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Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P7


For this criterion to be effective, a message should store the identities of the last k nodes visited, where k is the horizon value.. In what follows, we present three variations of the feedback-based algorithm that are based on the grouping criteria used. The groups formed by node A in the graph of Fig. Same as in the Hops criterion...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P8


corrected data and the at-most-once semantics has been followed in the execu- tion of the SOAP service. This was the synthetic application that has been used in the experiments that will be described herein. The SOAP service was running on a central node (dual-processor) of the cluster and we have use a Tomcat-AXIS server running on top of Linux. As...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P9


In order to setup an optimal execution environment for a Grid application, knowledge about the status, characteristics and com- position of the various resources is required. In contrast, monitoring of communication resources is at an early stage, mainly due to the complexity of the infrastructure to monitor and of the monitoring activity.. Monitoring the network infrastructure of a Grid has...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P10


New Grid Monitoring Infrastructures 169 system and in fact needs knowledge about the semantics of the monitored data we have proposed an external module to Mercury called Event Monitor (EM).. We see many real scenarios in which an external client wants to have access to metrics described in the previous section (regardless of their type) and additionally, often due to...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P11


in defining execution costs of the tasks of the DAG. The idea in both approaches is to start from an assignment which has good performance under one of the two optimization criteria considered (that is, makespan and budget) and swap tasks between machines trying to optimize as much as possible for the other criterion. The rest of the paper is...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P12


Only if an application is executed for the first time, the user has to give some basic information since no application-specific data is present in the DW.. There is a number of uncertainties in the computation of the cost model. The parameters used in the cost function are those that were measured in a previous execution of the same application....

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P13


Forecasting: In order to calculate a schedule it can be useful to rely on forecasting services to predict the values of the quantities needed to apply a scheduling strategỵ These forecasts can be based on historical records, actual and/or planned values.. Co-allocation: This function is in charge of the mechanisms needed to solve co-allocation scheduling problems, in which strict constraints...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P14


The GS deployment center is also used to automatically deploy the application in the local and server hosts.. Using the GS deployment center, components of P-GRADE Portal workflows can be published in the Grid for execution as well. Kessel- mann (eds.) The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, Morgan Kaufmann,. Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High...

Integrated Research in GRID Computing- P15


thus, benchmarks cannot respond to the changing requirements of devel- oping infrastructures, such as grids;. An extensible framework for generating and submitting synthetic grid work- loads uses applications representative for today's grids, and fosters the addition of future grid applications. Second, applica- tions can be included in generated workloads, even when they are in a debug or test phase. Third,...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P1


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.. Embedded systems are ubiquitous. This book is composed of 14 chapters that cover embedded and real-time concepts, the MIPS ® processor, all the services...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P2


064 tx_byte_pool_create( &. my_byte_pool, “my_byte_pool”, 065 fi rst_unused_memory,. 066 DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE);. Speedy_Thread, “Speedy_Thread”, 077 Speedy_Thread_entry, 0,. Entry function defi nition of the “Speedy_Thread”. Entry function defi nition of the “Slow_Thread”. inter-thread mutual exclusion stack kernel entry suspension memory byte pool template. You will need to add several variables and perform several computations in each of the two thread entry functions. Modify...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P3


Figure 4.9 contains the attributes of an application timer. Other attributes include the name of the expiration function that is executed when the timer expires.. Location of memory block pool Total number of bytes available. Figure 4.8 : Attributes of a memory block pool. the use of the developer.) An attribute containing the initial number of timer-ticks 1 for the...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P4


Figure 6.2: ThreadX vector area. Figure 6.5 shows a typical application main function that uses ThreadX. Figure 6.3: Changing the reset vector. Figure 6.4: ThreadX low-level initialization. ThreadX starts scheduling threads by calling its scheduler, _tx_thread_schedule. ThreadX scheduling occurs within a small loop inside _tx_thread_schedule . This pointer name is _tx_thread_execute_ptr . While this pointer is not NULL, it points...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P5


In this fi gure, the line TX_THREAD my_thread;. Recall that TX_THREAD is a data type used to defi ne a TCB. status tx_thread_create. &my_thread Pointer to a thread control block (defined by TX_THREAD. "my_thread". Pointer to the name of the thread—a user-defined name. my_thread_entry Name of the thread entry function. This thread’s stack area is 1,500 bytes in size, starting...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P6


In this chapter, we consider the properties of the mutex, which is designed solely to provide mutual exclusion protection by avoiding confl ict between threads and preventing unwanted interactions between threads.. 1 Some writers describe this type of mutex as a recursive mutex because of the same-thread, multiple-ownership capability. In this case, the thread must fi rst obtain a particular...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P7


A memory byte pool is a contiguous block of bytes. However, this fl exibility leads to some problems, such as fragmentation of the memory byte pool as groups of bytes of varying sizes are used.. A memory byte pool is similar to a standard C heap. In addition, threads can suspend on a memory byte pool until the requested memory...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P8


Each memory block pool is a public resource. The memory area for the block pool is specifi ed during creation, and can be located anywhere in the target’s address space. You can easily manage this memory area by making it a memory block pool.. To accomplish this, the application calls tx_block_pool_prioritize prior to the block release call that lifts thread...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P9


10.9 Deleting an Application Timer. The tx_timer_delete service deletes an application timer. Figure 10.10 shows how to delete an application timer.. 10.10 Retrieving Application Timer Information. The fi rst such service for application timers — the tx_timer_pool_info_get service — retrieves a subset of information from the Application Timer Control Block.. One service — the tx_timer_pool_. Delete application timer. Assume that...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P10


Figure 11.5 shows how a counting semaphore can be deleted.. If variable status contains the return value TX_SUCCESS, we have successfully deleted the counting semaphore.. 11.8 Getting an Instance of a Counting Semaphore. The tx_semaphore_get service retrieves an instance (a single count) from the specifi ed counting semaphore. Figure 11.6 shows how to get an instance of a counting semaphore,...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P11


Event fl ags provide a powerful tool for thread synchronization. Event fl ags can be set or cleared 1 by any thread and can be inspected by any thread. Threads can suspend while waiting for some combination of event fl ags to be set. Event fl ags are arranged in groups of 32 as illustrated by Figure 12.1. Threads can...