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Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 11 Tuần 5 sách mới

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- Ask Ss to read the conversation quickly to get the main idea.Then they read it again and match the sentences (a-f) with the gaps (1-5) in the.
- Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs..
- Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups.
- Ask Ss some other guiding questions: Do you usually tell your problems or secrets to your parents? Are they willing to lend an ear? If you.
- Ask Ss to listen to a talk show for specific details and choose the best option to complete each statement.
- Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner..
- Ask Ss to read the questions before listening, and underline the key words in each question..
- Ask Ss to listen, write down the answers, and then discuss their answers in pairs..
- Ask Ss some questions before they start the discussion..
- Ask Ss to read through the posting and complete it with the words in the box..
- Ask Ss to read through the list (a-g) and put the parts in the order they appear in the online posting in 1..
- Encourage Ss to add more details when they write the story..
- Ask Ss to write their drafts individually, and then exchange their writing with a partner for peer.
- Encourage Ss to make revisions, if necessary.