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Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 35


$this->listPublicGroups( 0. $this->listPublicGroups( intval( $urlBits[1. 'models/group.php');. $group = new Group( $this->registry, 0. $group->setCreator( $this->registry->getObject('authenticate. $group->setName( $this->registry->getObject('db. $group->setDescription( $this->registry->getObject('db. $this->registry->errorPage('Group created', 'Thank you, your new group has been created');. $this->registry->getObject('template')->buildFromTemplates(. <div id="main">. <div id="rightside">. <div id="content">. method="post">. <label for="name">Name</label><br />. <label for="description">Description</label><br />. name="description"></textarea><br />. <label for="type">Type</label><br />. name="type">. <option value="public">Public Group</option>. <option value="private">Private Group</option>. <option value="private-member-invite">Private (Invite Only) Group</option>. <option...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 36


'models/groupmembership.php');. $gm = new Groupmembership( $this->registry. $user = $this->registry->getObject('authenticate. $gm->getByUserAndGroup( $user, $this->groupID. if( $this->group->getCreator. $this->createTopic();. $this->viewTopic( intval( $urlBits[3. $this->replyToTopic( intval( $urlBits[3. $this->manageMembership( intval( $urlBits[3. $this->viewGroup();. 'controllers/group/membership.php');. $membership = new Membershipcontroller( $this->registry, $this->groupID. $this->registry->errorPage( 'Group not found', 'Sorry, the group you requested was not found'. $this->registry->errorPage( 'Please login', 'Sorry, you must be logged in to view groups'. $this->group->toTags( 'group_'. $this->registry->getObject('template')->buildFromTemplates(. 'header.tpl.php',...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 37


$sql = "SELECT * FROM groups WHERE active=1 AND type <>. 'lib/pagination/pagination.class.php');. $pagination->setQuery( $sql. $pagination->setOffset( $offset. $pagination->setLimit( 20. $pagination->setMethod('cache');. $pagination->generatePagination();. if( $pagination->getNumRowsPage. 'header.tpl.php', 'groups/no-public.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php'. 'header.tpl.php', 'groups/public.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php'. 'groups', array( 'SQL', $pagination->getCache. 'page_number', $pagination->getCurrentPage(). 'num_pages', $pagination->getNumPages(). if( $pagination->isFirst. 'first', "<a href='groups/'>First page</a>". $pagination- >getCurrentPage. "'>Previous page</a>". if( $pagination->isLast. $pagination->getCurrentPage. "'>Next page</a>". $pagination- >getNumPages. "'>Last page</a>". The template file for this...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 38


Some implementations, such as the Twitter API even make it possible to change the format of the data returned, simply by changing a part of the URI.. The API requests are made to specific URIs, which define the resource that the consumer is trying to perform the action (determined by the verbs) upon.. http://ourdomain.com/profiles : To list or create profiles....

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 39


$registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag( 'siteurl', $registry->getSetting('siteurl'). $registry->getObject('template')-. >buildFromTemplates('header.tpl.php', 'main.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php');. $registry->getObject('db')->executeQuery( $controllersSQL. This wasn't a problem initially, because we reset the variable to the active controller after this. The final change is to only add authentication-related template bits to the view, if the active controller isn't API.. $registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('userbar', 'userbar_loggedin.tpl.php');. $registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag( 'username', $registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUsername(). $registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('userbar', 'userbar.tpl.php');. '/controller.php');. $controllerInc = $controller.'controller';. $registry->getObject('template')->parseOutput();. print $registry->getObject('template')->getPage. $this->caller =...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 40


As well as putting the site online, we need to keep the security and maintenance provisions in mind, to ensure our site stays secure and well maintained should anything go wrong.. There are quite a number of stages to go through to put Dino Space online, so that it can be accessed on the Internet. Choosing and registering a domain...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 41


Importing our local database to the hosting account. We now have our database set up and working on the production server!. Changing some of our database records. Most of these should be contained in the settings table, such as the siteurl setting, which at present points to our local installation. We will need to update this record to reflect our...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 42


To restore from the backups, all we need to do is browse for the file we wish to restore from, and then click on Upload.. When restoring, any existing database or home directory content will be removed, so only do this if you really need to. If you need to gain access to a specific file that you need to...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 43


It is important, however, to not use competing social networking sites to promote our site on, as such promotion is likely to be removed, and does not help our reputation. Sites such as Facebook are large and generic, so provided we are promoting a site such as Dino Space, which is specific and targets a niche market, we would be...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 44


One of the most important factors when it comes to the speed, performance, and scalability of our site, is our code. By improving the performance of our code, it consumes fewer resources, allowing us to get more out of our current hardware.. Thankfully, because we have used the Model-View-Controller architecture, our code is already maintainable, extendable, and flexible, which is...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 45


about 377 URL 377 123-reg. URL 374 .htaccess file 58. REST 351 RMI 351 RPC 351 SOAP 351. about 377 URL 377. authenticate registry object amending 359, 360 authentication. POST authentication 67 registry object 65, 67 SESSION authentication 68 authentication controller. British Telecom about 9 URL 9. See British Telecom business logic, social networks. British Telecom 9 Dell 9. cloud...

Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 46


432 ] public messages 199. status stream 181, 182 SPAM 390. startFresh() method 86 static profile. static profile, editing date picker 168. template file, adding 166, 167 user photograph, uploading 157-163 static profile, viewing. status posts processing 249 status stream. about 181, 182. building 182-184 generating 190, 191 stream controller. generateStream method 190, 191 stream, generating 190, 191 stream model....

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 1


No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 2


In action 176. In action 196. In action 209. In action 228. View in action 234. In action 251. Creating a group—in action 324. In action 335. Discussion in action—viewing a topic 340. In action 344. In action 346

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 3


This book doesn't just stop with how to develop a social networking platform. What this book covers. Chapter 4, Friends and Relationships, looks at allowing users to connect with one another, either by adding them as friends or establishing custom relationships with one another such as a co-worker or family member.. Chapter 7, Public and Private Messages, enables users to...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 4


Existing social networking software. Just like there a number of fantastic social networking sites, there are a number of software systems available as well. These can be used to develop unique social networking sites.. On its own, Drupal can be used to create easy-to-use, easy-to-update websites. By extending this through the thousands of modules that the communities have developed or...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 5


Before we jump in and start programming, it is important that we take some time to plan and properly design the framework.. The Model-View-Controller pattern is an architectural design pattern designed to separate the user interface from the business logic of an application. The user interface (view) uses the controller to interact with the logic and data of the application...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 6


Connecting to the database and managing connections. In order to connect to multiple databases, we need to maintain a record of the different connections. This can be done by storing each connection resource in an array, keeping a record as to which of the items in this array is the active connection. Number of queries made during execution process. Record...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 7


$templateContent, $this->page->getContent(). $this->page->setContent( $newContent. Data that we wish to have placed into our templates works in a similar way to template bits, except that we can simply replace the tag with the data passed, as opposed to the contents of another file.. If we have a list of friends of a user for instance, which we have found via a...

Thiết kế mạng xã hội với PHP - 8


public function addAdditionalParsingData($block, $tag, $condition, $extratag, $data). $this->apd[$block. We will want to get a list of all the template bits we need to process into the page (processing is done by the template object).. public function getBits(). return $this->bits;. We also need to get our array of additional parsing data for the template handler to process.. public function getAdditionalParsingData(). return...