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Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 13


Tada! As you can see in the next screenshot, our page and sidebar navigation now look like this:. As you can see, touching up a WordPress theme is easỵ Not only can you customize your theme to look and work the way you want, you can imagine how easy it is to tweak the themés HTML markup so that your...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 14


That's it, all that's required of a jQuery plugin. Now, let's dive in to enhancing the output of our WordPress plugin with a jQuery plugin.. jQuery(this).find(obj).fadeOut("slow");. Now that we've created a jQuery plugin script, let's quickly test it out in our theme first. All we have to do is embed our new jQuery plugin named jquery.authover.js to our theme, under...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 15


For ColorBox, Jack Moore really took some time and effort to come up with five, very slick styles for the modal window, and a nice set of callback and extension functions for the more advanced developer to take advantage of. Second, all image loading for the modal window components (the transparent background, close, Next, and Back buttons) is handled entirely...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 16


Last, for this new page to be recognized as a special template for WordPress, we have to add a template header to the very top of the document in commented out PHP as shown here:. <?php. As with our plugin in Chapter 3 , Digging Deeper: Understanding WordPress and jQuery Together , make sure there are no spaces or hard...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 17


Just for clarity, I'd like the event name to show up in the header of the form as well.. When the form launches, you'll now see the name of the event in the header and in the Event field, which is set to read only and not editable by the user. Now when the form is submitted and e-mailed to...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 18


Again, you'll need to look at each project and assess it accordingly. Coming up in the next chapter, get ready to bust out the "eye candy". In Chapter 2, Working with jQuery in WordPress, in the Events and effects section, we learned about the following functions: show. We've already worked with several of these functions in our previous projects in...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 19


animation function has completed, the .delay() function might not be the best way to go. jQuery('.post:first') .hide(). .fadeTo(0, .1) .css("height px") .animate({. The previous code snippet will generate JavaScript alerts at the .animate() function's completed steps once it's completely finished.. You then add the new sticky-alert.png image to their theme's image directory and update the stylesheet at the very bottom...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 20


And here it is at its completion, a fun visually clear display of the organization's shining greensters:. First, tell me exactly what you'd like done, and we'll see". We'll continue to use the Default Theme with the Page Navigation CSS changes that we made in Chapter 2, Working with jQuery in WordPress. We'll be enhancing the navigation with a smooth...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 21


Next up, we'll move the h2 header up a bit and most importantly, as our actual posts are under the positioned absolute .sticky posts, we'll move those down so they show up under our soon-to-be-animated sticky posts. We'll also adjust the image's right-hand side margin a bit for placement.. jQuery('.sticky h2').css({margin: '0', padding: '0'});. jQuery('.sticky img').css('marginRight','30px');. jQuery('.post:not(.sticky):first').css('margin-top','360px');. Essentially, we're targeting...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 22


The main feature is the .effect() function, but the standard animation functions and shortcuts that are available in jQuery are enhanced with the jQuery UI plugin's. so, if you include it into your project, you won't need the Color or Easing plugins that we've been working with previously. The jQuery effects comprise:. Show: This enhanced show method optionally accepts jQuery...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 23


It also allows you, as a designer, to contain the content into a convenient module, saving valuable screen space.. While animating posts works well with the unrelated content that you want to ensure, everyone gets a glimpse at, loading content up into tabs means the content is somehow related, and yes, you also want to conserve space, perhaps getting that...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 24


Project: Adding a dialog box to a download button with icons. We can enhance this download process further by making the download link more prominent using the button widget, and turning the previous Disclaimer text into a dialog box. The user will then have to select I Agree on the dialog box to get the PDF download to continue and...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 25


In truth, most of these sites don't truly qualify as using AJAX and if you use just a few of the jQuery examples from this book in your WordPress site, it will probably be considered Ajaxy, despite not calling asynchronously to the server. In the past, when writing up introductions to AJAX or going over the pros and cons of...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 26


jQuery('#content li a').click(function(event){. var page = jQuery(this).attr('href');. jQuery('.displayPost'). //use the grabbed link in the load function .load(page+' .post'). .fadeOut()//fade out the previous content .slideDown(2000);//slide in the new content. Can you believe how simple that is? Any link that's clicked on will fade out the content that's loaded and slide in the new content! We now have a super slick effect...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 27


"+comment+"</div>") .hide() //then hide it!. As mentioned in Chapter 3, Digging Deeper: Understanding jQuery and WordPress Together, if you create a jQuery enhancement that doesn't require any tweaks or edits to the WordPress theme, and will work with most themes released for public use, you may want to consider wrapping up your scripts into a separate WordPress plugin.. You'll then...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 28


Know what jQuery is doing to the DOM. If your jQuery script has created new DOM objects on-the-fly or is manipulating objects, right-clicking View Page Source will only show you what the server served up and not what jQuery and JavaScript cooked up in your browser.. Select what's generated by jQuery or should be affected by your jQuery script and...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 29


:not(selector) jQuery(".post img:not(.pIcon)").. :header jQuery(".post :header").jqFn. :first jQuery(".post:first").jqFn. :last jQuery(".post:last").jqFn. :even jQuery(".post:even").jqFn. :odd jQuery(".post:odd").jqFn. :eq(number) jQuery(".post:eq(0)").jqFn. :gt(number) jQuery(".post:gt(0)").jqFn. :lt(number) jQuery(".post:lt(2)").jqFn. :animated jQuery(".post:animated").jqFn. jQuery(".selector:content-filter(params if any)").function();. :has(selector) jQuery(".post:has(.entry)").. :contains(text) jQuery(".post:contains('Hello world')").css("background",. jQuery(".selector:child-filter(params if any)").function();. jQuery(".linkcat li:nth- child(1)").css("background",. :first-child jQuery(".linkcat li:first- child").css("background",. :last-child jQuery(".linkcat li:last- child").css("background",. :only-child jQuery(".pagenav li:only- child").css("background",. .css('property', 'value') jQuery(".post") .css("background",. .addClass('className') jQuery(".post"). .removeClass('className') jQuery(".post"). switch-optional) jQuery(".post"). Example Syntax...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 30


Top WordPress template tags. The following are the top WordPress template tags that I find most useful for helping out with jQuery and theme development:. Template Tag Description Parameters. Displays your blog's information supplied by your user profile and general options in the Administration Panel.. Template_Tags/. Default: No parameters will display anything. wp_title('——',true,'');. Displays the title of a page or...

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 31


Even if you're not creating your own theme from scratch, you can easily add your own shortcodes to any theme's functions.php file and ramp up your productivity.. .after 271 .append 271 .appendTo 271 .before 271 .html 272 .insertAfter 271 .insertBefore 271 .prepend 271 .prependTo 271 .text 272 .wrap 272 .wrapAll 272 .wrapInner 272 Dreamweaver. .click 272 .dbclick 272 .hover 272....

Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 32


WordPress 2.7 Complete 32 WordPress 3.0. WordPress 3.0 jQuery About Packt Publishing. such as Smart YouTube and Plugin Central WordPress 2.8 Theme Design