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- I hereby, certify the thesis entitled “A Contrastive Analysis of English and Vietnamese Real Estate Slogans in Printed Advertisements” is the result of my own research for the Minor Degree of Master of Arts at University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- Among various types of products, real estate is gradually paid much attention for its significance in people’s living condition..
- However, there exist differences in terms of linguistic features between English and Vietnamese real estate slogans that need to be investigated.
- “A Contrastive Analysis of English and Vietnamese Real Estate Advertising Slogans in Printed Advertisements” is conducted to figure out some distinctive phonological, lexical and syntactic features among English and Vietnamese real estate slogans.
- The total of 90 advertising slogans are collected from well-known English and Vietnamese real estate newspapers and magazines, and analyzed to support the aim of the study.
- The finding of the research emphasizes the similarities and differences in terms of phonological, lexical and syntactic features between English and Vietnamese real estate advertising slogans.
- Together with the development of the world, thousands of new products and services are introduced everyday, which are in need to find an effective way to reach customers.
- However, the question to create a good and successful slogan to bring in customers’ mind the image of the product and encourage them to buy is not always at ease.
- As concerning much about advertisements which appear in high frequency on newspapers and magazines, the researcher realizes that real estate advertisements seem to take much room among other kinds of advertisements.
- Due to theirs stereotype, real estate advertisements focus on the facility of living and they employ language as a presenting tool to emphasize that.
- However, in Vietnamese, the real estate advertisers seem not to pay much attention to their slogans as there is no focusing point for customers to memorize about the product or service.
- Whereas in English, real estate advertisers try their best to create a sharp and smart slogan to attract their potential customers and there exist many outstanding slogans worldwide.
- and Vietnamese Real Estate Advertising Slogans in Printed Advertisements” is intentionally carried out to provide some useful knowledge of language used in real estate advertisements for English teachers and learners as well as Vietnamese advertisers..
- Aims and objectives of the study 2.1.
- The aim of this study is to analyze and figure out the similarities and differences in the linguistic features of real estate advertising slogans in English and Vietnamese language..
- Due to the aim stated above, the study will focus on some features of real estate advertising slogans of English and Vietnamese in terms of phonology, lexicology, syntax, as well as draw out some hints for Vietnamese advertisers, especially in real estate services which may help to improve their effectiveness and professionality..
- Phonological features play a vital part in creating the sounds of the slogan when reading aloud so that customers can be impressed and remember the product better..
- Lexical features are necessary elements to understand the purpose of the advertiser toward his target customers, the strategies he employs to shorten the distance between the producer and the customers in the indirect communication..
- Syntactic features use types of sentences, phrases, word order to express the purpose of the advertiser in the form of language.
- Without these syntactic features, slogans cannot be created and therefore, the purpose of the communication between the advertiser and customers is not achieved..
- What are the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese Real Estate Advertising Slogans in Printed Advertisements in terms of phonological, lexical and syntactic features?.
- A Functional View of the Linguistics of Advertising, in.
- An investigation into the style of the English language used in advertising slogans issued by some world-famous airlines..
- Quảng cáo.
- A discourse analysis of travel advertisements in English and Vietnamese..
- Presupposition and Implicature in English and Vietnamese Advertising Slogans.