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Phân tích khả năng ứng dụng tin học trong công tác kế toán và xây dựng phần mềm kế toán cho cục địa chất và khoáng sản Việt Nam

Tóm tắt Xem thử

- Summary of thesis The Master thesis with the subject "Analyzing the capability of informatics application in the accounting and building the accounting software for the Geology and Minerals Department of Vietnam", in addition to the introduction and the conclusion, is shaped with the following chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical foundations on accounting and computerization in accounting.
- Chapter 2: Analyzing the capability of informatics application in the accounting of the Geology and Minerals Department of Vietnam.
- Chapter 3: Building the accounting software for the Geology and Minerals Department of Vietnam.
- The thesis is already synthesized and presented with the system of general argument foundations on accounting and computerization in accounting.
- It specifies functions and requirements of accounting in the market-oriented economy, requirements on accounting organization in enterprise and administration units and appropriate accounting model selections in accordance with the scope and management requirement.
- It makes clear the important role of information technology in management in general and economic management in particular so as to improve the application of information technology in geology organizations to meet management requirements in the context of the market economy and integration.
- It is to analyze elements that affect the application of information technology in accounting, organizational features and production and business activities, capability of applying informatics in accounting and building the accounting software for the Geology and Minerals Department of Vietnam.
- The above thesis includes several methods of programming and source code of accounting software.
- On those bases, organizational units can make the application to build the appropriate accounting software in accordance with accounting policies and their management requirements.
- The finished accounting software is installed for 83 subordinate units of the Geology and Minerals Department of Vietnam and some units outside the industry that have implemented since early 2006.
- The software has been already amended and supplemented under Decision 19/2006/QD-BTC dated March 30th, 2006 issued by the Ministry of Finance and already updated for the use of units.

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