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Will I Stay or Will I Go? An Empirical Study of Students’ Intention to Persist

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- Intention to Persist.
- This paper attempts to fill in this gap, by examining factors affecting student’ intention to persist at foreign-affiliated universities in Vietnam..
- In particular, this paper examines the intention-to-persist implication of five major factors namely Academic integration, Social integration, Goal and Institutional commitment, Career outcome expectation, and Social and cultural capital.
- What is more, Career outcome expectation has strongest effect on students’ intention to persist (β=0.331), followed Goal and Institutional commitment on Intention to persist (β=0.327), Social and Cultural capital (β=0.200).
- In addition, Academic integration (β=0.246) and Peer interaction (β=0.237) have positive effects on Goal and Institutional commitment..
- Overall, Academic integration and Social integration (including Peer interactions and faculty concern for students and teaching) positively affect Goal and Institutional commitment.
- Besides, Career outcome expectation, Goal and Institutional, and Social and Cultural capital directly influence students’ Intention to persist.
- Keywords: Intention to persist, Affiliated University, Structural Equation Modeling.
- These figures demonstrate a positive signal to the development of the country since human capital approach to higher education ties a nation economic prosperity to an educated labor force (Yorke &.
- Many of them cannot continue their studies due to the lack of ability to finance tuition fee and the basic demands of life when studying far away from home.
- According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training, there are nearly 80 Vietnamese higher educational institutions, which are linked with foreign partners to operate international curriculums.
- Students who hold a bachelor's degree are more opened to the door to enter in higher positions in numerous fields.
- (2) To determine the effect of degree of each factor towards student Intention to persist at Foreign - affiliated universities in Ho Chi Minh City..
- Student retention and Intention to persist.
- Moreover, the benefits of higher education are definitely extended to the whole society as a growing number of students are well – educated, resulting in the increase in employment rate, the decrease in poverty, crimes and environment – related issues..
- A dropout, or leaver, is a student, who leaves college before graduating and never enters to other college or return to the old college.
- When studying in a college environment, beliefs are supposed to be influenced by the student's exposures to the various elements of an institution such as institutional superiority, curriculum, and classmates.
- Negative beliefs result in behavioral intent of dropping out, meanwhile those who have positive beliefs tend to persist.
- In other words, behavioral intent of persisting or dropping leads to the decision of retaining or leaving..
- Academic integration.
- Social integration.
- According to ACT (2004), Social integration is determined by the extent to which an individual feel linked to the college climate, peers, faculty, and engaged in college activities.
- Terenzini (2005), Social integration refers to the extent to which the individual shares the normative attitudes and values of peers and faculty in the institution and abides by the formal and informal structural requirements for membership in that community or in the subgroups of it‖.
- Goal commitment and Institutional commitment.
- He also indicated that goal commitment facilitates the distance between goal troubles and achievement, which can be detected when subjects are committed to the goal.
- Goal commitment refers to students promise to the educational objectives, for instance, get graduated or student desire to achieve bachelor degree.
- Tinto (1975) also supposed that goal commitment is an essential element in predicting student dropout behavior since it clarifies the psychological alignments or directions which students already set for themselves prior to joining in the university environment, those prearranged alignments or orientations will direct them and decide their manner they approach and relate to the college setting..
- Nora and Cabrera (1993) cited by Strauss (2001) defined institutional commitment as the combination of the certainty of institutional choice by a student already enrolled at the institution, institutional quality/prestige, a student sense of belonging to the institution, a student perception of the practical value of their education, the student loyalty to the institution and the student's affinity of values with those of the institution.
- Social and Cultural capital.
- Secondly, Cultural capital (Bourdieu, 1986.
- Referred to Bourdieu's view, students who are exposed to upper classes are easily adapt to the environment of higher educational institutions which usually offer high cultural practices.
- And those of lower classes are hardly to accommodate themselves to the high cultural climate of the college setting since may there a disparity between their prior accumulated cultural capital and the culture in institutions.
- Self–efficacy refers to the beliefs in competencies with respect to the behaviors necessary in particular career relevant domain‖.
- and Unformed expectation which refers to the lack of a preconceived notion regarding a situation or intervention.
- Academic integration and Social integration on Goal commitment and Institutional commitment Tinto suggested that the level of student Academic integration and Social integration in institutions affects their commitment to the college, which in turn impacts the possibility of student to continue or leave out of school..
- Also, in the longitudinal study of Beil, the result showed that Academic and Social integration do not have direct effects on student retention, rather Academic and Social integration influence the level of commitment to the institution.
- H1: Academic integration has significant effect on Goal commitment and Institutional commitment.
- H2: Social integration has significant effect on Goal commitment and Institutional commitment.
- Goal commitment and Institutional commitment on Intention to persist.
- Given levels of institutional commitment, the lower the individual commitment to the goal of college completion the more likely is he to drop out.
- Siebelt (2011) also concluded that commitment plays a central factor of donor retention as it creates a foundation for an individual to sacrifice and continue attaching to the object.
