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Let’s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness

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- Let’s Make Up:.
- Learning About Forgiveness.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 1.
- Part 1: Apologize When You Are Wrong.
- Part 2: Holding A Grudge.
- Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 3.
- Of all the many skills children need for managing social interactions and rela- tionships, one of the most difficult for them to master is knowing when to make and accept an apology.
- Using three engaging scenarios bracketed by upbeat music and lyrics, Let`s Make Up: Learning About Let`s Make Up: Learning About Let`s Make Up: Learning About Let`s Make Up: Learning About Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness.
- Forgiveness shows students how apologizing when you are wrong, refusing to hold a grudge, and recognizing that it takes two to make up can solve problem situa- tions..
- recognize that holding a grudge and not accepting an apology can make a situation worse..
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness.
- In the second story, a boy makes a mistake that angers his friend, and although he apologizes quickly, his friend keeps holding a grudge and won’t talk to him.
- In the last story, an accident precipitates a falling-out between two friends, who realize in the end that not speaking to each other doesn’t solve anything, and that it takes two to make up..
- If you bump into someone by accident, what could you say to make things better?.
- When you and your friend have a fight, what could you do to make up?.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 5.
- Apologizing when you do something wrong, she tells viewers, is the quickest and easiest way for friends to make up.
- Part 2: Holding a Grudge.
- When Andrew’s older brother Todd sees how mad Andrew is at Sam, he tells Andrew that holding a grudge only makes things worse.
- He advises Andrew to call Sam and make up.
- A reprise of the song reinforces the point of making up and not holding a grudge..
- The quickest and easiest way to make up with a friend is to say you’re sorry, she says.
- The best thing to say in all these situations, she concludes, is “Let’s Make Up!”.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 7.
- Why didn’t Andrew accept his apology? What does “holding a grudge” mean?.
- Have you ever been in a situation where a friend decided not to speak to you because of something you did or didn’t do? Did your friend keep holding a grudge? What happened in the end?.
- Why does holding a grudge make a situation worse?.
- What did Josh do that made Chelsea angry? What happened then? If two people don’t talk to each other, what are the chances they will make up?.
- What happened to make Chelsea and Josh start talking again? Why did they decide to make up? Why isn’t it fun to be with someone and not talk?.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 9.
- Letter the three part-titles of the program, “Apologize When You Are Wrong,” “Holding a Grudge,” and “It Takes Two to Make Up”.
- Have them then contribute all the words they can think of to describe how they might feel if they did something wrong and found that someone is holding a grudge against them or not speaking to them..
- Have them use the puppets to role play the situations in the program, or make up other situations that show how saying “I’m sorry” can make people feel better inside..
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 11 Language Arts.
- Choose one of the books of fiction listed in the Suggested Reading section of this Teacher’s Guide, or ask your school or local librarian to recommend a book about the benefits of apologizing when you are wrong or of not holding a grudge.
- Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness.
- Part 1: Apologize When You Are Wrong Activity Sheet 1.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness © Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC 15.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness © Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC 17.
- Part 2: Holding a Grudge Activity Sheet 5.
- Andrew’s brother Todd told him that holding a grudge makes a situation worse..
- Andrew thought it over and decided to make up with Sam..
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness © Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC 19.
- Part 2: Holding a Grudge Activity Sheet 6.
- holding a grudge letting go of a grudge.
- Now fill in one face outline to show what someone “holding a grudge” looks like.
- Part 2: Holding a Grudge Activity Sheet 7.
- grudge apology apology apology apology apology make up make up make up make up make up cage.
- “You’re holding a.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness © Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC 21.
- Part 2: Holding a Grudge Activity Sheet 8.
- Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Activity Sheet 9.
- apology apology apology apology apology make up make up make up make up make up accident forgive accident forgive accident forgive accident forgive accident forgive sorry.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness © Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC 23.
- apology apology apology apology make up apology make up make up make up make up accident forgive accident forgive accident forgive accident forgive accident forgive sorry.
- Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Activity Sheet 10.
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness © Sunburst Visual Media, a division of Global Video, LLC 25.
- Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Activity Sheet 11.
- Then pick one of the stories below, make up a little play about it, and decide what will happen.
- He kept holding a grudge..
- Should they make up?.
- Your child has viewed a program called Let’s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness.
- This program helps children see why it is important to apologize when they are wrong, accept an apology from others without holding a grudge, and recognize that it takes two to make up..
- What might happen?” You might follow this up by suggesting that staying angry won’t solve the problem, and then introduce the idea, “What could you do or say to make it easier for the two of you to make up?”.
- When someone breaks something of yours, holding a grudge and staying angry at that person only makes the situation worse..
- If you and your friend have a conflict and you’re both at fault, it’s easier to make up if both of you apologize..
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness .
- Then cut on the dotted lines and staple the pages to make a book..
- But holding a grudge only made the situation worse..
- Let`s Make Up: Learning About Forgiveness 29 Books for Grades K to 2.
- A story of an interracial friendship in which two girls quarrel, but later make up..
- “How Would You Feel? Learning About Empathy”.
- Saying you’re sorry—apologizing when you do something wrong—is just about the quickest and easiest way for friends to make up.
- In this pro- gram, we’re going to talk about making and accepting apologies—so when you and a friend have a misunderstanding or a disagreement, or if an accident happens, you’ll be able to say “Let’s Make Up!”.
- Let’s make up.
- Learn to forgive and to forget Let’s make up.
- LET`S MAKE UP: LEARNING ABOUT FORGIVENESS Part 1: Apologize When You Are Wrong.
- You’re coming over after school, right?.
- We’re going to practice.
- I bet you’re right.
- And if you slip up, well, say you’re sorry..
- So that you can get along Let’s make up.
- Part 2: Holding A Grudge Part 2: Holding A Grudge Part 2: Holding A Grudge Part 2: Holding A Grudge Part 2: Holding A Grudge.
- But that doesn’t mean you can’t make up.
- Aren’t you coming?.
- Well after that, Andrew wouldn’t talk to Sam even though Sam tried to make up.
- That’s called holding a grudge.
- So, you’re holding a grudge?.
- You know what the trouble is with holding a grudge? You can’t ever forget about what happened.
- You’re right.
- So holding a grudge is sort of backfiring, isn’t it? Now you don’t only not have Chippy, but you don’t have your friend either..
- So Andrew learned that holding a grudge—not accepting an apology—.
- Don’t ever hold a grudge And that’s the best advice So let’s make up.
- Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up Part 3: It Takes Two to Make Up.
- Josh, come on—hurry up—it’s time to play soccer..
- You’re such a jerk!.
- If you don’t, it feels bad inside Let’s make up.
- So now we know that the quickest and easiest way to make up with a friend is to say you’re sorry.
- Even if you don’t mean to hurt your friend’s feelings, even if whatever happened was an accident, it’s important to admit when you’re wrong.
- “Let’s Make Up!”

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