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Technical Analysis from A to Z Part 6


You should close long positions when the price falls below the SAR and close short positions when the price rises above the SAR.. If you are long (i.e., the price is above the SAR), the SAR will move up every day, regardless of the direction the price is moving. The following chart shows Compaq and its Parabolic SAR.. It is...

Technical Analysis from A to Z Part 7


TRIX Typical Price Ultimate Oscillator Upside/Downside Ratio Upside/Downside Volume Vertical Horizonal Filter Volatility, Chaikin's Volume. THREE LINE BREAK. The Three Line Break charting method is so-named because of the number of lines typically used.. changing the number of lines in the break. You can see that the number of break lines in a given month depend on the price change...



One of the basic principles of economics is the law of supply and demand.. It states that when there are more buyers than there are sellers of a given good, the price should rise. Likewise, when there are more sellers than buyers, the price should fall. the point and figure chart.. Point and figure charts have been in use for...



This indicator, which has gone on to become one of the most widely used techni- cal indicators, is a momentum indicator that belongs to a family of indica- tors called oscillators. An oscillator gets its name from the fact that it moves or oscillates between two fixed values based on the price movement of a security or index.. Those relative...



When creating a point and figure chart, it is helpful to determine the. “action points” for each day. If a chart is in a column of O’s, as was the case at the end of May (the last column in Figure 1), the first action point is the price that is one box lower than the last. If the price...

Screening For Momentum Stocks


Momentum investors purchase stocks that are rapidly rising in price in the belief that the rising price will attract other investors, who will drive up the price even more. That’s the basic strategy behind momentum investing—purchasing stocks that are rapidly rising in price in the belief that the rising price will attract other investors, who will drive up the price...

Testing Trading Success


significantly influence a trading system’s performance results.. TRADING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. While these numbers are helpful in separating the winners from the losers, it is important to keep in mind that a multitude of factors impacts the performance of any trading system.. When judging the efficacy of a system’s reported performance or the performance of a system you create, keep in...

The MACD A Combo of Indicators for the Best of Both Worlds


Moving averages are the easiest and most popular technical indicators. in fact, moving average trading systems tend to lose money during periods of choppy trading.. worlds—the trend-following characteristics of moving averages, and oscillator characteristics that help indicate whether a security is overbought or oversold and that help pinpoint potential divergences. The indicator is called moving average convergence/divergence, more commonly known...



In the May issue of the AAII Journal, we took a look at one popular oscillator, Wilder’s relative strength index. This article focuses on another popular indicator, the stochastic oscillator.. The stochastic oscillator was first introduced by George Lane in the 1970s. This indicator consists of two lines—the %K and %D lines—and compares the most recent closing price of a...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 1


Option Trading Secrets. otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States.. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.. This publication should only be used by sophisticated investors who are fully aware of the risks in options trading. A reading of the options...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 2


Antoine de Saint-Exupery Every one tries to beat the market by trying to predict the future. Study after study shows that 80% to 90% of the stock mu- tual funds underperform the indexes and stock market averages year after year. Hence, there are no crystal balls for predicting the markets.. Academic studies strongly suggest that the markets move ran- domly...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 4


Option Writing. The option markets provide that rare opportunity for the in- dividual investor to be the bank, casino or legal bookie. In other words, you have the opportunity to take the bet rather than make the bet. Taking the bet refers to option writing—the direct oppo- site of option buying. The option writer is the one who takes and...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 5


Option Analysis. The one thing I love about options over other investments is that you can measure their value and the probability of profit mathematically. How do you measure the true value of a stock? There is too much uncertainty in the future to do so, and the fact that stock prices are all over the map each year demonstrates...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 6


Option spreading is another unique advantage of the option markets. (At the end of the book, we will dis- close two of the best plays in the option markets, spreads with these features.). be quite large, sometimes a large percentage of the option price.. Avoid any spread that involves three trades to get in the position, for if you don’t,...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 7


It is important that we gain every advantage we can in the market. Traditional trading, telephone trading, where you have to call a broker to execute a trade is too slow and hurts your agility in the market. Internet trading allows you to get immediate feedback regarding the status of a trade and allows you instantly to modify a trade...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 8


For when you trade, you are at war, and every ounce of energy should be applied to gain- ing an edge and locating your enemies.. Don’t tell anyone what you are doing, including your wife or husband. One advantage of internet trading is that you don’t have a personal broker to lead you either astray or threaten you with an....

101Option Trading Secrets Section 9


90 INFORMATION TREASURES ON THE HIGHWAY. One of the major reasons to have access to the internet is due to the vast amount of resources available on the net. On the net you can research any stock in great detail. The option game is a very competitive game, and, remem- ber, you are at war with the rest of the...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 10


We have discussed the in- herent statistical advantage in buying options due to the fact that stock prices move in a chaotic pattern, sometimes far beyond the range of the pricing model’s parameters.. Such surprise volatility makes options gems in the rough, or. They are overvalued with little chance of paying off. You must know your probability of making a...

101Option Trading Secrets Section 11


What is the option game? It’s an investment strategy that in- volves paying for the right to buy or sell stock or futures at a par- ticular price over a given time, or selling the right to someone else to buy or sell stock or futures for a particular price over a given time. Most of the investors only pretend...



Sons is the oldest independent publishing company in the United States. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or other wise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior...