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Knowledge Networks: Innovation Through Communities of Practice

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- Most of the books have, by necessity, taken a rather theoretical approach.
- Thus, a new member of the community moves from peripheral to full par- ticipation in the community.
- This “shared repertoire” of resources represents the material traces of the community.
- The quality of the story became the mark of an old timer and therefore the source of the legitimation in the community..
- It focuses on the role of volunteers in the public sector through a case study of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
- In addition, the chapter outlines some of the benefits to individuals and the Information Technology industry in general that have resulted from participation in the community.
- insights for the future of the firm? Employee Retention 24%.
- Additionally, more than 70% felt that collaboration had increased as a result of the community..
- Communications of the ACM .
- We stress the importance of a holistic approach through the two main concepts of the Community of Practice (CoP): participation and reification.
- One of the most dominant, however, is the IT, tool driven view.
- The second phase of the research began with the secondment of the research team to the new RMs.
- In terms of the RM CoP, there appear to be some adverse effects of RM.
- Mind the gap: Diagnosing the relationship between the IT organisation and the rest of the business.
- Knowledge management and the learning organisation—The IPD Report.
- The shifting logic of the IS organisation:.
- What is generally neglected in the majority of the CoP literature is the dynamics of inter-community knowledge sharing processes.
- The subject of inter-community dynamics and knowledge sharing processes is much neglected by the majority of the CoP literature.
- However, not all problems that firms encounter are of the same quality.
- increase the overall clarity of the situation.
- To explore this question the learning curve of the Pylon Section was examined.
- In the case of the Pylon Section, the organizational change curtailed access to the rich media of informal and formal face-to-face meetings and the telephone.
- Solving problems is considered one of the fundamental activities of firms..
- 12), learning is “the process that makes the creation and use of knowledge meaningful”.
- Knowledge sharing and meaning making are two of the core activities of CoPs.
- The content of the discourse must be taken into account.
- be gathered about the nature of the discourse.
- The members cluster around those members considered to be at the core of the CoP.
- Most of the communication (72%) between the members of the CoP corresponds to Phase 1 (sharing or comparing information).
- of the messages were coded as Phase 3.
- In the case of the Dutch police validation, processes have to be followed carefully..
- In this situation, the lives of these people were in the hands of the volunteers.
- This knowledge could be of great importance for the rest of the organization..
- Most managers in the RNLI are aware of the collective and social elements at the stations.
- Good practices at one station can obviously be beneficial for the rest of the organization.
- This has already led to changes in the design of the lifeboat.
- Before venturing into this, however, a clarification of the term diversity is necessary.
- It needs to be stressed that the competence regime does not necessarily equal the most experienced core members of the community.
- Figure 2a: Learning in a CoP Competence Regime Pulling the Experience of the Individual.
- Figure 2b: Innovation in a CoP Experience of the Individual Pulling the Competence Regime.
- Furthermore, they argue that “the organization needs prior related Figure 3: Learning and Innovation in CoPs.
- Active use of the language for the purpose of knowledge and story sharing.
- Innoversity—The dynamic relationship between innova- tion and diversity.
- Men and woman of the corporation.
- The presentation of the study is structured as follows:.
- As in the case of David, it is not necessary that members of the same organization share the same culture or practice.
- Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm.
- CCoPs need not be the exploited tool of the provider organization;.
- In a recent management planning session, the leadership of the.
- Protocols and Working Practices of the CCoP.
- Relying on relationships and socializing as a substitute for work of the community..
- Abandoning any participation in the governance of the CCoP and thus missing opportunities for aligning CCoPs for business value..
- The meeting started with a definition of the term CoP:.
- This group of three CIOs would form the “core members” of the CoP.
- Facilitating the actual meetings of the CoP.
- As the CoP has grown, some of the characteristics of people who have (or will) become members have been identified.
- That is the real gift of the CoP opportunity and what makes members feel so good.
- Lane, D., and Members of the Silicon Valley CoP.
- CoP members can only get long-term value out of the CoP if it is active and alive.
- Some of the most significant results are mentioned specifically in the next paragraphs..
- The CoP carefully selects a portfolio of activities that fits the needs of the individual CoP.
- Most CoPs at Siemens use personal meetings and the use of the IT platform to supplement each other.
- The rhythm of the CoP is influenced strongly by its main purpose.
- In addition, the local distribution has a significant influence on the rhythm of the CoP.
- In most cases, the rhythm of the CoP is completely self-organized.
- However, sometimes it is helpful if the moderator initiates a discussion about the rhythm of the CoP..
- The items for the agenda are suggested by the CoP members who are often actively involved in the planning of the agenda and provide input.
- Interesting presenta- tions and contributions are key to the viability of the CoP.
- The features of the platform provide the.
- Viable CoPs pay special attention to the usefulness of the contributions on the platform.
- The content structure grows organically and is adapted according to the needs of the CoP.
- The second factor describes the coordination between smaller parts of the CoP (subgroups or individuals).
- The content and extent of current activities are directed by the common focus of the CoP.
- The current and future relevance of the focus of the CoP is key to its viability.
- For that reason, the moderator initiates a discussion on the focus of the CoP..
- Viable CoPs receive the support of the management.
- It is important to convince superiors of the benefit to the company as a whole.
- The viability of the CoP is closely connected to the support of the individual members by their direct superior..
- Part of the internal environment is new potential CoP members.
- Changes in the environment of the CoP can have a massive impact on its future development.
- These can refer to the communication within the community (e.g., feedback rules) or can affect the behaviour of the community members.
- How a CoP actually does it depends strongly on the individual needs of the CoP.
- This decision should be driven by the knowledge sharing and overall business strategy of the organization.
- In many of the organizations.
- Providing project management expertise and tools to ensure a timely design and launch of the CoP.
- 3) A coherent, comprehensive knowledge map for the core content of the CoP:.
- Can all members of the CoP understand and identify the sources and recipients of knowledge within the community?.
- 6) Communication and training plans for members and others outside of the CoP:.
- developers and managers of the communities described in this chapter.
- Members of the community are all civil servants in government agencies concerned with Information Technology.
- Some members of the project teams will progress to be leaders in the communities and new people will join them.
- The community has a national representative for each of the 25 countries.
- Building an online community—The five P’s.
- Both organizations could be considered early adopters of the CoP concept.
- The global nature of some of the CoPs is problematic in itself.
- Figure 1 identifies some of the key CoPs that have evolved from the CoP model established by the Ironmakers..
- The CoP statistics on “hits” show that 20% of the CoPs represent.
- The impact on the BHPB CoP programme was one of the considerations in the process.
- For the identified “CoPs at risk”, the CoP leader was interviewed to assess the potential impact of losing steel members from the CoP

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