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Improving the quality of public administrative SERV at Vietnam post corporation

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- Abstract: This paper aim at providing solutions to improve the quality of public administrative services in order to well meet the changing needs of customers and the development of society, to complete the mission of providing public services, including the public administrative services at the Vietnam Post Corporation.
- The paper, first reviews service quality and the quality of public administrative services at Vietnam Post Corporation.
- then, the paper analyzes the current state of the quality of public administrative services at the Vietnam Post Corporation over the past time.
- in the final section, the paper proposes several solutions to improve the quality of public administrative services at the Vietnam Post Corporation..
- In such a general trend of change, the public administrative services of the party, the state, the government at all levels have also been developed towards computerization and socialization, ensuring convenience and speed for the people..
- Public administrative services of the Vietnam Post Corporation have been provided since 2016 in the Prime Minister's Decision No..
- The development of public administration services suitable to the needs of the people and in accordance with the system of public goods provided by the party and government agencies is indispensable for postal and special businesses.
- Especially the Vietnam Post Corporation, the enterprise assigned by the Government to provide services of receiving and delivering papers and documents of the main goods system across the country.
- In this situation, the guarantee of the quality of the provision of public administrative services is an urgent issue of Vietnam Post Corporation today.
- Research on the quality of public administrative services of Vietnam Post Corporation is an important issue for VNPost to develop its business, ensure the maximum provision of public postal services deeply involved in the supply chain public services of the economy.
- This is a problem that needs to be solved in a timely manner for the Vietnam Post Corporation, the enterprise assigned by the Government to provide and ensure the good quality of public administrative services for the people of the country.
- Stemming from that practical meaning, the article "Improving the quality of public administrative service delivery at the Vietnam Post Corporation in current conditions".
- analyze the current state of the quality of public administration service provision of Vietnam Post Corporation in the past time.
- thereby proposing several awards to improve the quality of public administration service provision of the Vietnam Post Corporation..
- 45/1016/QD–TTg dated October 19 th , 2016, of the Prime Minister on receiving dossiers, returning results of administrative procedures settlement via public postal services.
- Unlike the quality of the tangible product, service quality is rather abstract.
- This abstraction is caused by the intangibility of the service itself.
- For "perceptions", the goal of managers is to increase the perceived level, the pleasure level of the customer.
- Group 1: belongs to the capacity of the force directly in contact with the customer and directly creating the service.
- The quality produced by these factors is called functional quality..
- Unlike evaluating and determining the quality of tangible products.
- The assessment, determination, and quality measurement of the service are extremely complex.
- If the quality of tangible products is determined based on the economic and technical attributes of the product, or the customer consumes the tangible product, their perceived level may also be based on that calculation.
- As for services, customers when evaluating the quality of the service they enjoy cannot rely on such tangible attributes..
- Therefore, to evaluate the quality of the service, we must rely on the relevant factors and through what is called the "customer perception"..
- Environment can be the natural environment, the social environment, or even the service culture of the service provider unit or organization..
- The customer evaluates the quality of service provided on the basis of the rating of the person who served them.
- 2– Assurance (Assurance): The knowledge and manners of the service staff, as well as their ability to build trust and confidence..
- 2.2.3 The evaluation criteria of the quality of PA service provision of Vietnam Post Corporation The quality of PA service provision of Vietnam Post Corporation must at least ensure the following criteria.
- PA service quality criteria are issued and published by the Vietnam Post Corporation on the website of the Vietnam Post Corporation and are publicly posted in easy–to–read places at service points The post office provides VNPost's PA service.
- The opening hours of the Post Office must be suitable for the daily life of the people, with all necessary equipment and facilities.
- Most postage countries conduct surveys to get customers' opinions on the quality of their services in many forms, most commonly using questionnaires, opinion books, and mailboxes to receive comments via the website of the business..
- Based on the criteria set out on Speed – Accuracy – Safety – Convenience – Civilization of the quality of postal services, Vietnam Post Corporation has issued a Service Quality Indicator System as a legal basis to compare with actual results..
- 3.1 The quality assurance of public administration services by VNPost in recent years In recent years, implementing Decision No.
