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ER expression associates with poor prognosis in male lung squamous carcinoma after radical resection

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- Some researchers have already investigated the correlation between ER and lung cancer based on immu- nohistochemistry stain, but the results of these re- searches seem quite confusing.
- Some studies showed that ERα in lung cancer was mainly observed in the cytoplasm and associated with a poor prognosis.
- Additionally, according to litera- ture review, ER-related investigations in lung cancer were majorly concentrating upon adenocarcinoma, sel- dom paying enough attention to LUSC, except for some subgroup analyses among NSCLC, let alone male LUSC patients.
- CNVs may alter transcriptional dosage by influencing the number of copies of a gene located within a particular genomic region explaining under most circumstances, CNV and corresponding gene expression are positively correlated in lung cancer [33 – 35].
- As we mentioned before, the correlation between ER and lung cancer ’ s prognosis varies tremendously.
- Currently, the relationship between ER and lung cancer has been widely reported in female patients and lung adenocarcinoma according to literature review.
- In addition to MEK/ERK signaling pathway, estrogen also activates the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to promote lung cancer cell metastasis through epithelial mesenchy- mal transition in lung adenocarcinoma [62].
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