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The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual

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- Used by permission of the Object Management Group..
- Outline of the Book.
- Although UML may be used with a variety of development processes, it was designed to support an iterative, incremental, use-case–driven process with a strong architectural focus—the kind we feel is most suitable for the development of modern, complex systems.
- This section contains a detailed description of the notation for the concept.
- expression list, A comma-separated list of the expression may appear.
- There were a number of goals behind the development of the UML.
- It is meant to include the concepts of the leading methods so that it can be used as their modeling language.
- it is not part of the syntax machinery.
- They are not part of the actual notation but are intended as explanations.
- The symbols and text in black are part of the target notation..
- projection of the information in the complete model as selected for a purpose..
- The amount of detail in the model must be adapted to one of the following purposes..
- Abstract specifications of the essential structure of a system.
- These are not properties of the target ap- plication itself.
- Rather, they are properties of the construction process..
- A model is also a description of the generic structure and meaning of a system.
- Most in- stances exist only as part of the run-time execution.
- Behavior can be described as a series of changes to snapshots of the system drawn from the static view.
- In the early stages of design, the model captures the more logical aspects of the problem..
- Most of the views have a similar evolutionary quality..
- details of the user interface.
- The collaboration shows the parameters and local variables of the operation,.
- a particular configuration of the application may have more than one copy of a component..
- The model management view models the organization of the model itself.
- They may be used to create tailored versions of the UML for an application area..
- it is a root for the ownership of the more detailed packages that describe the system..
- use case A specification of the behavior of an entity in its interaction with outside agents.
- It rep- resents a transformation of the value, state, or location of an object.
- It is shown by a hollow-diamond adornment on the end of the path attached to the aggregate class.
- A link is an ordered list of object ref- erences, each of which must be an instance of the corresponding class in the.
- association or an instance of a descendant of the class.
- The links in a system con- stitute part of the system state.
- This simply means that different objects of the same class can be related.
- “knows” the other class, or that, in an implementation, it is possible to access each class from the other.
- send Relationship between the sender of a signal and the receiver of the signal.
- Different users may be bound to the same actor and therefore represent multiple instances of the same actor definition..
- The definition of a use case includes all the behavior it entails—the mainline se- quences, different variations on normal behavior, and all the exceptional condi- tions that can occur with such behavior, together with the desired response.
- An internal use case represents behavior that a part of the system presents to the rest of the system.
- There may be several extensions of the same base use case that may all be applied together.
- Events represent the kinds of changes that an object can de- tect—the receipt of calls or explicit signals from one object to another, a change in certain values, or the passage of time.
- the parameters of the signal are declared as attributes.
- If it fires, the target state of the transition becomes active.
- waits for completion of the operation execution.
- terminate Self-destruction of the owning object.
- An activity state is shown as a box with rounded ends containing a description of the activity.
- Each classifier role is represented by a vertical column—the lifeline..
- It is shown by a double line replacing part of the lifeline in a sequence diagram.
- A call is shown by an arrow leading to the top of the activation the call initiates.
- context needed to implement all of the operations of a class.
- For example, Figure 8-5 shows the use of the Observer pattern from [Gamma-95].
- Figure 8-5 shows a use of the Observer pattern.
- these connections must be consistent with the interfaces of the components..
- Any one implementation of the subsystem would only include one variation..
- These are variations of the seat selection.
- The information content of the stereotyped element is the same as the existing model element.
- The imple- mentation of the operation is completely different.
- Each target independently receives and handles a separate instance of the message.
- The arguments are supplied as part of the send or call..
- Execution of the action creates a new in- stance of the class.
- Each object in the set receives its own copy of the signal.
- The action of the internal transition may explicitly terminate it..
- As part of the transition, the action call police occurs.
- This indicates that multiple copies of the activity occur concur- rently.
- The target of the event is not shown..
- An activity state can be externally terminated by an event that forces a transition out of the state.
- Outgoing transitions are implicitly triggered by the completion of the activity in the state.
- Outside entities are actors of the entity.
- Often the aggregate “needs” the parts, in the sense that it may be regarded as a collection of parts.
- In spite of the few semantics attached to aggregation, everybody thinks it is necessary (for different reasons).
- The extent of the association is a set of such links.
- The number of appearances of an object in the set of links must be compatible with the multiplicity on each end of the association.
- The ends of the paths have adornments that describe the participation of a class in the association.
- Rolenames are placed near an end of the path..
- It is a tool responsibility to determine how far is far enough.) The association name can be dragged from segment to segment of a multisegment association with no semantic impact.
- In- tuitively, the name arrow shows which way to “read” the name.
- in front of or instead of the association name.
- The multiplicity of the cho- sen association must be observed.
- it is not a relationship but simply part of the overall association class symbol..
- It must be an attribute of the relationship itself..
- It defines the participa- tion of the classifier in the association.
- rolename The name of the association end, an identifier string.
- there is an ordered list of instances of the target class..
- The rectangle contains one or more attributes of the association—the qualifiers..
- They may be placed on either side of the line.
- It has a reference to an association—the base association—and it.
- each object of the class separately holds a value of the type..
- The expression is evalu- ated in the context of the language when the object is instantiated.
- A missing value is distinguishable from any value in the domain of the attribute type.
- A value can be an instance of a descen- dant of the given class or data type..
- Additional type syntax depends on the lan- guage of the expression.
- Note that a multiplicity of 0..1 provides for the possibility of null values—the ab- sence of a value, as opposed to a particular value from the range.
- The changeability value is shown by a keyword—the name of the choice.
- The syntax of the attribute string can be that of a programming language, such as C++ or Smalltalk.
- PointArray is a template with one parameter—the size n .
- We want to make it from the existing template FArray , which has two parameters—the type of element T and the size k .
- multiplicity is fixed in any binding of the template.
- The event trigger is placed on the first, common segment of the transition.
- Any actions go on the final segment of the transition..
- The execution of the calling procedure is blocked during the call..
- Indeed, it is impossible in a distributed system, in which the receiver of the call may be physically separated from the caller

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