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Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 1


Thank you to everyone who allowed screenshots to be printed in this book.. It’s a metaphor.. Much of what you will read in this book is put into practice on the WordPress blog that accompanies this book.. That is the current version of WordPress at the time this book was published. So if we say something like “...the current version...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 4


The back end of WordPress, heretofore known as the Admin area, is the part of WordPress that is seen only by you, your co-authors, and your site administrators.. You view this area directly through a web browser and it is used to create and control all of the content and otherwise manage the site. 1.3.5 The Front End. The end...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 5


Yet, it is this file and its contents which make all special permalink handling possible in WordPress.. The .htaccess file should exist at the root directory of your WordPress install, but don’t run off and create one just yet. Permalinks area and choose any setting other than the default and click “Save Changes.” If you received the following response message,...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 6


This code is useful for displaying all of the terms associated with a particular taxonomy for a given post. For each of your posts, the output of this particular example will display all of the tags associated with the “people” taxonomy. You can change this up to any taxonomy you want by editing the first instance of the term “...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 7


Art Direction http://digwp.com/u/24. Database Manager http://digwp.com/u/125. FeedBurner FeedSmith http://digwp.com/u/26. WP-DBManager http://digwp.com/u/111. Posts Per Page http://digwp.com/u/112. Post Editor Buttons http://digwp.com/u/113. When you do that, instead of the rich-text editor you see when creating posts, you just get a few buttons and see the raw HTML in the content box. IntenseDebate.com In theory, it’s great, but in practice it hasn’t quite lived...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 8


If you had never seen the files in a WordPress theme before, you could probably guess which file is responsible for the top of pages. It’s everybody’s favorite theme file: header.php. This isn’t the time or place to talk about why to chose one DOCTYPE over another (there are plenty available to choose from), but suffice it to say that...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 9


The loop is the one thing that is absolutely core to understanding how WordPress works. In its most basic, generalized form, the loop looks like this:. <?php. The Loop. the_post();. First the loop makes sure that there are some posts to display (the “ if ” statement). If that is true, it begins the loop. Then, the function “ the_post....

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 10


In the Admin area, there is an entire area just for “links” (located in the same area with Posts and Pages). <?php wp_list_bookmarks(array(. One of the things you may wish to include in a sidebar is an area of text that you can edit from the back end. If you have a “widgetized” sidebar, you can just drag this over...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 11


4.1.1 Customizing the Loop. As we mentioned in the previous chapter, if there is one thing that you need to understand to be a true badass theme developer, it is how the loop works and what you can do with it. With this as our mantra, let’s spend the first part of this chapter looking at how to do lots...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 12


<?php get_header. <?php get_sidebar. <div id="main-content">. Loop </div>. <?php get_sidebar("secondary". <?php get_footer. The two get_sidebar() template tags seen in this code should be placed in all of the major template files that are responsible for a full page layout ( index.php. archive.php , single.php , page.php. sidebar.php ” and “ sidebar-secondary.php. <div id="sidebar">. </div>. <div id="sidebar-secondary">. Loop of most recent...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 13


<a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $comment-. ?>"><. ?>:</a>. </li>. echo '<li>No Comments</li>';. <?php dp_recent_comments(6). Just like recent comments, there is a built-in “Recent Posts” widget which will do the trick. <?php wp_get_archives('type=postbypost&limit=5');. <?php. Popularity is more loosely defined than something like “recent.” How do you define popularity? Page views? Number of comments? Back links? If you want to accommodate all the...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 14


If you are using a child theme, it’s not a big deal, just replace the parent and your alterations are intact. style.css file.. The CSS file will have some specially formatted comments at the top of it which will identify it, and most importantly, identify the parent theme which it intends to use.. Theme Name: My Cool Child Theme Theme...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 15


Content in here will ONLY show if there are no widgets active, or if the version of WordPress running doesn't support widgets.. There are all sorts of potentially useful widgets built right into WordPress. With a good understanding of the WordPress theme system under our belts, we forge ahead and dig into the many ways that WordPress can be extended…....

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 16


Installing your plugins one at a time gives you the opportunity to test your site for proper functionality.. This enables you to know immediately if the plugin is compatible with your site or not. Thus, you will save time, stress, and a big headache by meticulously installing your plugins in an organized, sequential fashion.. If you are not sufficiently familiar...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 17


And that’s all there is to it! Depending on placement of the function call, your comments area should now feature quick and easy “spam” and “delete” buttons next to each individual comment. The easiest way to implement shortcode functionality is to specify your shortcodes via the functions.php file. <a href="/contact/">Contact</a>. <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(12). ?>">Contact</a>. That “12” would be the...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 18


Each post now includes its own custom icon that links directly to the single view of the post itself, as seen in this screenshot of a recent post:. Instead of using that layout, we’ll display the thumbnails separately in the sidebar:. In other words, if we were to have included the custom-image URL along with the main post content, there...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 19


WP-CMS Post Control http://digwp.com/u/55. WP-CMS http://digwp.com/u/56. Flutter http://digwp.com/u/57. Supple Forms http://digwp.com/u/58. Custom Write Panel http://digwp.com/u/59. Enables you to create additional write panels with customized input fields. Members http://digwp.com/u/145. Role Scoper http://digwp.com/u/60. Disclose-Secret http://digwp.com/u/61. Page Restrict http://digwp.com/u/62. Enables you to restrict specified pages to logged-in users.. WPML http://digwp.com/u/63. Breadcrumb NavXT http://digwp.com/u/64. Enables you to customize navigational breadcrumb trails for your site....

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 20


One of the coolest things about using WordPress to power your site is the dynamic nature by which it organizes and generates content. Every post or article that you publish on your site is stored in a MySQL database on your server. In a nutshell, feeds enable subscribers to see in their feed readers the same content that is displayed...

Tìm Hiểu về Wordpress - part 21


While configuring your feed for either full or partial post display, you should also consider the number of posts included in your feed. In the WordPress Admin, under Settings >. Here you may set any number of posts for your feed – this may be different than the number set for your archive posts.. Note that when it comes to...