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Developing high quality human resources in the international economic intergration in Vietnam today

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- In the context of the fourth Industrial Revolution which is taking place strongly, our Party and State attach special importance to building and developing high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country and international integration.
- The article focuses on analyzing the current situation and the need for high-quality human resource development, and on that basis, proposing solutions to develop high-quality human resources in the coming time..
- Keywords: Human resources.
- High-quality human resources.
- One of the major barriers preventing our country from achieving the set goals is human resources, especially high quality human resources - the most important factor in the social production force..
- The quality of human resources is an important factor, used as a measure to evaluate the development of a country.
- In the process of deepening international integration, in order to develop on a par with other countries in the region and the world, the 11 th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam affirmed: “Develop and improve the quality of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, is one of the decisive factors for the country’s rapid and sustainable development” (Communist Party of Vietnam, 2011)..
- Research on the development of human resources in general and high-quality human resources in particular has been interested and researched by many authors, such as:.
- Le Thi Hong Diep (2010), Doctoral thesis in Political Economy “Developing high-quality human resources to form a knowledge-based economy in Vietnam”.
- concepts such as: human resources, high-quality human resources, characteristics of high-quality human resources of our country, the problem of developing high-quality human resources.
- analysis of population growth issues, structure of human resources, proportion of science and technology human resources, characteristics and requirements of the knowledge economy for high-quality human resources.
- propose basic solutions to develop high- quality human resources to form a knowledge- based economy in Vietnam..
- propose policies on human resource development in order to successfully implement the objectives in the education and training strategy to develop high-quality human resources and revitalize the country..
- Duong Van Quang, Banh Tien Long, Trinh Duc Du (Co-editors - 2009), Proceedings of the conference “Training human resources for international integration”, The Gioi Publishing House, Hanoi.
- This work collects articles on training human Resources for international integration, especially high-quality human resources.
- Many articles have analyzed and evaluated the current situation of human resources, pointed out the limitations and inadequacies of our country’s human resources in response to the requirements of international integration.
- Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (2008), Proceedings of the conference “Building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country and international economic integration”, organized by the The Central Propaganda Department of the Central Committee in collaboration with the Party Committee of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, on March 28, 2008.
- proposed many solutions and recommendations, especially policies and mechanisms to attract and use intellectuals and talents, in order to build a contingent of Vietnamese intellectuals to meet the requirements of the period of accelerating industrialization, modernization of the country, international economic integration..
- “Development of high-quality human resources in the Central key economic region”, Institute of Development Strategy.
- Approaching from an economic perspective, the thesis has presented the importance of developing high-quality human resources in the central key economic region;.
- assess the current situation including advantages, disadvantages and causes of high-quality human resources here.
- pointed out a number of requirements and solutions to develop high-quality human resources in the key economic region in the central region, with special emphasis on education and training..
- In general, the above studies have mentioned many contents related to high-quality human resources in the context of international economic integration, in which some authors have analyzed and mentioned Basic theoretical and practical issues of high-quality human resources in Vietnam in recent years.
- A number of research works have also mentioned the causes and solutions to improve the quality of high-quality human resources in Vietnam today.
- These are also important contents for the author to refer to and inherit in this article, in order to further improve the research contents, especially the content on solutions to develop high- quality human resources in the context of current international economic integration..
- The article is based on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, the Party’s viewpoints and lines, and the State’s policies on the education and training development strategy, human resources and high-quality human resources development in Vietnam.
- On that basis, the author proposes some basic measures to promote high-quality human resources in the context of international economic integration in Vietnam today..
- The concept of high-quality human resources In the cause of national renovation, our country’s high-quality human resources have developed rapidly, making important contributions to the country’s great achievements of historical significance in all fields of social life.
- Education - training has made an important and decisive contribution to the development of that human resources of the country..
- Approaching the concept of high-quality.
- human resources must come directly from the concept of human resources and the reality of the country, region, and field in specific periods..
- Accordingly, high-quality human resources are the educated, highly qualified and especially capable of creativity, flexibility, and quick adaptation to rapid changes in production technology and industry..
- High- quality human resources is a historical concept.
- of this department are different, but regardless of the difference, this part is always “higher quality”, more comprehensive than the remaining part of human resources, has a key role and ability to lead the development of human resources in general to serve the needs of socio-economic development of the country, localities and fields in each specific historical period..
- From the above analysis, it can be understood that high-quality human resources is a part of human resources in general, but a special part, including people with college, university or higher education, or people with experience, professional expertise, good problem-solving ability, working in different fields of social life, making positive contributions to community development..
- For our country today, high-quality human resources is clearly defined by the Party in the XI Congress, which is the high-quality division of human resources, including people who not only have talents and expertise in their fields area of activity and expertise, but also full of revolutionary morality, absolute loyalty to the Party, Fatherland and people, truly “possess both political integrity and professional competence” like President Ho Chi Minh taught.
- Those are the “excellent” people, the “leader” in all aspects, the fields of activity, the core of the national human resources..
- High-quality human resources need to be understood comprehensively with quantitative, qualitative and structural factors.
- relationship with each other in a unified whole create strength, working ability, the “leading” role as a nucleus and the development of human resources..
- Current situation of high-quality human resources in Vietnam.
- In which, the group of workers in the high- level professional and technical sector accounted for 8% of the structure, 1% higher than the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector in 2019..
- It can be said that the unskilled labor force with primary skills is still a large labor force in Vietnam, accounting for more than one third of the total number of employees.
- of the total number of employees, nearly 3 times lower than those with high technical skills (8% in 2019), and 12 times lower than those with high technical skills (8% in 2019).
- However, if assessed objectively, even though the labor restructuring is taking place rapidly, in general the quality of human resources is still limited..
