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Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P2


Table of Contents. Adaptation of e-Learning Technologies and Policies. On Properly Using Technologies to Make E-Learning Effective. for E-Learning Websites. Indicators in Taiwan. 18 Yen-Shou Lai, Hung-Hsu Tsai, Yuan-Hou Chang, and Pao-Ta Yu. e-Learning Issues Under an Affective Perspective. 39 Xin Wang, Fang Yuan, and Li Qi. Research on Learning Resources Organization Model. 49 Qingtang Liu and Zhimei Sun. Web...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P3


Ontology-Based Description of Learning Object. However, e-learning contents are often boring, or unclear, or detract from learning. If e-learning can be much more effective than today, technologies must be used properly in creating the learning contents, without losing the focus on learning. In this paper, we exam- ine the different types of technologies available, and how they may be used...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P4


As such, it is important that the textual parts of the e- learning contents include well-designed exercises and exams.. The e-learning contents should in general include interactive elements [9, 10].. There are various ways to have the e-learners manipulate selected parts of the con- tents, such as rollover (rolling the mouse over designated text or media element to get pop-up...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P5


research in online learning [21] and online shopping [20] revealed that perceived ease of use was not a good predictor of intention to use. These constructs are relative advantage, ease of use, compatibility, image, result demonstrability, visibility and trialability.. The second construct, ease of use, is similar to Rogers’ concept of complexity [27], and captures the extent to which a...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P6


Agarwal, R., Prasad, J.: The role of innovation characteristics and perceived voluntariness. in the acceptance of information technologies. Information Technology . Barclay, D.W., Higgins, C.A., Thompson, R.: The Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach to causal modeling: Personal computer adoption and use as an illustration. Davis, F.D.: User Acceptance of Information Technology System Characteristics, user. Huang, E.: The acceptance of women...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P7


The system architecture. Each competence indicator is divided into several detailed subitems according to different grades. The small serial number should be learned first and the large one should be learned later. According to different grades, each competence indicator sets up different detailed subitems of different grades with different levels. Detailed subitems of different grades refer to the levels of...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P8


It should be the result that the system is effective to the training of the numeric fluency.. The scores in the pre-tests (M = 49.38, SD = 19.71) are significantly better than those in the post-test ones (M = 41.60, SD = 23.01) .The α value of t-test is 0.483. It shows that the scores in pre-tests and post-tests are...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P9


2.2 Emotions, Mood and the OCC Model. Although many efforts have taken place there is not an explicit definition for the emo- tion. According to Scherer [19], emotion is the synchronized response for all or most organic systems to the evaluation of an external or internal event. The origin of emotions relate to the subject’s perspective against Goals, Standards, and...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P10


The role of the Pedagogical Generator, however, is not restricted only to the reas- surance of the appropriateness of the teaching method or the educational material. It is concentrated also on providing the student with encouraging actions in order to pre- serve his positive emotional state. The pedagogical actions which have been imple- mented in the current version of our...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P11


In this scenario, how to use the semantic explicit relations among the resources in the education portal to make better recommendation becomes a new challenge.. In this paper, we propose a complementary study on using the relations between resources and other entities in education portal to do recommendation. Formalize the recommendation problem in the education portal;. Using relations of the...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P12


Output the importance rank of every entity in the education portal.. Tag: keyword of the paper is the tag in this experiment;. User-resource relation: author of a paper will have this relation between him/her and the paper;. User-tag relation: author of a paper will have relations between him/her and the paper’s tags;. Tag-resource relation: tags of a paper will have...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P13


of learning content depend on small granularity of learning content, which should be a meaningful and perfect learning content unit.. The second is adaptation of learning object for different environments. Adaptive schedule of learning objects involves in some related specifications. LOM Specification already provides a level of description and potential access to units of learning using its existing fields and...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P14


The scheduling algorithm of learning contents explains how to choose a appropriate learning object when the learner begins to learn a knowledge cluster. At first, it de- termines the knowledge point according to the sequence relations of knowledge, and then chooses the best learning object according to the learner’s learning style and the learning context. The organization of learning contents...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P15


It should be able to distinguish content pages from non-content pages, and then extract main contents from content pages without using template and DOM-Tree.. In this paper, we propose a novel main contents extracting method. (1) Define a new concept of block and propose a block-partition method for web page.. Without using DOM-Tree and template, main contents and noise may...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P16


Data of experiment 2.1 in Table 1 shows best classification can be derived by using AD-Tree whose accuracy is 98.3%. Table 1 shows result of Experiment 2.2 where ADTree wrongly classify 81 pieces of web pages, which have too short main contents.. Experiment 2.3 and 2.4 also use Dataset1 as training set to build classifier. Experiment 3 uses outlier detection...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P17


2 Current DRM Systems. 2.1 Classification of DRM Systems. The main function of software-protected DRM system is the precaution of software piracy. The protection of software appeared in the 1980s, which could be regarded as the earliest application of DRM. In the early times, the methods to prevent software piracy include the usage of key floppy disk, copy-proofed CD, encryption...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P18


Based on the previous sections, this section brings forth the ERDRM, a digital rights management system model for educational resources.. 4.1 Functional Components of the Model. Educational resources is based on a collection of files, including text, images, video and other multimedia formats, but most of the formats cited above can be expressed by HTML files, and HTML, GIF and...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P19


When adding new KP to the syllabus, the material reflecting this KP must be added into the courseware also.. When the KP does not longer present in the syllabus, any material reflecting this KP must be deleted in the courseware. Meanwhile, the KP reflected in the remain- ing material must be enough for the students to learn the syllabus.. In...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P20


(d) the end of the courseware means that all KP without Out-arc in the KP net migrate to the Stop MS, For example KP D and E.. In the graph of a MPN, (n) means that this MS have n number material.. MPN of the Example 2. can be found. If the KP B does not longer present in the...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P21


Due to these arrangements for training, we influenced more than 16,000 elementary, junior, and senior high school teachers and more than 10,000 students to learn from the PBL.NET. (Note: The number was con- servatively calculated by this formula: the influenced people = the registered people on the PBL.NET * 3.) So far, all cities and counties in Taiwan have LFs,...