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Có 65+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "vocabulary english"

Basic English Grammar (Book 1)


Printed in the United States of America Three Watson. The preposition shows relation, As in the street or at the station.. Then write the correct letter in the space above them.. 1 There’s a little bird in the garden.. It is often used in the names of mountains.. Underline the proper nouns in the following sentences.. Look at the words...



Underline all the nouns in the following sentences. Put a checkmark in the correct box.. for a walk in the zoo. Write the missing collective nouns in the blank spaces.. In the first sentence, the proper noun Lisa is the subject of the verb likes.. In the second sentence, the pronoun she is the subject of the verb has.. In...

Timesaver Phrasal Verbs Idioms


I've never heard an elephant talking before, and you speak perfect English.". says the manager, "We'd better give him some tea, then.". this part of the world.". says the elephant "Yes, that'll be fine.". Match the sentence halves to make descriptions of the people in the picture.. Write the names of the people next to them in the picture.. j)...

Oxford Practice Grammar


It's in the kitchen.. a) does it snow b) does it snows c) snow it d) snows it 24 Which team...the game?. 26 Unfortunately the driver...the red light.. 27 You haven't eaten your pudding...it?. 72 This detailed map is...the atlas.. 78 You can see the details ...the computer screen.. I can't keep...you.. 86 Someone ...the tickets are free.. Put in...

Thơ tiếng Anh vui


HERE đây, THERE đó, WHICH nào, WHERE đâu SENTENCE có nghĩa là câu. LESSON bài h c RAINBOW c u ọ ầ vòng WIFE là v HUSBAND ch ng ợ ồ. MERRY vui thích cái s ng là HORN ừ TEAR là xé, rách là TORN. TO SING là hát A SONG m t bài ộ TRUE là th t,...