- 45/2016/QD–TTg on receiving dossiers, returning results of settlement of administrative procedures via the network of public postal services at VNPost, Vietnam Post Corporation has tried its best to provide services that meet the needs and ensure the quality of public administrative service delivery to the people.
- The quality of VNPost's public administration service delivery in recent years has achieved certain successes.
- The most of quality indicators of implementing public administrative services in and 2019 of the Corporation all meet the requirements of the National Technical Regulation on public postal services and ensure the quality standards that VNPost announced.
- To achieve the results of the quality of public administrative service provision, the Vietnam Post Corporation has carried out many activities at the same time:.
- 1) Vietnam Post Corporation has developed targets to ensure the quality of public administrative service provision, registered with the Ministry of Information and Communications, and announced them publicly on the Web, at intersections.
- This has prompted the rapid development of the provision of public administrative services of VNPost across its entire postal network..
- 5) Carry out activities to improve the quality of service to customers using VNPost's public administrative services such as: (1) Vietnam Post Corporation unifies charges with value–added services increase.
- 6) The Vietnam Post Corporation has strengthened the management of the quality of the fair administrative service provision in many different forms and measures: (1) Issuing the target of the time of process and stage and Testing and assessing service quality.
- Analyzing and evaluating the quality of the delivery stage at each province or city post and in detail to each delivery route and each post office to request the unit to determine the causes that affect the quality and then have solutions to overcome.
- (2) Form a quality inspection and supervision apparatus from the corporation to the post office of the province or city.
- 3.2 Assessment of the quality of public administrative service delivery at VNPost from customers.
- To get more information from customers about the quality of public administration of VNPost, the writer has reduced primary data by interviewing through pre–designed questionnaires [5, appendix 1]..
- The contents in the questionnaire were the information reflecting the quality of the provision of public administrative services of VNPost, each of the criteria reflecting the quality of the provision are designed on a 5–level scale: 1.
- Through the results collected from the survey sample, the quality of VNPost's public administrative services was generally assessed by the customer with question Q18: “You are satisfied with the quality of the current provision of public administrative services of VNPost”.
- The results from the survey sample show that the quality of VNPost's public administration service delivery is highly appreciated by customers.
- To further affirm the quality of public administrative service delivery through specific criteria with the specific survey sample as follows:.
- 1) Customers are aware of the public administrative services provided by VNPost.
- 2) Customers evaluate the quality of public administrative service provision of VNPost.
- The results of customer responses to questions from questions 6 to 12 in the questionnaire on the quality of public administrative service delivery are shown in Figure 4..
- Figure 4: Level of customer satisfaction with the quality of public administrative services of VNPost.
- According to the survey results, the very dissatisfied level (level 1) and the level of dissatisfaction (level 2) that reflect the quality of PA service provided by VNPost still have many customers in the.
- safety level of the item.
- From this result, VNPost needs to focus on the application of science and technology, improving the service delivery process to improve the quality of providing PA services provided by VNPost..
- 3) Customers evaluate the quality of PA service provision through VNPost's attractive sales policy Survey results with the assessment of the quality of providing PA services of VNPost through attractive sales policy of VNPost with the following criteria: The cost of providing PA services of VNPost is appropriate.
- This shows that the implementation of public administrative services by post is accepted by the people and this service contributes to the good guarantee of public administrative services of the state.
- 4) Customers evaluate the quality of PA services provided by VNPost.
- With questions from 15,16,17 in the questionnaire, to collect feedback from customers about the quality of service provided by VNPost's PA service.
- This shows that customers are dissatisfied with services at a low level, it affirms that VNPost has done a good job of meeting the needs of the people for public administrative services..
- With the results that VNPost has achieved in ensuring the quality of PA service delivery in the past time, which has been recognized and satisfied by customers, there are also many criteria to ensure the quality of service delivery.
- This requires the Vietnam Post Corporation to have more solutions to improve the quality of its PA service delivery to the people.
- Based on the current status of PA service provision of VNPost recently, the article proposes many solutions to improve the quality of PA service delivery for Vietnam Post Corporation in the coming time..
