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Module 6: Advertising Your E-Commerce Web Site

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- The Banner Network Service: An.
- Introduction 7 Using Banner Network to Advertise Your Web.
- Site 8 Lab 6: Using Banner Network to Advertise.
- Your Web Site 20.
- Module 6: Advertising Your E-Commerce Web Site.
- The module highlights the various advertising opportunities available on the Web for promoting an online business, and presents an overview of the Banner Network service provided by Microsoft ® bCentral ™ for promoting Web sites.
- The module provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to use Banner Network to categorize Web sites, submit.
- Describe the benefits of the Banner Network service..
- Sign up for the Banner Network service..
- Categorize the content of your Web site..
- Submit a banner to Banner Network..
- View statistics on the number of user visits to a Web site..
- Module 6, “Advertising Your E-Commerce Web Site”.
- Lab 6, “Using Banner Network to Advertise Your Web Site”.
- commerce Web site by using the facts stated in the topic..
- The Banner Network Service: An Introduction.
- Highlight the benefits of Banner Network provided by Microsoft bCentral..
- The major features of Banner Network should be described briefly at this point in the class..
- Using Banner Network to Advertise Your Web Site.
- You will also learn how to use the Banner Network service of Microsoft bCentral to place the banners of your site on other sites..
- Describe the benefits of the Banner Network service provided by Microsoft ® bCentral.
- Strategies for Advertising a Web Site.
- Print Web site address on letterheads.
- Print your Web site address on letterheads and business cards..
- Banner Network service:.
- Enables you to advertise your Web site on other sites.
- Microsoft bCentral provides a service called Banner Network that allows you to place banner advertisements on other Web sites that your target audience is likely to visit.
- Using Banner Network lets you take advantage of the bCentral Banner.
- selectively on the Web sites of Banner Network members, and also display the banner advertisements of member sites on your site.
- Banner Network allows you to decide which types of banners other Banner Network members may place on your site..
- Topic Objective To present the benefits of Banner Network and highlight its features..
- The Banner Network service of Microsoft bCentral is an inexpensive and easy-to- use service that you can use to place your banner advertisements on Web sites around the world..
- Categorizing Your Web Site.
- To use the Banner Network service to advertise on Web sites, you must complete the following steps:.
- After your banner has been submitted to the Web, the following tasks can be performed by using the Banner Network service:.
- Topic Objective To describe the steps involved in using Banner Network to promote an e- commerce Web site..
- To take full advantage of the Banner Network service, you must follow a series of steps..
- If you are using the Banner Network service for the first time, you must sign up by filling out a Banner Network Join application form.
- Banner Network has a three-point rating system for categorizing the content of a Web site.
- Topic Objective To list the information that a new user of Banner Network needs to enter on the Join application form..
- To use Banner Network to place banner.
- The Banner Network Join application form is simple and easy to use.
- Before you enter details in the form, make sure you read the Banner Network terms and conditions.
- The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of your Web site.
- Banner Network offers three levels of categorization.
- Banner Network offers three levels of categorization, from the generic first level to the specific third level.
- This allows you to categorize your Web site descriptively and accurately..
- Categorizing a site in the Banner Network hierarchy is simple.
- Topic Objective To present the steps involved in categorizing your Web site..
- Demonstrate the procedure for categorizing your Web site.
- The LinkExchange (LE) HTML code should be inserted on a Web page before submission of a banner to Banner Network.
- You can choose to display the banners of other Banner Network members at the top of your Web page.
- After specifying the preceding information, you can use Banner Network to automatically insert the LE HTML code.
- For your Banner Network service to work, you must insert a small portion of HTML code into your Web page..
- However, you can demonstrate the steps before code insertion by using the Banner Network interface..
- Use the standard banner provided by Banner Network.
- To submit the banner of your Web site by using Banner Network, you can use one of the following methods:.
- The standard banner contains the title and URL of your Web site..
- In this case, you must upload the banner from your hard disk to Banner Network..
- The banner that you submit to Banner Network should meet the following specifications:.
- Topic Objective To display the method for submitting the banner on your Web site by using Banner Network..
- Submit the standard banner created by the Banner Network service..
- Delivery Tip To demonstrate this procedure, you should submit the standard banner that has been provided by Banner Network for your site.
- This banner is a GIF file and follows Banner Network’s specifications for banners.
- Banner Network:.
- Banner Network offers three levels of categorization of target sites.
- Banner Network also allows you to target your banner advertisements at specific geographic areas.
- Banner Network allows you to block a maximum of two Web site categories.
- You can block specific categories of Web advertisements from appearing on your Web site by using Banner Network to filter banners.
- Banner Network helps track the effectiveness of a banner by providing:.
- After the banner is processed, it begins appearing on the Web sites of other Banner Network members on the basis of the rating you gave to your site, and the categories you targeted..
- Whenever you earn one credit, you are scheduled to have your banner advertised on another Banner Network member’s Web site.
- Banner Network allows you to track the effectiveness of your banner advertising.
- You can see statistics on the number of visits to your site by using the Banner Network Account Control Center..
- Topic Objective To describe the procedure for viewing statistics on the number of visits to a Web site..
- Banner Network allows you to view statistics on the number of visitors to your Web site on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis..
- Lab 6: Using Banner Network to Advertise Your Web Site.
- Sign up for the Banner Network service of Microsoft bCentral..
- Categorize a Web site..
- Created a Web site by using Site Manager..
- To do this, you need to categorize and submit banner advertisements for your Web site according to your company’s specific business needs, by using the bCentral Banner Network service.
- Signing Up for Banner Network.
- In this exercise, you will sign up for the Banner Network service by filling out the Join application form..
- Sign up for Banner Network.
- On the Traffic Builder start page, click Use Now! under Banner Network to start using the Banner Network service..
- Click the log in link to access the Banner Network start page..
- Define the category of your Web site.
- In this exercise, you will submit your site to Banner Network..
- Submit your banner to Banner Network.
- Click Banner Network..
- Under Account Info, click Target Your Banner to select the Web site categories to target..
- Describe the benefits of the Banner Network service.
- Sign up for the Banner Network service.
- Categorize the content of your Web site.
- Submit a banner to Banner Network.
- View statistics on the number of user visits to a Web site.
- List the features of the Banner Network service of Microsoft bCentral..
- The following are the main features of Banner Network:.
- Explain the need for categorizing your Web site on Banner Network..
- Banner Network allows you to block specific categories of advertising banners from appearing on your Web site

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