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Chủ đề : thủ thuật ilife

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Tự học iLife - p 1


iLife ® ’09. Teach Yourself VISUALLY™ iLife ® ’09. Teach Yourself VISUALLY iLife ’09 is an independent publication and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise arppoved by Apple, Inc.. Praise for Visual Books. Your books really make learning easy and life more fun.”. “I have quite a few of your Visual books and have been very pleased with all...

Tự học iLife - p 2


3535 5555 Mansf eld Mansf eld Importing and Organizing Movies chapter 7 WORKING WITH iMOVIE ’09 Create a Project. PS PS NEW PROJECT NEW PROJECT NEW PROJECT Voic Voic TIFF TIFF Electric Guitar Electric Guitar PNG PNG no Pia Pia no Editing and Mixing Music chapter 12 WORKING WITH GARAGEBAND ’09 Save a Movie to Your Computer. I fou found...

Tự học iLife - p 3


Chapter 1: Getting Started with iLife ’09. 4 Chapter 2: Exploring iLife ’09 on the Mac. iLife ’09 is a suite of software programs for organizing, editing, and sharing digital media. iLife ’09 Applications. iLife ’09 lets you organize, optimize, customize, and share digital photos using iPhoto ’09. You can organize your photo collection by event, place, or the people...

Tự học iLife - p 4


INTRODUCING iLIFE ‘09. In addition to displaying text, images, and movies on your pages, iWeb offers interactive modules called widgets that you can add to your site. Widgets let you insert Google maps to provide location information and directions on your site, countdown clocks that can keep visitors informed of upcoming events, and RSS feeds that automatically show links to...

Tự học iLife - p 5


You can access online video tutorials that step you through common tasks in the iLife applications.. You can click one for more information.. You can click in the search box to start a new search.. You can change the monitor resolution to give you more area for the workspace of your iLife applications.. You can quit an iLife application after...

Tự học iLife - p 6


iPhoto displays the imported photos in the photo browser.. The event name appears above the photos.. iPhoto downloads the photos from your camera and adds them to the iPhoto library.. You can import movies from a digital camera into iPhoto just like you do still photos. 3 Navigate to the folder on your computer that contains the photos.. Note: You...

Tự học iLife - p 7


Click the Titles and Descriptions options ( changes to ) in the Mail Photo dialog to add them.. 4 In the dialog that appears, click a date or time field.. 5 Click here to adjust the field.. 1 Click to select a photo thumbnail.. You can -click to select multiple photos to adjust their date and time to a single...

Tự học iLife - p 8


You can double-click a face photo to view the named photos.. You can view iPhoto’s face suggestions to confirm them. You can associate images in iPhoto with the places where they were taken. By zooming in on the map in iPhoto, you can pinpoint the exact street corner or landmark where you shot the photos.. To make mapping photos easier,...

Tự học iLife - p 9


You can use the map to define geographic criteria for your smart album.. Alternatively, to include a single location, you can select a pin by clicking it. You can click to set additional criteria.. The Keywords dialog opens.. iPhoto adds the keywords to the photo.. You can click the keyword again to remove it from the photos.. 1 -click to...

Tự học iLife - p 10


How do I display photo counts in the source list?. You can make iPhoto display counts next to the items in the source list in the preferences. iPhoto unhides the photo.. iPhoto moves the photo to the trash.. 3 Click Trash to view photos in the trash.. MOVE A PHOTO TO THE TRASH. 1 Click to select the photo to...

Tự học iLife - p 11


You can use the red eye tool to remove the red eye color that a camera flash can cause. 1 Select a photo and open the edit view.. Note: See “Use the Edit View” for details.. You can click Auto to apply the tool automatically throughout the photo.. 3 Click and drag the slider to set the tool to the...

Tự học iLife - p 12


You can open multiple photos side by side in full-screen view. Other elements of the iPhoto workspace are hidden. 1 -click to select the photos to compare.. iPhoto opens the photos together in full- screen view. iPhoto closes the photo.. 5 Click Done to close all the photos.. iPhoto opens the photo with the others.. the photo browser.. You can...

Tự học iLife - p 13


When you upload photos to Flickr, iPhoto creates a new Flickr photo album in the source list. Follow these steps to view the photos online:. 1 In the source list, click the name of the Flickr album.. A Web browser opens to display the photos.. You can select Anyone to make the photos public.. You can click iPhoto on the...

Tự học iLife - p 14


You can edit a date to add or change the text of a birthday, holiday, or other event.. 1 Double-click a date in the calendar.. The calendar name appears in the source list.. You can click Autoflow to add all the photos in order automatically.. Click can click placeholder text on the pages to add text to your calendar.. Click...

Tự học iLife - p 15


1 In the import dialog, click Analyze for stabilization after import ( changes to. iMovie automatically performs stabilization analysis after the video clips finish importing.. 5 In the dialog that appears, select a save location.. You can optionally save to an existing event ( changes to. You can click to keep all clips in one event instead of dividing clips...

Tự học iLife - p 16


iMovie removes the selection from view.. In this example, the parts of the clip that were not rejected remain.. You can click Edit and then Undo to undo the rejection.. 2 Click and drag the box edges to select the range that you want to reject.. To choose the whole clip, you can -click it and select Select Entire Clip.....

Tự học iLife - p 17


1 Click and drag the replacement clip from the event browser onto the clip to replace in the project.. 3 In the menu that appears, click Replace.. iMovie replaces the clip.. iMovie splits the clip into two pieces.. To join them together again after splitting, select one of the pieces and click Edit and then Join Clips.. 1 Click at...

Tự học iLife - p 18


You can change how iMovie crops a frame when you add a clip to a project.. 2 Click Timing in the dialog that appears.. You can fit the entire clip in the frame. This may add black borders to the top and bottom or sides of the clip.. You can fill the entire frame, which may crop the clip depending...

Tự học iLife - p 19


You can freeze a frame in your clip for a period of time to highlight an important moment in your project.. 2 -click the clip.. You can type a number of seconds to change the duration of the still photo.. You can click here to add a photo effect such as a color change or a vignette.. Note: By default,...

Tự học iLife - p 20


1 Click and drag the vertical line representing the beat marker outside the Clip Trimmer.. You can also -click the waveform and then click Remove All Beat Markers to remove them all.. iMovie adds a beat marker to the audio clip, which appears as a vertical white line in the waveform.. If the audio overlays a clip, iMovie also splits...