- Complete the service delivery process, ensure the safety of postal items to improve the quality of PA services.
- Vietnam Post Corporation, since launching PA service from 2016 until now, has adjusted the PAS delivery process to suit the reality of the network and the needs of customers.
- Although the whole process targets the standards that VNPost has registered and published, according to the survey results, the criteria reflecting the quality of the service delivery of VNPost's PAS, the level of very dissatisfaction (level 1) and dissatisfied level (level 2) there are still many customers in the survey sample, most are the rapidity and convenience level.
- To improve the quality of PA service delivery, VNPost needs to focus on completing the process to ensure the service delivery time and ensure the safety of postal items for its entire network of service providers.
- The system of criteria for evaluating the quality of PA service delivery is the basis for VNPost to evaluate the quality of the service it is providing.
- consistent with the requirements of the public administrative service system of state management agencies at all levels from the middle.
- The system of PA service delivery quality indicators of Vietnam Post Corporation should complete the evaluation criteria for each service point (Post Office), by service agent, according to the process of service provision service (each stage, each stage of the process.
- 1) Requirements and criteria for evaluating service quality of tellers:.
- Clear communication language, welcoming customers when coming and leaving, thank customers at the end of the transaction, apologize to customers when necessary.
- The index meets the time of collecting and exploiting outgoing postal items at the post office of the province or city (Ktk)..
- The index meets the time of collection stage at the post office of the province or city (Ktg)..
- The index meets the time of exploitation of outgoing postal items at the central exploitation post of the province or city (Kkt)..
- The index meets the time of the exploitation of incoming postal articles at the Central Post Office of the province or city (Kktd)..
- The index meets the time to enter information transmitted at the post office of the province or city (Kntt)..
- Response time of the stage at the Regional Mining Center (Kttv)..
- The index meets the time of the exploitation stage at the regional center exploitation department (Kktv)..
- Thereby, the quality of service and service quality will be assessed, adjusting the production process to match.
- Improve the quality management of PA service delivery.
- Setting up the service quality monitoring system from the Corporation to the units, assigning inspection, supervision, service quality warning, setting up channels to collect information to evaluate the quality of customers goods as a basis for service quality improvement..
- Perform quality control along the vertical axis from the Corporation to the Post Office of the province/city, from the Provincial Operation Department to the control force in the district..
- The current IT system at the Corporation does not allow the assessment of the whole process targets, stages of services in general, Parcel services in particular.
- Currently, it is only allowed to evaluate the rate of successful delivery items at the Post Office, so the quality of the whole process and stages of the Corporation cannot be seen, thereby focusing on the inappropriate progress of the stages, withdrawing short process targets to meet customer needs..
- Other solutions to improve the quality of VNPost's PA service delivery.
- of the state apparatus, local government so that the team of transactors and the workforce understand clearly the service and the customers they are serving..
- (5) Strengthening market research activities to find out customers 'needs, research and assess customers' assessment of services and the quality of providing PA services of VNPost.
- Thereby, VNPost will have information and assessment of customers on the quality of VNPost's service delivery, this is the information for VNPost to have solutions to improve the quality of its PA service..
- The paper aims at providing solutions to improving public administrative service quality to meet the changing needs of customers and the development of the society, ensuring business duties of public services, including public administrative services of the Vietnam Post Corporation.
- The article has clarified some issues about PA services provided by VNPost, service quality, and the quality of PA services provided by VNPost.
- analyzed the current status of the PA service delivery quality of VNPost, the customer's assessment of the quality of the PA service provision of VNPost from the customer through the survey data of the author.
- The article also proposes four groups of solutions to improve the quality of PA service delivery of VNPost.
- 200/QD–TTG of the Prime Minister: Approving the action plan to improve competitiveness and develop Vietnam's Logistics services up to 2015.
- Tran, T.H (2020), A study on the quality of public administrative services of Vietnam Post Corporation, Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Research Project, Code: 04 – HV–2020/QTKD1.
- Nguyen, T.B.H (2015), Improving the quality of postal services of Vietnam Post

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