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Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 11 Tuần 9 sách mới

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- T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge.
- T asks Ss to list some kinds of letter.
- T elicits Ss’ answers and introduces the new lesson.
- Ss read the advertisement and read aloud their answers.
- Check Ss’ vocabulary using the technique Letter template.
- T asks Ss to read the letter and find out the right order letter.
- Ss read and discuss with their partner - T checks Ss’ answer and inform this is a sample letter.
- T asks Ss to read the problems and identify their signs one by one.
- Ss read and find signal words by themselves - T lets Ss compare with their groups.
- T checks Ss’ answer by asking Ss to read their answer aloud and correct wrong answers if there are any.
- Ss read the sample letter again and write a letter asking for further information about the course they need to take..
- T asks Ss to have peer correction..
- T makes a list of Ss’ common mistakes in their writings.
- Activity 4: Imagine that you have one of the problems above.
- check Ss’ writing..
- T asks Ss some questions to set the scene Ss answer.
- T elicits Ss’ answers and introduces the new.
- Ss read “A father tells his son”.
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and raise the question “Are there any differences between thee ways American and Vietnamese parents raise their children?.
- T elicits Ss’ knowledge about American vs.
- Activity 1: Read two passages about how American and Vietnamese parents raise their children and answer the questions.
- To teach their children to live independent..
- To protect their children and to provide them with a happy and wealthy childhood..
- T tells Ss to read two passages about how American and Vietnamese parents raise their children and answer the questions.
- Ss read the questions first to find out key words in these questions.
- Ss read the passages on their own, find information to answer questions.
- T asks Ss to compare with their partner.
- T checks Ss’ answers.
- Vietnamese parents seldom ask for their children’s opinions before making family choices..
- learn about the differences between the ways American and Vietnamese parents raise their children and help them to become independent..
- being aware of the need to become independent.
- activity 2: talk about the differences between the ways American and Vietnamese parents raise their children and help them to become independent.
- T’s and Ss’ Activities Knowledge.
- T plays a piece of song and asks Ss to take notes the words that link the final consonants and initial vowels..
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and helps Ss say these sentences correctly.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the sentences and repeat.
- T asks Ss to read the paragraph below and link the final consonants and initial vowels..
- Ss read and link.
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and helps Ss read correctly.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the sentences and check their answers.
- T calls on Ss to give answers..
- Most Americans use some forms of discipline for their children.
- Activity 2: Read the paragraph below and link the final consonants and initial vowels..
- T asks Ss to explain their answers if necessary and gives feedback.
- T asks Ss to combine the sentences.
- T asks Ss to write their answers on the board.
- T checks Ss’ answers on the board.
- T asks Ss to rewrite the sentences using the nouns in brackets and To- infinitives without changing the meaning of the sentences.
- T checks Ss’ answers on the board and gives explanation if necessary.
- Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences using the nouns in brackets and To- infinitives without changing the meaning of the sentences