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Animals, Gods and Humans - Intro


Ingvild Sælid Gilhus explores the transition from traditional Greek and Roman religion to Christianity in the Roman Empire and the effect of this change on how animals were regarded, illustrating the main factors in the creation of a Christian conception of animals. One of the underlying assump- tions of the book is that changes in the way animal motifs are...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 1


While a tame snake could be a benevolent protector of the house and a pet, and snakes generally were regarded as guardians, some were dangerous. While the Christians usually conceived of the serpent as evil and a symbol of Satan, in Christian texts too, the serpent sometimes appears as a wise animal and even as a symbol of the saviour.....

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 2


In the Roman Empire, there was increased interest in animals and their status in relation to humans. The development of the conception of animals in philosophy, vegetarianism, natural histories and physiognomy is the theme of this chapter and the next.. How animals were thought of in the first to the fourth century CE. There were different layers in the tradition...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 3


is closely connected to the definition of animals and humans in relation to each other. How one thought about animals and their status and value clearly had consequences for how they were treated. One of the main subjects of Porphyry’s treatise On Abstinence is the ques- tion of a vegetarian diet. Porphyry’s solution to the problem of the relationship between...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 4


These were imagined relationships – expressions of myth and fantasy – in which animals were drawn into the human sphere. Alternatively the change takes place in a progression from one life to another in the form of a metensomatosis, a change of body. Such tales of transformation do not describe animals as external antagonists, as was the case with the...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5


CE , animals swarmed on to the religious scene of the Graeco-Roman world (Kötting 1964. In a depiction of a procession in honour of the goddess Isis in Rome, one of the priestesses has an asp coiled around her arm, while in a wall painting from Pompeii showing ceremonies to Isis that include between thirty and forty people, two ibises...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 6


Animal sacrifice – killing one or more animals and offering them to the gods – was the central observance of ancient Mediterranean religion, a key symbol of paganism, the pivotal point of the rituals, and a regular feature of Roman life. the slaughter of the animal, which included inspection of the viscera to see if the sacrifice was acceptable to...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 7


Theophrastus was the leader of the Peripatetic school after Aristotle (372–328 BCE. There are also examples of the first sacrifices being described as punish- ment of animals or, alternatively, as their murder. According to Ovid, the first animal sacrifices were instituted by the gods themselves to punish individual animals for having uprooted and destroyed the special plants of the gods....

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 8


None of the New Testament texts make animals a special issue, and no systematic theology of animals can be deduced directly from these texts. However, even if none of the New Testament texts treat animals as a specific issue, many of them reflect atti- tudes towards animals more indirectly. The aim of this chapter is to survey attitudes to animals...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 9


Such killings were staged in the amphitheatres of the great cities at the celebration of feasts and for the general amusement of the spectators. This may also imply that in the case of the damnati ad bestias, the onlookers, rather than siding with the victims, sided with those who were carrying out the law (ibid.: 58) and probably also with...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 10


In the Republic, Plato describes the essential nature of the soul and the inner workings of the human person, and he does it “by forming in speech an image of the soul” (Republic, 588b–589b). Mary Midgley has fittingly characterized Plato as “the first active exponent of the Beast within”. The description of the soul as a collection of beasts and...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 11


and, finally, only Ephesians, Athenian youths and the most noble of the inhabitants of Larissa in Thessaly take part in bullfights.. (Isaac The animal comparison was one of the imageries that determined ancient ideas about foreigners. However, these descriptions do not necessarily have so much to add to our under- standing of the different species. Historian Ammianus Marcellinus says in...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12


In the Acts of the Apostles, there are two stories pertaining to new relations between animals, gods and humans. When Paul had gath- ered a bundle of sticks for the fire, a venomous viper came out of the heat and fastened on his hand (28:3). The apotheosis of man, which was one of the main characteristics of the religious developments...

Animals, Gods and Humans - CONSEQUENCES


From pagan to Christian conceptions of animals. In the Christian process of transforming and shaping ancient culture, concep- tions of animals did not remain unaffected. Conceptions of animals are dependent on acceptance and reinterpretation of traditions and narratives about animals from the past, as well as on cultural interaction, which in turn will inevitably lead to reinterpretation and change. When...

Animals, Gods and Humans - Notes


1 While our predecessors in the field of the history of religions were interested in the roles that animals played in religion, they usually limited animals’ religious significance to the earlier evolutionary stages. While Vedic religion reinvented the creative sacrifice of the original man, Purusha, and saw it as contributing to generating, sustaining and interconnecting the universe as a totality,...

Giáo trình Thuốc, Vacxin thú y - Chương 1


Còn gia súc khác ít gặp hơn.. Penicilin - không dùng đối với gia súc có tiền sử choáng, dị ứng.. Pinicilin chậm, Chloramphenicol, Tetracyclin, Streptomycin, Gentamycin, Kanamycin Sulfamid: không dùng cho gia súc sơ sinh.. Xác định đúng liều l−ợng với từng loại gia súc Liều dùng:. Tuy nhiên việc điều trị cho gia súc không thể không dùng...

Giáo trình Thuốc, Vacxin thú y - Chương 2


thể không thể tự tổng hợp mà phải do thức ăn cung cấp hoặc do vi sinh vật trong ruột tự tổng hợp nên gia súc non, gia súc chửa, đang nuôi con, cho sữa, gia súc mắc bệnh nhiễm trùng, rối loạn tiêu hoá cần Vitamin hơn.. Tác dụng. Thiếu Vitamin A: Gia súc chậm lớn, thiếu máu, viêm...

Giáo trình Thuốc, Vacxin thú y - Chương 3


THUốC TRợ TiM MạCH Và HOạT ĐộNG CủA THầN KINH. Tác dụng. Cafein tác dụng kích thích hệ thần kinh trung −ơng.. Cafein đ−ợc dùng trong các tr−ờng hợp sau:. Trợ lực, trợ sức, bồi bổ cơ thể trong các bệnh nặng kèm theo suy nh−ợc, mệt mỏi về trí não và thể lực gia súc. Giải độc trong các...

Giáo trình Thuốc, Vacxin thú y - Chương 4


Tác dụng. ở gia súc đực: Kích tố FSH có tác dụng tăng c−ờng sự phát dục của th−ợng bì ống sinh tinh nhỏ, tạo ra tinh trùng. Kích tố LH có tác dụng thúc đẩy sự phát dục của tổ chức kẽ ở tinh hoàn để tiết ra Adrogen gây nên sự kích dục của con đực.. ở gia...

Giáo trình Thuốc, Vacxin thú y - Chương 5


DUNG dịch sinh lý mặN NGọT. N−ớC SINH Lý ĐẳNG TRƯƠNG. N−ớc sinh lý đẳng truơng là một loại huyết thanh nhân tạo gồm có 2 loại là n−ớc sinh lý ngọt. đẳng tr−ơng và n−ớc sinh lý mặn đẳng tr−ơng.. N−ớc sinh lý ngọt đẳng tr−ơng là một dung dịch vô trùng chứa 5% glucoza.. N−ớc sinh lý mặn...