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Các biến thể của tiếng anh part 14


(v) Center is only North American (especially US), and so fantasise, honour and travelling would have to be changed to make this a consistent text. The topic, if not the text type, is likely to be a big influence: something discussing the honours system will give many clues in the form of the word honour, if not in other ways....

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 1


Morphology is the study of how words are formed out of smaller units (called morphemes), and so addresses questions such as ‘What are the component morphemes of a word like antidisestablishmentarianism, and what is the nature of the morphological operations by which they are combined together to form the overall word?’. Syntax is the study of the way in which...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 2


The theory of parameters outlined in the previous section has important implications for a theory of language acquisition. If all grammatical variation can be characterised in terms of a series of parameters with binary settings, it follows that the only grammatical learning which children have to undertake in relation to the syntactic properties of the relevant class of constructions is...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 3


(But note that very can only be used to modify adjectives/adverbs which by virtue of their meaning are gradable and so can be qualified by words like very/rather/somewhat etc. adjectives/adverbs which denote an absolute state are ungradable by virtue of their meaning, and so cannot be qualified in the same way – hence the oddity of !Fifteen students were very...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 4


However, there is evidence against a determiner analysis of the complementiser that. Similarly, the determiner that can be used pronominally (without any complement), whereas the complementiser that cannot: cf.. For one thing, if differs from interrogative adverbs like where/when/whether not only in its form (it isn’t a wh-word, as we can see from the fact that it doesn’t begin with...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 5


Moreover, additional support for the Binarity Principle comes from evidence that phonological structure is also binary, in that (e.g.) a syllable like bat has a binary structure, consisting of the onset |b| and the rhyme |at|, and the rhyme in turn has a binary. structure, consisting of the nucleus |a| and the coda |t| (See Radford et al. (under the...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 6


D N T VP The president may. The reflexive pronoun himself can be bound by the DP the president in (45) because the sister of the DP node is the T-bar node, and the pronoun himself is contained within the relevant T-bar node (by virtue of being one of the grandchildren of T-bar): consequently, the DP the president c-commands the...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 7


the two italicised occurrences of the subject pronoun I can be given a null spellout because in each case I is the first word in the sentence, but not other occurrences of I – as we see from (5) below:. we can’t truncate He in a sentence like He is tired, giving *Is tired): the precise nature of the constraints...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 8


Finite complement clauses are CPs headed either by an overt complementiser like that or if or by a null complementiser (e.g. a null variant of that in the case of declarative complement clauses). Finite main clauses are likewise CPs headed by a C which contains an inverted auxiliary if the clause is interrogative, and an inherently null complementiser otherwise.. The...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 9


Account for the (un)grammaticality of the bracketed infinitive complement clause structures in the following sentences in standard varieties of English:. Assume that each of the italicised words in the above examples has its own idiosyncratic selectional properties, and that the selectional properties of any word W are described by saying: ‘W selects as its complement an expression headed by. properties...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 10


in Elizabethan English, but not in present-day English. Using Chomsky’s strength metaphor, we can say that the Tns affix carried by a finite T was strong in Elizabethan English, but is weak in present day English. but because the affix is weak in present-day English, T can only be filled by an auxiliary which is directly merged in T, not...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 11


On the TP cycle, The Tns affix in T is lowered onto the end of the verb help by Affix Hopping, which specifies that a weak affix in T is lowered onto the head V of a VP complement of T. Affix Hopping results in the form [help+ Tns 3SgPr. The complement pronoun her is assigned accusative case in the...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 12


Since a convergent derivation is one which results in a grammatical structure which can be assigned an appropriate semantic and phonetic representation, the phrase ‘just enough material for convergence’ in effect means ‘just enough material to ensure that the resulting structure is grammatical’. The [ WH ] feature of C in (27) means that C looks for the closest wh-word...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 13


marked degree adverb how to form the QP how many places (so that how is the specifier of this QP). (Irrelevantly, 7c is grammatical on a different interpretation on which how is a manner adverb with a meaning paraphraseable as ‘In what way. The quantifier which is merged with the noun film to form the QP which film.. This in...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 14


which is the complement of the verb taking, and yields the grammatical outcome (24b) since there is no violation of CED (extraction out of complement expressions being permitted by CED). In the light of Huang’s CED constraint, consider a sentence such as:. Here, the wh-phrase how many survivors has been extracted (via wh-movement) out of the bracketed expression some hope...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 15


Likewise, the VPs headed by the passive verb believed and the unaccusative verb occurred in (76b) have no subject of their own, and so allow several riots to move out of both VPs into spec-TP in the main clause. Similarly, the VP headed by the raising verb seem in (76c) has no subject of its own and so allows the...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 16


In addition to being sent to the PF component, each structure generated by the syntactic component of the grammar is simultaneously sent to the semantic component, where it is converted into an appropriate semantic representation. Chomsky’s answer is to suppose that uninterpretable features are deleted in the course of the syntactic derivation, in the specific sense that they are marked...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 17


Given the requirement for a floating emphatic reflexive to be c-commanded by its antecedent, and given that PRO is the intended antecedent of themselves in (47), it is clear that (47a) cannot be the right. but see Bowers (2002) for a different analysis of the case-marking of PRO subjects.. In the light of these assumptions, consider the derivation of the...

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 18


Foc TP would he would turn to no other colleague The focused QP/quantifier phrase no other colleague originates as the complement of the preposition to and (by virtue of being focused) moves from complement position within PP into specifier position within FocP. One way of describing the relevant data is to suppose that the head Foc constituent of FocP carries...