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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 4 Unit 13: Would you like some milk - Lesson 3

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- After the lesson, students are able to: Pronounce correctly the sound of the letters “sh” and “f”.
- Ss look after, solve problems and study themselves..
- Phonics: the letters “sh” and “lk”..
- Work in pairs/ groups;.
- Resources: CD and radio, students’ book V.
- Teacher’s work Students’ activities Warm up.
- Have Ss play the game: Slap the board..
- Listen and repeat..
- Guide Ss how to produce the sound of the letters “sh” and.
- Play the CD and ask Ss to listen..
- Listen and tick.
- Guide Ss to listen and tick..
- Play the CD.
- Work in groups to play the game..
- Ss look and pay attention to the letters coloured differently..
- Ss learn to produce the sound of the letters.
- “sh” and “f”.
- Listen and repeat each line of the text in chorus..
- Read in groups./ in pairs..
- Give out and check..
- Ss look at the sentences, read and guess the words to tick.
- Listen to the tape 2 times &.
- -The rest of the class write in the notebooks - Ss retell what they have heard..
- Introduce the Chant: Would you like some fish?.
- Ps listen to the tape and chant - Ps chant in group &.
- Ps chant and do the action - Check in pairs.
- Give out and check, the others clap their hands.