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Module 9: Data Storage Considerations

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- Choose the appropriate hardware or software for implementing a data store..
- Slide Objective To provide an overview of this module’s topics and objectives..
- Slide Objective To provide an overview of this section..
- This section discusses some of the factors to consider when choosing a database product..
- Total number of users.
- Total number of concurrent users.
- The total pool of potential users directly impacts a data store’s ability to support an application.
- These numbers will also translate into the number of concurrent users for the data store itself.
- However, distributed application designs typically decrease the number of concurrent data users per concurrent application user because not all users access the data server every time they use the application..
- Slide Objective To explain how the number of users affects a database decision..
- Because most applications rely heavily on data, the performance speed of a data store directly impacts the perceived performance of the application.
- In addition to a data store’s speed, a data store’s performance is related to its availability.
- Availability is the time that the data store is available to.
- Availability is a function of the actual time that a data store is running and the time it takes to repair and get the database running again if it crashes.
- If an application relies heavily on a data store that is not functioning, the data store has an availability problem.
- Slide Objective.
- Every application requires some level of data store administration.
- In particular, the optimization capabilities of a data store can be a strong selection criteria.
- For example, you will need to know what types of optimization indexes can be created, how quickly indexes can be rebuilt, and whether the optimizations can occur while the data store is available.
- The data store’s ability to automate optimization processes, as well as to provide statistics to determine good optimization techniques, can also be determining factors in your choice of a data store..
- How an application maintains data values is an additional consideration for selecting a data store.
- A data store’s granularity of control when its existing records are updated can increase or decrease the difficulty encountered with multiuser systems.
- The data store’s database locking mechanism typically controls these simultaneous update attempts.
- Often the data store’s locking capabilities will simplify the application development process, as well as improve the data store’s performance..
- Slide Objective To introduce the.
- It is important to evaluate maintenance capabilities when selecting the data store for an application..
- In addition to providing locking mechanisms to improve the data modification process, many databases have built-in support for transactions, and as a result, allow for easier development of transactional systems.
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro.
- SQL Server.
- In this section, you will learn about the major features of some of the Microsoft products available for implementing databases..
- Slide Objective To provide an overview of data storage technologies..
- In this section, you will learn about some of the Microsoft products available for implementing databases..
- The imported data can then be used to create reports and graphs, to determine whether the data in the database is correct, and to conduct data analysis..
- they can store data and provide a visual analysis of the data.
- Slide Objective To explain the purpose and characteristics of Excel for data storage..
- Can be used to develop desktop or client/server.
- With Access 2000, however, you can also create an interface to a SQL Server.
- The Jet data store can store up to 2 gigabytes (GB) of data.
- The Access 2000 Jet data store provides several simple administrative functions, but is strictly a file- based data store.
- Slide Objective To explain the uses and characteristics of the Jet database engine..
- Visual FoxPro ® is a powerful tool for creating state-of-the-art database.
- Visual FoxPro is compatible with all previous versions of the product,.
- Slide Objective To explain the benefits of implementing Visual FoxPro as a data storage solution..
- Visual FoxPro supports large databases and provides legacy support for previous versions of the product..
- Is code-compatible with SQL Server 7.0.
- Based entirely on the SQL Server 7.0 code base, MSDE is a new Microsoft data engine.
- MSDE databases will operate without modification under SQL Server 7.0.
- Using MSDE for building mobile and shared solutions provides the easiest migration path to SQL Server 7.0 because MSDE is fully compatible with all database connection technologies that SQL Server 7.0 supports, including ADO, DAO, ODBC, and OLE DB..
- With MSDE, you can code for any feature that the core SQL Server engine supports, including using American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SQL- 92.
- However, other components outside the core SQL Server engine, such as online analytical processing (OLAP) services and full text search, are not supported..
- MSDE provides several of the SQL Server maintenance features, including the following:.
- SQL Server 7.0 is Microsoft’s mission-critical client/server database engine.
- SQL Server supports data queries, importing and extraction from a wide variety of clients and third-party data stores, and data warehousing..
- In addition to its high-capacity database engine, SQL Server 7.0 offers a wide variety of features, including the following:.
- An OLAP tool accompanying SQL Server aids in studying data trends and.
- SQL Server supports a large number of concurrent users, primarily limited.
- by the size of the servers and network bandwidth.
- This level of support is a default feature of SQL Server and does not have to be added or managed with separate multiuser logic..
- SQL Server is recommended when homogeneous connectivity and scalability to different types of hardware is necessary.
- Slide Objective To explain the characteristics of SQL Server to consider when deciding on a storage technology..
- SQL Server is Microsoft’s most robust database application..
- Backup and Restore.
- Disaster Recovery.
- applications and the data that they manipulate..
- As a result of the.
- Backing up data can often occur at off-peak times because the data is still available for use even when it is being backed up.
- In a situation in which data needs to be restored quickly, however, the data or database is often unavailable, and the time necessary to restore data is directly proportional to the time it takes to locate the missing data and restore it from the backup device..
- Slide Objective To explain the need for a good backup plan for databases..
- By mirroring the original data drive, you can still continue to work if one of the drives fails because the other disk will service all data requests.
- Because RAID 1 places a copy of the data on the second drive, the total usable space is equal to the size of the single drive being mirrored..
- If five disks are configured to use RAID 5, five virtual RAID stripes are created on each of the five disks.
- One stripe on each disk is reserved for parity information that is used to recover the data in the event of a disk failure;.
- therefore, data is only written to four of the five drives..
- Because the data is written in a stair-step fashion, the parity stripe is continually distributed over the total number of disks in the RAID stripe.
- This process helps protect the data in the RAID stripe, regardless of which drive in the stripe set fails.
- Slide Objective To explain RAID technologies and how databases use them..
- implemented for a data store..
- In a RAID 5 implementation, the data can be read from multiple disks at once, which greatly improves performance..
- Thus, any data store using.
- Clustering can be used to enhance the performance of applications or to provide online redundancy if one system of the cluster fails..
- If one of the systems fails, another system can provide real-time and online fail-over support, taking over the role of processing database requests.
- If one of the systems fails, another system can take over its work and provide fault tolerance.
- The data must be automatically replicated to all storage disks in a shared nothing cluster..
- These clustering technologies are currently available with Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition.
- To provide additional clustering capabilities, SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition and SQL Server 7.0 are also cluster-aware, and thus provide significant clustering capabilities when paired with Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition..
- Slide Objective To explain a solution that can provide increased uptime for systems that host data stores..
- Disaster recovery involves planning for disasters that affect more than simply the data or database and for failed hardware or a collapsed infrastructure.
- Resources on Microsoft’s Web site and Microsoft Technet list items to consider specifically for SQL Server.
- In this activity, you will answer a series of questions pertaining to selection of the appropriate software and hardware combinations for the Ferguson and Bardell, Inc.
- Identify the data characteristics and technologies that are most appropriate.
- Slide Objective To introduce this activity..
- Slide Objective To explain the purpose of this section and what students have learned..
- A small solution might be most effectively implemented by using Jet, whereas a larger solution might require SQL Server..
- Of the two types of RAID systems, hardware RAID provides vast.
- Slide Objective To present some general guidelines related to the information in this module..
- implementing a data store.
- SQL Server is the only data store to meet these concurrent use and storage capabilities.
- Slide Objective To reinforce this module’s objectives by reviewing key points..
- These review questions cover some of the key concepts taught in this module..
- Application implementation Slide Objective

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