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The draft genome of horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus reveals its evolutionary scenario and well-developed innate immunity

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- tridentatus and the Atlantic horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus have the most orthologues shared among two species, including genes involved in the immune-related JAK-STAT signalling pathway.
- polyphemus appeared approximately 130 Mya and the split of the two Asian horseshoe crabs was dated to approximately 63 Mya (57 – 69).
- Genes involved in the IMD and JAK-STAT signal transduction pathways also exhibited a certain degree of expansion in both genomes.
- Intact coagulation cascade-related genes were present in the T.
- tridentatus constitutes its robust and effective innate immunity for self-defence in marine environments with an enormous number of invading pathogens and may affect the quality of the adaptive properties with regard to complicated marine environments..
- 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.
- 3 Institute of Oceanography, Minjiang University, Fuzhou 350108, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article.
- tri- dentatus but also of the xiphosuran lineage and try to reduce errors of only using a single draft-quality gen- ome, the comparative genomic study of immune systems within T.
- Here, we present an analysis of the T.
- The GC content of the genome is 32.03% (Table 1).
- A total of 24,222 protein-coding genes were conservatively predicted in the T.
- A total of 88.25% of the predicted genes were assigned and annotated by comparing to the NCBI non-redundant database, KEGG database [16] and InterPro database [17]..
- tridentatus, representing 0.99% of the genome size.
- Most of the identified repeat sequences were simple repeats (0.77.
- To estimate of repeat se- quences which are more difficult to detect in the draft.
- Table 1 Summary of the Tachypleus tridentatus genome assembly and annotation statistic.
- Summary of the Tachypleus tridentatus genome assembly and annotation statistics..
- a of 1066 arthropod BUSCOs Complete [Duplicated], Fragmented, Missing, in the assembly.
- To determine the reliabil- ity of the repeat contents screening by RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler, we also performed repeat analysis of the L.
- The completeness of the T.
- tridentatus genome assembly was assessed using the transcriptome data of the embry- onic sample at Stage 21 (the hatch-out stage) of T.
- It was found that 99.04% of the transcriptome contigs were aligned to the assembly scaf- folds, with an e-value cut-off of 10 − 30 .
- To further con- firm the completeness of the predicted genes, the commonly used genome assembly validation pipeline BUSCO [21] gene mapping method with 1066 BUSCO Arthropoda gene sets were utilized.
- Only 1.3% of the benchmarked universal single-copy orthologous groups of arthropod genes were missing in the assembly.
- This demonstrated that most of the evolutionarily conserved core genes were found in T.
- moreover, approxi- mately 6880 of the shared genes were single-copy.
- tridentatus with the most current understanding of the evolution of Chelicer- ata species, phylogenetic and comparative genomic ana- lyses of T.
- The comparative genomic analysis of the 14 species re- vealed 14,479 orthologous groups containing genes in at least two different species, among which 1993 shared groups were commonly distributed in all sampled spe- cies, with 111 single-copy orthologues (Fig.
- Nevertheless, considering the fragmentation of the draft genome, there may be uniden- tified coding genes in the analysed genomes.
- polyphemus was dated to 130 Mya (121–141) and that the split of the Asian horseshoe crabs T.
- On the time axis, the green bar shows the divergence time for split of the scorpion from horseshoe crabs.
- the brown bar shows the inner split time of the three spiders.
- the blue bar shows the origin of the the last common ancestor of Asian horseshoe crabs (including T.
- Analysis of the Hox gene family showed that the T.
- We further examined the positions of the identified Hox genes in the two genomes and found two clusters of adjacently distributed Hox1 and Hox4 in the T.
- Expansion of crucial gene families of the innate immune signalling pathways in T.
- pathways) [39–41] are present in the genomes of T.
- For Dredds, the phylogeny tree shows one branch including 7 corre- sponding genes identified in the two horseshoe crabs and 1 gene in C.
- More- over, main components of the JAK-STAT signalling pathway, including the receptor Domeless and the Janus Kinase and STAT transcription factor, were identified in both T.
- Two STAT homologue candidates were identified in the T.
- Plausible ho- mologs of major components of the JNK signalling were also identified in both T.
- A hallmark of the T.
- tri- dentatus genome for antimicrobial peptide genes and identified most of the antibacterial peptides that have been reported, including one anti-LPS, two tachyplesin and two big defensin peptides (Fig.
- The anti-LPS gene found in the T.
- poly- phemus have all the coagulation-related genes while other related species lack a part of the coagulation path- way (Table 2), indicating a wider diversity of coagulation factors and a relatively intact coagulation cascade present in horseshoe crabs.
