Create or import an object, select it, and then open the Envelope docker ( CTRL+F7. notice how the preset selector window fills with thumbnails of the presets. you can see a dashed outline preview surrounding your object on the page. In any direction, drag a node on the envelope...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 65


Modifier keys offer valuable ways to constrain the shaping of an envelope while using Single Arc mode. By holding key modifiers, you can quickly shape two sides concentrically or simultaneously. Hold SHIFT and drag any side or corner node to have the corresponding node on the opposite side move in the opposite direction. Hold CTRL to move the corresponding node...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 66


Local Using the Local distortion option has the effect of varying the Amplitude value of your distortion effect around the center origin. At the center of the distortion effect, Amplitude is at its maximum value. Amplitude then tapers to 0 as the distortion emanates from the center origin of the effect. If you’ve applied successive distortions, each distortion is cleared...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 67


shininess on the frankfurter, thus creating a visual impression of strength, size, and other qualities that help the audience read very quickly, “Oh, that’s a frankfurter! It looks really large and bright! It probably has a lot of calories and nitrites, and the bun doesn’t look like whole wheat…” Seriously, the more complexity you build into an object’s fill, the...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 68


You can set the intermediate objects in the blend group as child objects of the blend, which causes them to behave as blend control objects. The properties of these child blend objects can be edited in the same way as control objects, which in turn affects the appearance of the blend effect applied between the original parent control objects and/or...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 69


To dismantle a blend, choose the Pick tool, right-click the blend group portion, and choose Break Blend Group Apart from the pop-up menu. The control objects then become separate objects, leaving the blend intermediate objects grouped.. To further dismantle the arrangement, select only the blend group by using the Pick tool, and then choose Arrange | Ungroup ( CTRL+U. You...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 70


If you want to wow your audience, definitely play with Fill Color to create significant changes along the steps of a contour. If an object doesn’t have a fill, although you can set a contour color, the contour will not have a fill. This creates an interesting effect if you have outline width and colors applied to the base object,...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 71


With the Pick tool, move the ellipse around a little to see how the lens effect changes only those areas of the rectangle that the ellipse covers.. With the ellipse partially eclipsing the rectangle, select the Frozen box and then click Apply.. As you can see, its contents colors remain constant, even when you move the ellipse totally away from...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 72


Everything under the lens is now part of a group of vector objects—. you can press CTRL+U now to ungroup the objects and individually recolor them if you like.. The Viewpoint option offers the chance to move a lens object but also to retain the view of the objects the lens was originally over. The Lens Viewpoint option lets you...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 73


Add The Add(itive) mode applies transparency in a similar fashion to Normal mode, except it whitens and brightens the result—seriously! In English, there’s a subtle but distinct different between “plus” and “added to”. similarly, Additive mode moves the combined result of the target and source object colors in a positive direction in brightness value. Subtract This mode ignores the brightness...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 74


Glows All effects created with the Drop Shadow tool are dynamically updated bitmaps, and as such they can look soft as shadows do on overcast days. However, if you take that same blurry bitmap, give it a light color, and then put it in Normal or Add merge mode, you have a glow effect. any changes to the control object...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 75


One of the methods CorelDRAW, PHOTO-PAINT, and other programs that can import bitmaps use to lessen and occasionally eliminate visible artifacting from resampling a photo is called anti-aliasing, and you have some control over this method, discussed later in this chapter. For example, suppose you could photograph a checkerboard plane that extends from your feet way out to the horizon....

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 76


Click the Import icon on the standard toolbar or press CTRL+I to import the. Locate it on your hard drive, select the file, and then click Import.. You’ll now see the attention box that tells you that the Expensive car.jpg is not tagged with the same color space as the Wally’s Wheels.cdr file. Click the Convert From Embedded Profile To...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 77


B marks your navigation tools for previewing the image. D marks the Color Depth. You’d be ill-advised to change this from 48-bit, because only a high-depth image can be adjusted extensively without taking on banding and color clipping (explained shortly). The only reason you’d choose 24-bit from the selector list is if the image were flawless and you wanted to...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 78


One of the terrific things about designing using a computer application is that you can repurpose a good design. A good design such as the front cover of the catalog just discussed can yield several different uses from only one investment in time—and from knowing how to export the design.. CorelDRAW examines the vector artwork at the size and resolution...

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 79


If you’d like to confirm that the editing you performed is nondestructive, take the Shape tool and marquee-select several control nodes. Then drag them away from the center of the photo, as shown here. It takes an equal amount of effort, but it might be easier to visualize the nondestructive photo-trimming process by drawing the outline of the image object...