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- (2) not able to be corrected or repaired;.
- (27) holding of an office or real estate.
- (45) The act of flying.
- action of the hands or face, expressive of some idea or emotion..
- unexpected onslaught of the enemy.
- prove to be false.
- (92) pertaining to marriage.
- state of uncertainty.
- (108) relating to the stars.
- enormity of the crime.
- intentional act of.
- (140) act of turning aside;.
- (171) text of an opera or oratorio.
- Chancellor of the.
- (163) conclusion of an oration.
- (185) capable of being bribed.
- pertaining to the church;.
- pertaining to insurance statistics.
- (233) pertaining to disease.
- (272) able to float;.
- able to be carried out.
- (283) state of distress;.
- (276) pertaining to fishing.
- from another part of the world;.
- raze the city to the ground.
- dilute the influence of the president.
- burn an effigy of the President.
- (341) roof of the mouth;.
- sense of the taste.
- to a cavern or passage of the body).
- (372) pertaining to existence.
- pertaining to the philosophy of.
- (416) unable to be.
- pertaining to a.
- quash a rebellion/the decision of the low court.
- devotion to the interests of others.
- reputed father of the.
- (556) study of.
- study of the different races of human beings.
- (579) (n) a prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of the world.
- pertaining to the common people.
- of an ice age.
- (637) framework and working parts of an.
- (656) able to live both on land and in water.
- (661) food of the gods.
- (687) sealed by fusion so as to be airtight.
- the crux of the problem.
- (701) of the same kind;.
- (703) (n) one who.
- (693) pertaining to earthquakes.
- working of the brain.
- (742) pertaining to hell;.
- quickness of the hands in doing tricks.
- (796) ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living.
- pertaining to a bear.
- (816) pertaining to the moon.
- of the ordinary.
- (831) capable of being repaired.
- not able to be imitated.
- not able to be maintained.
- (910) mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
- relating to the management of farming of land.
- probable or likely to be true.
- act of joining.
- (958) pertaining to language.
- able to exist together.
- pertaining to revelations especially of disaster.
- (945) pertaining to money.
- belonging to the past.
- haphazard growth of the town.
- insular: of an island;.
- (1023) pertaining to tailors or tailoring.
- conforming to the current fashion.
- (1027) pertaining to conversational or common speech;.
- (1086) not able to be traveled or crossed.
- (1112) able to be touched;.
- (1134) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes.
- mutable: able to change;.
- (1125) pertaining to ships or navigation.
- (1128) pertaining to the woods or the country.
- adherence to the truth.
- a lover of an art.
- (1170) features especially of the face.
- distinctive shape or contour of the face.
- brunt of the argument.
- (1261) pertaining to the art of delineating.
- putative father of the child.
- in the dark).
- (1283) so small, trifling, or unimportant as to be easily disregarded.
- not able to be resolved.
- state of disorder.
- descend to the level of one considered inferior.
- (1362) one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society.
- (1412) able to walk.
- (1432) pertaining to soil deposits left by running water.
- known only to the chosen few, esp..
- (1515) The act of staying on top of the water.
- (1507) pertaining to marriage or the.
- return to the former owner.
- able to retain things (esp

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