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CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 40


What is the biggest difference between packet-switched and circuit- Q:. With FDDI, the idea is to provide high-speed service to all stations connected to the ring. What is the difference between ADSL and SDSL?. businesses use ADSL whereas larger companies use SDSL due to the increased upstream and downstream data speeds. Is ISDN the same thing as dial-up?. Both use...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 41


This chapter also covers intrusion detection. It is important to under- stand not only the concepts of intrusion detection but also the use and placement of intrusion detection systems (IDSs) within a network infra- structure. The placement of an IDS is critical to deployment success. thus, not all networks should be physically laid out in the same fashion. With the...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 42


Ports can be physical, such as serial ports or parallel ports, or they can be logical. are used to differentiate between the connections to the device.. For example, Web servers run on port 80 by default, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) file transfers use ports 20 and 21 on the server when it is in active mode. In passive mode,...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 43


Figure 9.4 provides an example of this concept.. In computer security, a DMZ is a “neutral” network segment where systems accessible to the public Internet are housed, which offers some basic levels of protection against attacks. The term DMZ is derived from the military and is used to describe a “safe” or buffer area between two countries where, by mutual...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 44


A final Outgoing-Call-Connected message completes the handshake, and data can flow, marked with the Tunnel IDs and Call ID to ensure that it can be uniquely distinguished from other traffic.. Again, as in the PPTP case, there is a message to disconnect a call and a message to disconnect a tunnel – these are the Call-Disconnect-Notify and Stop-Control-Connection-Notification messages. L2TP’s...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 45


The concept of spoofing includes pretending to be a trusted source, thereby increasing the chances that the attack will go unnoticed.. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing can be quickly and easily done with a variety of tools, most of which are designed to work on UNIX OSs.. One of the best all-around suites is a package called dsniff. It contains...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 46


party’s hands, it can be used to falsely authenticate and identify someone as a valid party, forging false communications or using the user’s access to gain permissions to the available resources.. Applications such as Telnet and FTP are examples of programs that simply transmit the user- name and password in cleartext to the party they are authenticating. The problem with...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 47


As seen in Figure 9.15, two events are occurring as credentials are pre- sented (password, Smart Card, biomet- rics) to the KDC for authentication.. This is due to the dual role of the KDC.. First, the authentication credential is pre- sented to the KDC where it is authen- ticated using the Authentication Server mechanism. It starts by presenting the previously...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 48


TACACS+ was the first revision to offer secure communications between the TACACS+ client and the TACACS+ server. TACACS+ uses TCP as its transport and continues to gain popularity because it is easy to implement and reasonably priced.. The largest vulnerability in TACACS+ is the comparative weakness of the encryption mechanism. One of the biggest complaints regarding TACACS+ is that it...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 49


PEAP is an open standard supported under the security framework of the IEEE 802.1x specification.. All these options can be used to increase the security of the internal network by keeping untrusted and unauthorized users out.. VPNs are used to allow remote network users to securely connect back to the corporate network. IDSs are used to identify and respond to...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 50


NETworK MANAGEMENT 477. Why do networked information systems need to be managed? Well, without skillful and insightful management your network can quickly become out of control. What do you have? Network management refers to the activities, techniques, measures, and gear that pertain to how you operate, administer, maintain, and condition the networked information systems to ensure the highest availability possible...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 51


ChApTEr 10: Network Management 486. FIGurE 10.4. FIGurE 10.3 A Confusing Network Diagram.. Many physical network diagrams, as represented in Figure 10.5, have the site name, location, type of physical media connecting each site, and the speed at which the site link is running at. FIGurE 10.5 A Complex Physical Network Diagram.. ChApTEr 10: Network Management 488. Notice Figure 10.6...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 52


For example, during regular business hours, the network administrator might be called to deal with any issues dealing with the network. After work and on weekends, however, the members of the IT department may rotate the duty of being on-call, so that a different member of the staff is responsible for fixing problems dur- ing off hours. If the organization...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 53


ChApTEr 10: Network Management 506. ExAM oBJECTIvES FAST TrACK Network Management. Network management includes the activities, techniques, mea-. configura- tion management documentation (wiring schematics for your WAN links and local POP, network diagrams, baselines, policies and regu- lations) are all inclusive to network management.. A common way of characterizing network management functions is. cal connection inside your network.. Network Monitoring....

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 54


You are working at the local county hospital. which of the following regulations should your organization need to be aware of?. All of the above. You have been delegated the responsibility of creating all of your 15.. network’s documentation. As you research this topic you find out that you must create CM documentation. ThE oSI ModEl 525. Throughout this exam...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 55


ChApTEr 11: Network Troubleshooting Tools 526. own header to the packet. You can use your understanding of the OSI model to improve your trou- bleshooting techniques. It’s important to understand what takes place at each layer of the OSI model, and which devices operate at these layers. When it comes to network troubleshooting, the most important layers of the model...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 56


When there is a large percentage of lost pings for the link, it indicates con- gestion on the network between hops. In Exercise 11.2, you will use the pathping command to view the path to www.yahoo.com.. ExErcisE 11.2 Utilizing the pathping command. Right-click on the. In the. Administrator: Command Prompt screen type pathping www.yahoo.com and hit Enter on the keyboard.....

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 57


ChApTEr 11: Network Troubleshooting Tools 546. The command ipconfig /displaydns will show you the contents of the local DNS cache. After typing ipconfig / displaydns at the command prompt, you’ll see output similar to what is dis- played in Figure 11.19.. The command ipconfig /registernds will refresh DHCP leases for all NICs on the machine and will reregister the machine’s...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 58


ChApTEr 11: Network Troubleshooting Tools 556. you’ll specify all of the necessary command line switches each time you issue the command. @server This is the name of the computer you’re querying for.. Unlike nslookup, dig requires you to use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the host you’re looking for. –b address If you have multiple NICs installed on...

CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide part 59


You’ll need to purchase a third- party tool like SolarWinds or LAN MapShot. switch after typing in the name of the command.. Which of the following commands is a Linux-based command used 1.. Which of the following commands shows the correct syntax to accomplish this?. You would like to view the network path that is taken by packets across your...