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Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 37)


by A is performed on the rightmost tree in the diagram above. (Recall that although G and J are visited during this search, any points to the left of G or to the right of J would not be touched.) Finally, the upper endpoints of G, J, F, E, and I are encountered, so those points are successively deleted, leading...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 38)


The closest pair on the left half is AC (or AO), the closest pair on the right is JM. If we have the points sorted on y, then the closest pair which is split by the line is found by checking the pairs HI, CI, FK, which is. the closest pair in the whole point set, and finally EK.. Though...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 39)


For example, given an airline route map of the eastern U. S., we might be interested in questions like: “What’s the fastest way to get from Providence to Princeton?” Or we might be more interested in money than in time, and look for the cheapest way to get from Providence to Princeton. Such circuits can be represented and processed within...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 40)


actually visited in the order A F E G D C B H I J K L M. Each connected component leads to a tree, called the depth-first search tree. It is important to note that this forest of depth-first search trees is simply another way of drawing the graph. all vertices and edges of the graph are examined by...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 41)


Depth-first search is a member of a family of graph traversal algorithms that are quite natural when viewed nonrecursively. Any one of these methods can be used to solve the simple connectivity problems posed in the last chapter.. In this section, we’ll see how one program can be used to implement graph traversal methods with quite different characteristics, merely by...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 42)


(We’ll assume in later chapters that this is done in a separate procedure findinit.) For our sample set of edges, this program builds the following trees from the first ten edges:. Now FE doesn’t contribute anything, as before, then AF combines the first two trees (with A at the root, since its tree is larger), the GC doesn’t contribute anything,...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 43)


priority-first search method will be faster for some graphs, Prim’s for some others, Kruskal’s for still others. As mentioned above, the worst case for the priority-first search method is (E + V)logV while the worst case for Prim’s is V2 and the worst case for Kruskal’s is Elog E. But it is unwise to choose between the algorithms on the...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 44)


The nodes are visited in the order A F E D B G J K L M C H I.. Note that the directions on the edges make this depth-first search forest quite different from the depth-first search forests that we saw for undirected graphs. For example, even though the original graph was connected, the depth-first search structure defined by...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 45)


Suppose further that the network has a single source (say, an oil field) and a single destination (say, a large refinery) to which all of the pipes ultimately connect. What switch settings will maximize the amount of oil flowing from source to destination? Complex interactions involving material flow at junc- tions make this problem, called the networkflow problem, a nontrivial...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 46)


For example, a quite complicated system has been set up in the U. The problem is to assign students to positions in a fair way, respecting all the stated preferences. A sophisticated algorithm is required because the best students are likely to be preferred by several hospitals, and the best hospital positions are likely to be preferred by several students....

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 47)


Find all the matchings with five edges for the given sample bipartite graph.. Use the algorithm given in the text to find maximum matchings for random bipartite graphs with 50 vertices and 100 edges. About how many edges are in the matchings?. Modify the network flow program of Chapter 33 to take advantage of the special structure of the O-l...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 48)


This pattern is called the perfect shufle because the wires are exactly interleaved, in the same way that cards from the two halves would be interleaved in an ideal mix of a deck of cards.. The essential feature of the method is that all of the compare-exchange operations in each stage can be done in parallel. It clearly demonstrates that...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 49)


Complex Roots of Unity. It turns out that the most convenient points to use for polynomial interpolation and evaluation are complex numbers, in fact, a particular set of complex numbers called the complex roots of unity.. These are the so-called complex roots of unity. One of these, named WN, is called the principal Nth root of unity. For example, we...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 50)


Dynamic Programming. The principle of divide-and-conquer has guided the design of many of the algorithms we’ve studied: to solve a large problem, break it up into smaller problems which can be solved independently. In dynamic programming this principle is carried to an extreme: when we don’t know exactly which smaller problems to solve, we simply solve them all, then store...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 51)


The value maxint div 2 is used as a sentinel in matrix positions corresponding to edges not present in the graph. This eliminates the need to test explicitly in the inner loop whether there is an edge from x to j or from y to j. This is virtually the same program that we used to compute the transitive closure...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 52)


LINEAR PROGRAMMING. The Simplex Method. It turns out that pivoting corresponds in a natural way to the geometric operation of moving from point to point on the simplex, in search of the solution. That is, the well-known “algorithm” for solving this problem could more precisely be described as a generic method which can be refined in any of several different...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 53)


Some problems involve searching through a vast number of potential solutions to find an answer, and simply do not seem to be amenable to solution by efficient algorithms. In this chapter, we’ll examine some charac- teristics of problems of this sort and some techniques which have proven to be useful for solving them.. For most of the applications that we...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 54)


This tour traverses every edge in the spanning tree twice, so its cost is twice the cost of the tree. It is not a simple tour, since a node may be visited many times, but it can be converted to a simple tour simply by deleting all but the first occurrence of each node. Deleting an occurrence of a node...

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 55)


running the given program on the given input, so it produces a solution to an instance of the given problem. Some NP- Complete Problems. As mentioned above, literally thousands of diverse problems are known to be NP-complete. (On the other hand, the fact that no one has been able to prove that any of these problem do not belong to...

Bài giảng Công nghệ Java: Chương 4 - Trần Quang Diệu


LỚP, MẢNG VÀ CÁC LỚP THƯỜNG DÙNG. 03/06/18 1. 03/06/18 3. Định nghĩa cú pháp để tạo ra 1 đối tượng thuộc lớp đó. Khởi tạo đối tượng:. 03/06/18 5. Khai báo 1 biến tên name dùng để tham chiếu tới dữ liệu có kiểu là type. 03/06/18 7. Khởi tạo đối tượng. 03/06/18 9. Sử dụng đối tượng. Bạn...