- His result showed that institutional commitment had the greatest direct impact on the intent to persist.
- (1997) cited by Strauss (2001) studied on retention of Hispanic students, his findings supported the direct impact of institutional commitment on student retention.
- (1993) also supported the correlation between Goal commitment and Institutional commitment on Intention to persist..
- H3: Goal commitment and Institutional commitment has significant effect on Intention to persist.
- Social and Cultural capital on Intention to persist.
- Social and Cultural capital developed from family and surroundings probably imposes an impact on college student intention.
- There are some studies regarding the effect of cultural capital on student retention.
- Berger (2000) stated that students who process higher level of cultural capital tend to stay at colleges compared to those with lower procession of Social and Cultural capital will possibly drop out.
- Moreover, the study of Wells (2009) results in the positive correlation between Social and Cultural capital possession and the likelihood of student persistence.
- According to the discussion above, there is a hypothesis proposed:.
- H4: Social and Cultural capital has significant effect on Intention to persist.
- Career outcome expectation on Intention to persist.
- Barrow (2010) insisted the correlation between students Intention to persist and Career outcome expectation of both men and women majoring in engineering.
- Another research result indicated that outcome expectations resulted from the perceived effectiveness of a higher education associated with the goal of accomplishing a degree have reliable foundation for forecasting the Intention to persist of the students beyond freshman (Kahn, Nauta, Gailbreath, 2002) as cited by Feldt (2009).
- If student expectations are satisfied, it leads to the higher possibility of intent to persist.
- H5: Career outcome expectation has significant effect on Intention to persist.
- The printed questionnaires with designed structure of 3 parts would be directly delivered to the respondents within the appropriate time when they are free from busy works.
- To easily access to the right target, researcher asked for the helps from some lecturers and friends to deliver questionnaire to students in their classes..
- It is obvious that students seeking higher education in these foreign – affiliated universities have to pay a much larger amount of money compared to the other Vietnamese conventional universities..
- As can be seen that the reliabilities for all constructs are greater than 0.7, except Foreign Cultural Capital (0.68)..
- Moreover, this content validity of these two scales is confirmed by qualitative results and its meaning is particular appropriate to the purpose of this study which aims to focus on students studying in foreign – affiliated universities.
- Hypothesis 1: Academic integration has a significant effect on Goal and Institutional commitment..
- The result of SEM shows that Academic integration has no effective on Goal and Institutional commitment is rejected (P – value <.
- This means that Academic integration has a positive impact on Goal and Institutional commitment at a degree of 0.246.
- Hypothesis 2: Social interactions has a significant effect on Goal and Institutional commitment..
- Hypothesis 2 proposes that Social interactions positively affects Goal and Institutional commitment.
- Hypothesis 3: Goal and Institutional commitment has a significant effect on Intention to persist.
- The result of SEM shows the hypothesis that Goal and Institutional commitment has a significant effect on Intention to persist is supported (P – value <.
- This means that Goal and Institutional commitment has a positive impact on Intention to persist at a degree of 0.327.
- This result is similar to the results of studies by Weng (2010), Pascarella &.
- (1993), which indicated that Goal and Institutional commitment have greatest impact on students’ intention to persist..
- Hypothesis 4: Cultural capital has a significant effect on Intention to persist.
- Hypothesis 6 proposes that Social and Cultural capital has a significant effect on Intention to persist.
- The result shows that Social and Cultural capital affects Intention to persist at a degree of 0.200.
- This result is consistent with the study of Wells (2009) which resulted in the positive relationship between Social and Cultural capital possession and the likelihood of student ̳s persistence..
- Hypothesis 5: Career outcome expectation has a significant effect on Intention to persist..
- The result of SEM confirms the right of causal correlation between Career outcome expectation and Intention to persist (P – value <.
- More specifically, Career outcome expectation has positive effect on Intention to persist at a biggest degree (0.331) compared to other factors.
- 327 engineer student intention to persist..
- This study aims at exploring the factors influencing student’s Intention to persist in foreign – affiliated universities in Ho Chi Minh City.
- Four independent factors and one dependent factor were initially proposed in the research model to have effects on students’ Intention to persist.
- Overall, Academic integration and Social integration positively affect Goal and Institutional commitment.
- Besides, Career outcome expectation, Goal and Institutional, and Social and Cultural capital directly influence students’ Intention to persist..
- Research in Higher Education .
- A longitudinal study of the effects of academic and social integration and commitment on retention.
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- Outcome expectations: Looking to the past and potential future.
- Innovative Higher Education .
- A Motivational Model of Rural Students’ Intentions to Persist in, Versus Drop Out of, High School.
- Bridging the Gap: Understanding Cultural Capital in EFL Classes.
- The Impact of Social Integration on Subsequent Institutional Commitment Conditional on Gender.
- Journal of the Professoriate .
- Interpreting student early departure from higher education through the lens of cultural capital.
- Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice vol.
- The construct validity of institutional commitment: A confirmatory factor analysis.
- The Effects of Social and Cultural Capital on Student Persistence.
- Retention and Student Success in Higher Education

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