- We further investi- gated the divergence time using mitochondrial coding se- quences from 7 Chelicerata species, and our analyses suggest that the diversification of the Limulidae and T.
- tri- dentatus lineages was congruent approximately 121–141 Mya, and the lineages of the two Asian horseshoe crabs T..
- After the final breakup of the Eurasian and North Ameri- can plates, the European land mass formed as the shallow seas disappeared and the ancestors of the horseshoe crab migrated.
- The diversity of the Asian horseshoe crabs T..
- Examination of Hox cluster genes with detailed scaffold positions in the T.
- Some clues could be found from the comparison of the previously determined L.
- Genes that are not found in the T.
- Homologs of the FREP and Dscam families play an important role, and pattern recognition receptors with their corresponding functional domains were exten- sively present in the two horseshoe crab genomes.
- The abundantly expressed PRRs in the T.
- Several gene family members in the IMD and JAK-STAT signalling transduction pathway exhibit a certain degree of expansion in T.
- We identified most of the antimicrobial peptides isolated in previous studies in T.
- However, in the L.
- polyphe- mus genome, we failed to find any of the tachyplesin family genes, probably because these antimicrobial pep- tides are usually shorter and have a high degree of spe- cies specificity.
- Thus, more work needs to be undertaken to study the specific function of the AMPs in T.
- Serine protease-dependent haemolymph coagulation is a major component of the innate immune system in horseshoe crabs.
- Activation of the horseshoe crab coagulation cascade consists of four coagulation fac- tors including factor C, factor B, factor G and pro- clotting enzyme [73, 74].
- Factor C and factor G are two serine protease zymogens that act as biosensors and can be activated by LPS or (1 → 3)-β-D-glucan, which are major components of the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, respectively.
- We found relatively high number of genes for all four co- agulation factors in the T.
- This might be because of a limited annotation of the draft genome assemblies or there might be other special biosensors involved in their antifungal recognition process.
- In total, 24,222 protein- coding genes were conservatively predicted as present in the T.
- Further analysis of the T.
- More- over, all of the antibacterial peptides reported in previ- ous studies, as well as their effective antimicrobial sites, have also been identified in the T.
- Beyond that, according to our analysis, intact coagula- tion cascade-related genes were identified in the T.
- The use of the T.
- The generated clean reads from the 400 bp, 800 bp and 3- kb insert size libraries were used for the estimation of the genome size via JELLYFISH v1.116 [79] with a k-mer length of 17.
- The three annotation results were combined as the annotation of the predicted genes.
- The bench- marking sets of universal single-copy orthologues (BUS- COs) [21] were used to assess the completeness of the predicted genes with 1066 Arthropoda datasets.
- De novo assembly of the tran- scriptome was performed with Trinity [85] with default parameters.
- Tblastn was used with an e-value of 10 − 15 to search for corresponding transcripts in the T.
- Tran- scripts found in the transcriptome were further com- pared to the genome of T.
- The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript..
- On the presence of prophenoloxidase in the hemolymph of the horseshoe crab, Limulus.
- Recent advances in the innate immunity of invertebrate animals.
- De novo assembly and characterization of early embryonic transcriptome of the horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus.
- The draft genome and transcriptome of the Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus.
- Homeotic genes, the homeobox, and the spatial organization of the embryo.
- A history of the homeobox.
- The organization and evolution of the dipteran and hymenopteran Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) genes.
- The Dscam homologue of the crustacean Daphnia is diversified by alternative splicing like in insects.
- An evolutionary conserved function of the JAK-STAT pathway in anti-dengue defense.
- Ancestral whole- genome duplication in the marine chelicerate horseshoe crabs.
- Hox genes and the evolution of the arthropod body plan.
- The components of the Daphnia pulex immune system as revealed by complete genome sequencing.
- Regulators of the toll and Imd pathways in the Drosophila innate immune response.
- Tachyplesin, a class of antimicrobial peptide from the hemocytes of the horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus).
- cDNA cloning and cellular localization in the horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus).
- Purified horseshoe crab factor G reconstruction and characterization of the (1,3)- β - D-glucan-sensitive serine protease cascade.
- A pictorial review of the natural history and ecology of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus, with reference to other Limulidae..
- Mineralization of soft-part anatomy and invading microbes in the horseshoe crab Mesolimulus from the upper Jurassic Lagerstätte of Nusplingen, Germany.
- In vitro activity of the Limulus antimicrobial peptide tachyplesin I on marine nivalve pathogens.
- Innate immunity in the horseshoe crab..
- Clotting cascade and defense molecules found in the hemolymph of the horseshoe crab.
- The secret in the blue blood.
- Dating of the human-ape splitting by a molecular clock of mitochondrial DNA.
- In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)

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