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Xây dựng các biện pháp marketing nhằm phát triển kinh doanh cho Công ty Vega dựa trên Website Ringring.vn

Tóm tắt Xem thử

- SUMMARY Topic: “Building marketing methods to develop business for Vega Corporation base on website RingRing.vn” Major : Business Administration Trainer : Tran Dinh Hung Trainer : Dr.
- The pressing requirement of the thesis - Because of the importance of marketing methods to develop business for the effective operation of the business.
- Due to the demand of work itself, as well as specialized training.
- From these reasons I propose this topic and has been Sciences, College agrees to make graduation theme:“Building marketing methods to develop business for Vega Corporation base on website RingRing.vn”.
- Content - General theory of marketing.
- Analyze and evaluate current marketing activities of Vega Corporation.
- Build marketing methods to develop business for Vega Corporation base on website RingRing.vn.
- Result - Figure out the strengths, drawbacks of current marketing activities of company.
- Propose a number of specific marketing solutions, to develop to develop business for company.
- The solution is given can be applied immediately to the company.

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