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Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 11 Tuần 8 sách mới

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- the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to look at the table and discuss and match the skills with the appropriate reasons.
- T calls on some Ss to give their answers by reading aloud these activities and the reasons why they are important.
- T asks Ss to read the conversation..
- T has Ss work in pairs to role-play the conversation..
- Ss work in pairs and role-play.
- skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary..
- Activity 2: Lan and Minh are talking about what they think are the most important skills they need in order to become independent.
- Activity 3: Work in groups.
- T asks Ss to look at Activity 1 and decide on the three most urgent / important skills for them to in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary..
- Ss make a similar conversation as the one in 2 - T asks Ss to practice using Useful phrases in speaking.
- T asks some pairs to practice speaking their dialogues in front of the class..
- Talk about the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary.
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence..
- be educated to be aware of how some parents help their children to become independent..
- T asks the Ss to work in pairs..
- T introduces the title of listening: How parents help you become independent.
- T calls on Ss to check their answers..
- T asks Ss to read the questions carefully to make sure that they understand what is asked in each questions..
- Activity 4: Work in groups.
- improve listening skill and remember how parents help you become independent 5