- Firstly, the quality of Vietnam’s human resources has not yet met the needs of the goal of industrialization and modernization of production and international economic integration.
- Most of the production units, positions requiring high skills and techniques still have to use foreign workers.
- Enterprises are always in a state of thirst for human resources in many positions, while thousands of students graduate every year.
- In addition, the requirements for high-quality human resources due to the impact of integration have not been met.
- According to the forecast of human resources demand in 2021 provided by FALMI, the demand for trained human resources accounts for 79,17%, the demand for human resources with primary vocational qualifications, skilled technical workers accounted for 22.77%, intermediate qualifications accounted for 19.93%, colleges accounted for 15.80%, universities accounted for 20,67%.
- In particular, the impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution has promoted the high-tech integrated industry structure to become a mandatory trend for human resources..
- According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), Vietnam is one of the countries most affected by the 4.0 industrial revolution.
- Currently, Vietnam will face many challenges in terms of the quality of human resources such as the low technical and professional qualifications of the labor force, accounting for just over 20% of the labor force..
- Being aware of the labor restructuring in the coming time helps us to take the initiative, making an important contribution to the formulation of appropriate policies to develop high-quality human.
- resources to meet the needs of the development and international economic integration.
- However, in order to develop sustainably, it is necessary to have the right and long-term solutions to address the limitations and inadequacies of the human resource factor..
- A study on the fitness of 454 Vietnamese young people aged 17 to 26 years old by the Ministry of Health in July 2019 showed that 18.6% of the male group were malnourished, up to 36.4% of the female group..
- This is one of the factors that negatively affect the quality of human resources in the integration period..
- The sense of discipline organization of a part of Vietnamese workers still has certain limitations in complying with the regulations of the enterprise, especially regulations on labor safety.
- That has created bad consequences, affecting the operation of the entire production system of enterprises, affecting investment psychology, especially for foreign-invested enterprises..
- On the basis of analyzing the current situation of human resources in Vietnam, the following basic reasons can be pointed out:.
- The work of education and training still has many shortcomings, not meeting the needs of the market in both quantity and quality.
- This leads to the unemployment rate among students after graduation is still high, due to incompatibility with the needs of the market..
- Secondly, the management of education and training of human resources still has many shortcomings and overlaps..
- This is one of the basic reasons leading to the lack of labor qualifications to meet the needs of industrialization and modernization.
- One of the limitations is that the management of education is overlapping between the three ministries, namely the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, and these three ministries work without smooth coordination.
- The curriculum in Vietnam is 60% longer than in the US, theoretical subjects account for three-quarters of the time.
- Although, around 2009, universities and colleges across the country began to apply a series of training methods under the credit system, but in general, it is still very formal, but the content has not escaped the spirit of the fixed-curriculum system discipline, restricts the student autonomy.
- The examination and evaluation of outputs of the education and training system is still inefficient.
- Although the Ministry of Education and Training has many regulations and requirements for the output standards of training programs of training units, it is often changed and inconsistent, leading to the quality of the output products.
- Human resources are an important resource in the economic development strategy.
- Therefore, investment in human resource development is always the focus of the development strategy of all countries.
- We have not fully exploited the resources in society, nor have we attracted many international resources for education and training to develop human resources..
- In order to solve the problem of meeting enough high-quality human resources for the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country, especially in the current period of international economic integration in Vietnam, we would like to propose a synchronous implementation.
- To do this job well, first of all, it is necessary to make a good review and assessment to ensure that the true nature of the situation is reflected, which is an important basis for mapping out future development trends.
- Only by doing well forecasting and planning can we accurately assess the market’s demand for human resources and make a worthy investment for the development of our country’s human resources in the coming time..
- On the basis of forecasting and planning, it is necessary to specify the key business areas of the integration process in the coming time.
- Education development means improving and developing human resources..
- It is necessary to amend, supplement and merge many legal documents on education in order to ensure that the state management of education is unified, and to minimize the cumbersomeness of the management apparatus..
- This is the pioneer and core force in improving the quality of training future human resources for the country..
- 641 “On the approval of the overall project on developing the physical strength and stature of the Vietnamese people” in the period, but so far the achieved results are still very limited.
- It is necessary to have the cooperation of the whole society in propagating and applying scientific nutrition, promoting movements to improve public health.
- Forecast report of human resources demand report..
- Document of the 11th National Congress.
- Doctoral thesis Developing high-quality human resources to form a knowledge-based economy in Vietnam.
- The quality of Vietnamese human resources in the integration period:.
- Doctoral thesis Development of high-quality human resources in the Central key economic region.
- environment, sensitivity and creativity, reflecting the competitiveness of human resources..
- It is necessary to develop a model of vocational schools belonging to enterprises, which has been applied by many countries in human resources training.
- Standardization of staff and lecturers needs to make an overall review of the management team and the force of teachers and lecturers, proceeding to develop a standardized roadmap to meet the development goals of human resources force..
- International economic integration is a wise choice in the process of national renovation..
- The achievements from the unremitting efforts and rise of the whole nation during the past time have been recognized and appreciated by the international community..
- However, it is undeniable that the integration process has created many strong impacts on the entire economic - political - cultural - social life of the country.
- In the face of such impacts, we have not been completely proactive, but the process of international economic integration so far still has many limitations, especially the limitation of high- quality human resources.
- Management and development of social human resources..
- Training human resources for international integration.
- Proceedings of the Conference..
- Developing highly qualified human resources to take advantage of opportunities from CPTPP, the approach of the Vietnamese government.
- Proceedings of the Scientific Conference of International University - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City.
- Proceedings of the conference Building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country and international economic integration

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