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Erosion control in the tropics - Part 2


Now an attempt will be made to illustrate the ways in which a farmer is confronted with the physical characteristics of erosion in the daily work. For this, it is important to know how to recognize erosion in the field.. Always keep the course of the erosion process in mind when looking for signs of erosion in the field. An...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 3


Some understanding of the way in which the erosion process takes place is needed to appreciate the usefulness of preventive measures. 3.1 Splash-erosion and stream-erosion. Within water-erosion there are two types of erosion: splash erosion and stream erosion. In splash erosion, the falling raindrops break off small parts of the soil aggregates (see Glossary). Water cannot easily infiltrate in the...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 4


Erosion control in the tropics. In Chapter 2 a few examples have been given as to how erosion can be observed in the field. To mention one example: small rills, unlike gullies, can still be ploughed by the farmer. By a few examples we will try to show how the farmer in his daily routine on the farm may be...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 5


Arable farming is an integral part of the natural surroundings. Think of the cattle pastures where manure will again benefit the soil.. Agronomic measures play a key role in erosion control because in the first place they can be carried out relatively easily and cheaply. In this chapter we will give a survey of the most important agronomic measures. Minimum...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 6


The fallow period ensures a natural recovery of soil fertility. This farming system is still very common (it accounts for 8% of the world’s food supply), but unfortunately a high population pressure in many places undermines the system. The land is then used too inten- sively and the fallow period is shortened. Too few nutrients are built up so that...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 7


This can be done by making better use of the available water for the crop (water conservation) and/or by controlling the runoff water.. Another way is to develop a drainage system through which the run- off-water is collected and diverged before it reaches the agricultural land. The borders of this area are determined by the so-called watersheds, the tops of...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 8


Underlying causes of erosion 73. 8 Underlying causes of erosion. In the previous chapters we have seen how the chance of erosion can be lessened by taking certain precautions. So we are confronted with the un- derlying cause of erosion. A simple comparison can be made here with a farm track (it is sometimes forgotten that roads and paths can...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 9


Conditions for the success of operations 75. 9 Conditions for the success of operations. It indicates the direction we should look when deciding on measures to be taken, not only con- sidering the effects the plan will have on the soil, but just as much, if not more, the consequences for the people. The fact that a certain requisite for...

Erosion control in the tropics - Part 10


It is better if you can fill in the gaps yourself (with the help of this booklet), other literature, advice from different au- thorities and especially with help from the local population and a little common sense. For this we have made up a sort of questionnaire making reference to the chapters in this booklet:. Make a tour, taking note...

agriculture for beginners - chapter 1


EDITOR OF THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST FORMERLY DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. FORMERLY PRESIDENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Naturally, too, the authors have busied themselves in devising methods to add to the effectiveness of the book. The authors hope and think that the remaking of the book has added to its...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 2


THE SOIL AND THE PLANT SECTION VIII. ROOT-HAIRS ON A RADISH]. You have perhaps observed the regularity of arrangement in the twigs and branches of trees. Now pull up the roots of a plant, as, for example, sheep sorrel, Jimson weed, or some other plant. Note the branching of the roots. In these there is no such regularity as is...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 3


THE PLANT. HOW A PLANT FEEDS FROM THE AIR. You see in the charcoal every fiber that you saw in the wood itself. This means that every part of the plant contains carbon. You will be surprised to know that the total amount of carbon in plants comes from the air. All the carbon that a plant gets is taken...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 4


Let each pupil grow an apple tree this year and attempt to make it the best in his neighborhood. In the fall take the seed of an apple--a crab-apple is good--and keep it in a cool place during the winter. In the spring plant it in a rich, loose soil.. Great care must be taken of the young shoot as...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 5


Landscape-gardening is the art of so arranging flower-beds, grass, shrubbery, and trees as to produce pleasing effects in the grounds surrounding our homes and in great public parks and pleasure grounds.. =Market-Gardening.= Formerly market-gardening was done on small tracts of land in the immediate vicinity of large cities, where supplies of stable manure could be used from the city stables....

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 6


Some diseases are found oftenest on very young plants, others prey on the middle-aged tree, while still others attack merely the fruit. Many of the yellowish or discolored spots on leaves are the result of disease, as is also the smut of wheat, corn, and oats, the blight of the pear, and the wilt of cotton. This is true, among...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 7


Yet even he may be surprised to learn that the damage done by them, as estimated by good authority, amounts to millions and millions of dollars yearly in the United States and Canada.. If, however, we are willing in this matter to make our notion agree with that of the people who have studied insects most and know them best,...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 8


Every crop of the farm has been changed and improved in many ways since its forefathers were wild plants.. Those plants that best serve the needs of the farmer and of farm animals have undergone the most changes and have received also the greatest care and attention in their production and improvement.. While we have many different kinds of farm...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 9


In seeding for a meadow such varieties should be sowed together as ripen about the same time.. Even in those sections of the country where it grows sparingly and where it is easily crowded out, clover should be mixed with all grasses sowed, for it leaves in the soil a wealth of plant food for the grasses coming after it...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 10


All the prosperous nations of the globe, especially the grain-growing nations, get a large share of their wealth from raising improved stock. The stock bred by these nations is now, however, very different from the stock raised by the same nations years ago. As soon as man began to progress in the art of agriculture he became dissatisfied with inferior...

Agriculture for Beginners - Chapter 11


To get material for muscle, for blood, for milk, and for some other things, the animal needs, in the first place, food that contains protein. To keep warm and fat, the animal must, in the second place, have food containing carbohydrates and fats. Third, it is a ration in which the milk-forming food (protein) is rightly proportioned to the heat-making...