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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 3: At home - Lesson 1

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- Understand and use “ Have to” for obligation..
- T: gives the phrases and asks Ss to match them with the pictures..
- Sets the scene, plays the tape for Ss to listen twice..
- Asks Ss to work in pairs, practising the dialogue..
- asks Ss to read the dialogue again to answer..
- Vui have to do after work?.
- 2, What does Nam have to do?.
- Invites Ss to ask and answer before class..
- Asks Ss to pick out the modals in the text and checks the use, form &.
- We can use “Have to” as the below model.
- We use “Have to” for the subjective obligation and “Must” for the objective one..
- S + don / t/doesn / t have to + bare-inf..
- Do/Does + S+ have to + bare-inf?.
- Example exchange: S1: What do you have to do?.
- S2: I have to do the washing S1: What does she have to do?.
- T: instructs Ss to practise.
- Asks Ss to revise the lesson &.
- Asks Ss to prepare: Speak - P.14,15