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The queen bee – Truyện cổ Grimm bản Tiếng anh

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- Then they went through all the rooms, till they came to a door on which were three locks: but in the middle of the door was a wicket, so that they could look into the next room.
- The next morning he came to the eldest and took him to a marble table, where there were three tablets, contain-ing an account of the means by which the castle might be disenchanted.
- they must all be found: and if one be missing by set of sun, he who seeks them will be turned into marble.’ The eldest brother set out, and sought for the pearls the whole day: but the evening came, and he had not found the first hundred: so he was turned into stone as the tablet had foretold.
- for he could only find the second hundred of the pearls.
- And as he sat there, the king of the ants (whose life he had saved) came to help him, with five thousand ants.
- The second tablet said: ‘The key of the princess’s bed-chamber must be fished up out of the lake.’ And as the dwarf came to the brink of it, he saw the two ducks whose lives he had saved swimming about.
- It was to choose out the youngest and the best of the king’s three daughters.
- Then came the queen of the bees, who had been saved by the little dwarf from the fire, and she tried the lips of all three.
- but at last she sat upon the lips of the one that had eaten the honey: and so the dwarf knew which was the youngest.
- And the dwarf married the youngest and the best of the prin-cesses, and was king after her father’s death