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Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 3


P ART VI Appendixes 779 A Installing PHP 4 and MySQL 781 Running PHP as a CGI Interpreter or Module ...782. Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL Under UNIX ...783. Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL Under Windows ...793. Laura can be contacted at [email protected]. Luke can be contacted at [email protected]. He is the author of numerous articles about Linux, Apache, PHP,...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 4


You can download the latest version at any time from http://www.php.net for no charge.. You can write PHP code on the free Unix- like operating systems such as Linux and FreeBSD, commercial Unix versions such as Solaris and IRIX, or on different versions of Microsoft Windows.. You can see the developers’ benchmark page at. 5 01 7842 intro PM Page...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 5


This is the short style. If you have some problems running this script, it might be because short tags are not enabled in your PHP installation. Each of the following frag- ments of code is equivalent.. <? echo “<p>Order processed. This is the tag style that will be used in this book. It is the default tag that PHP develop-...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 6


If you want to use the value of a constant, use its name only. For example, to use one of the constants we have just created, we could type:. This will provide a list of PHP’s predefined variables and constants, among other useful infor- mation. We will discuss some of these as we go along.. The term scope refers to...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 7


<<= >>=. <= >. This is how we can work around the precedence rules when we need to.. By using the parentheses, we can force the sub- expression 1 + $taxrate to be evaluated first.. The innermost set of parentheses will be evaluated first.. These have the following function proto- types. It will determine the type and return a string...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 8


echo $num.”<BR>”;. At the beginning of each iteration, the condition is tested. echo “<tr>\n <td align = right>$distance</td>\n”;. echo “ <td align = right>. $distance / 10 .”</td>\n</tr>\n”;. At the end of each iteration, we modified the counter.. expression1 is executed once at the start. expression2 is executed at the end of each iteration. Here you will usually adjust the...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 9


a passive mode FTP connection will be opened to the server you specify and a pointer to the start of the file will be returned.. an HTTP connection will be opened to the server you specify and a pointer to the response will be returned. When using HTTP mode, you must specify trailing slashes on directory names, as shown in...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 10


and also begins writing? What will be the final contents of the file? Will it be the first order followed by the second order, or vice versa? Will it be one order or the other? Or will it be something less useful, like the two orders interleaved somehow? The answer depends on your operating system, but is often impossible to...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 11


echo “$product - $price<br>”;. One thing to note when using each() is that the array keeps track of the current element. If we want to use the array twice in the same script, we need to set the current element back to the start of the array using the function reset. This sets the current element back to the start...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 12


Alternatively, we can use the array_reverse() function to reverse the array created by. Note that array_reverse() returns a modified copy of the array. In Chapter 2, “Storing and Retrieving Data,” we stored customer orders in a file. Each line in the file looks something like. To process or fulfill this order, we could load it back into an array. $number_of_orders...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 13


<p>Your feedback has been sent.</p>. We have omitted this from the script and other examples for the sake of brevity.. The first three parameters are compulsory and represent the address to send email to, the sub- ject line, and the message contents, respectively. Valid email headers are described in the document RFC822, which is available online if you want more...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 14


For example, strcmp() would order the string “2” as greater than the string “12” because it is lexicographically greater. You can read more about natural ordering at http://www.linuxcare.com.au/. For example, strlen(“hello”) returns 5. This can be used for validating input data. By my reasoning, the minimum length of an email address is six characters—for example,. We will look at better...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 15


$toaddress = “[email protected]. $toaddress = “[email protected]”;. $toaddress = “[email protected]”;. $toaddress = “[email protected]”;. if (eregi(“bigcustomer\.com”, $email)). $toaddress = “[email protected]”;. You can also use regular expressions to find and replace substrings in the same way as we used. each ($arr)) echo “<br>”.$value;. You can start with the. devshed.com and phpbuilder.com. http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=88&single=1. Regular expressions take awhile to sink in—the more examples you look...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 16


L ISTING 5.3 header.inc—The Reusable Header for All TLA Web Pages. <td align = left><img src = “logo.gif”></td>. <td>. </td>. <td align = right><img src = “logo.gif”></td>. <td width = “25%”>. <span class=menu>Home</span></td>. <span class=menu>Contact</span></td>. <span class=menu>Services</span></td>. <span class=menu>Site Map</span></td>. L ISTING 5.4 footer.inc—The Reusable Footer for All TLA Web Pages. TLA Consulting Pty Ltd.</p>. <a href =”legal.php3”>legal information page</a></p>....

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 17


Passing a parameter allowed us to get data that was created outside the function—in this case, the array $data —into the function.. We can improve our create_table() function in many ways, but one way might be to allow the caller to specify the border or other attributes of the table. Here is an improved version of the function. echo “<table...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 18


To find out more about concepts such as recursion, pass by value/reference, and scope that affect many languages, you can look at a general computer science text book, such as Dietel and Dietel’s C++ How To Program.. Now that you are using include files, require files, and functions to make your code more maintainable and reusable, the next chapter addresses...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 19


We then call operations the same way that we call other functions: by using their name and placing any parameters that they need in brackets. The object name is used in the same way as an object’s attributes as follows:. If our operations return something, we can capture that return data as follows:. Note that because class B extends class...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 20


TLA Consulting Pty Ltd.</p>. <a href =””>legal information page</a></p>. and DisplayFooter() need to display a large block of static HTML, with no PHP processing. strpos() to see if the URL given is contained in one of the server set variables. To use this page class, we need to include page.inc in a script and call Display(). Uses require to include...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 21


You might wonder why we chose to have two separate tables—why not just store Julie’s address in the Orders table? We’ll explore this in more detail in the next section.. The complete set of the table designs for a database is called the database schema. It is akin to a blueprint for the database. A schema should show the tables...

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 22


If this is the case, in order to work through the examples or to create your own database, you’ll need to have your administrator set up a user and database for you to work with and tell you the username, password, and database name they have assigned to you.. You can either skip the sections of this chapter that explain...