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Efficacy of perioperative chemotherapy for synovial sarcoma: A retrospective analysis of a Nationwide database in Japan

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- Efficacy of perioperative chemotherapy for synovial sarcoma: a retrospective analysis of a Nationwide database in Japan.
- Background: Synovial sarcoma is an aggressive but chemosensitive soft-tissue tumor.
- We retrospectively analyzed the efficacy of perioperative chemotherapy for synovial sarcoma with data from the nationwide database, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Registry in Japan..
- The oncologic outcomes of patients who did or did not receive chemotherapy were compared (cx + and cx-)..
- 0.61, p = 0.043), margin status (marginal resection, HR = 0.18, p <.
- 0.001 and intralesional resection, HR = 0.30, p = 0.013 versus wide resection) with overall survival.
- surgical margin type (marginal resection, HR = 0.14, p = 0.001 and intralesional resection, HR = 0.09, p = 0.035 versus wide resection) with local recurrence.
- and postoperative local recurrence (HR = 0.30, p = 0.027) and surgical margin (marginal resection, HR = 0.31, p = 0.023 versus wide resection) with distant relapse-free survival..
- The 3-year overall survival, local control, and distant relapse-free survival rates were HR = 0.64, p .
- 93.0% (HR = 0.37, p = 0.171) and HR = 0.60, p = 0.089) in the cx+/cx- groups, respectively.
- The 3-year overall survival, local control, and distant relapse-free survival rates were HR = 0.48, p HR = 0.51, p = 0.436) and HR = 0.47, p = 0.046) in the cx+/cx- groups, respectively..
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- This study was conducted to evaluate the several prog- nostic factors that might affect the oncologic outcomes and to clarify the role of perioperative chemotherapy in the prognosis of SS patients based on a matched-pair analysis (MPA)..
- The tumors were located in the lower extremities, upper extremities, trunk, and head/.
- Oncologic outcomes Overall survival.
- In the univariate ana- lysis, sex, tumor subtype, tumor depth, tumor size, and tumor location had no significant impacts on OS.
- Also, the surgical margin type (marginal resection, HR = 0.16, p <.
- intralesional resection, HR = 0.29, p = 0.016 versus wide resection) and administration of postoperative radiother- apy (HR = 0.58, p = 0.018) were associated significantly.
- The age and surgical margins were retained in the multivariate analysis (Table 1)..
- In the univariate analysis, sex, tumor subtype, tumor depth, tumor size, and tumor location had no significant ef- fects on LC.
- Moreover, the surgical margin type (mar- ginal resection, HR = 0.12, p = 0.011.
- intralesional resection, HR = 0.08, p = 0.022, compared with wide resection) and administration of radiotherapy (HR = 0.24, p = 0.001) were significantly associated with local recurrence.
- Surgical margins were retained in the multivariate analysis (Table 1)..
- In the univariate analysis, sex, tumor subtype, tumor depth, tumor size, and tumor location had no significant effects on D-RFS..
- 0.56, p = 0.016), postoperative local re- currence (HR = 033, p = 0.004), inadequate surgical margin (marginal resection, HR = 0.21, p <.
- 0.01, com- pared with wide resection), and administration of radio- therapy (HR = 0.44, p = 0.02) were identified.
- Surgical margins and local recurrence remained significant in the multivariate analysis (Table 1)..
- In the cx + group, most patients underwent perioperative chemotherapy with either the adriamycin + ifosfamide (AI) regimen or another doxorubicin regimen, adminis- tered along with cisplatin, ifosfamide, dacarbazine, or vincristine (Table 3).
- 3.3%) in the cx + group and in the cx- group (HR p = 0.114), and the 3-year LC rates were in the cx + group and in the cx- group (HR p = 0.171).
- The 3-year D-RFS rates were in the cx + group and in the cx- group (HR p = 0.089.
- The 3- year OS rates were in the cx + group and in the cx- group (HR .
- (±3.7%) in the cx + group and 93.3.
- 4.0%) in the cx- group (HR p = 0.436).
- The 3- year D-RFS rates were in the cx + group and in the cx- group (HR p = 0.046, Fig.
- Analysis of oncologic outcomes of the extracted subgroup consisting of stage III patients.
- Before matching, there was no improve- ment in the oncologic outcomes with perioperative chemotherapy.
- After matching, 52 cases were almost identical in the two groups.
- However, there was still no improvement in the oncologic outcomes (Additional file 2)..
- These findings indicated the importance of complete surgical resection to avoid micro/macro-resi- dues of the tumor in the post-resection margins..
- 2 Kaplan-Meier analyses of oncologic outcomes.
- The oncologic outcomes of patients who did (cx+) or did not (cx-) receive chemotherapy were compared (red curve: cx + group, black curve: cx- group).
- In that study, the 4-year disease-specific survival rates were 88 and 67% in the chemotherapy and no-chemotherapy groups, respect- ively (p = 0.01).
- Additionally, treatment with an ifosfamide-based regimen was reported to improve D- RFS (HR = 0.4, p .
- 8 cm of grade 2/3, or locally recurrent sarcoma/after in- adequate surgery of grade 2/3) indicated that a regi- men of 3 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy was not superior to surgery alone in the included patients (5- year disease-free survival rates of 56 and 52% for the neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery-alone arms, respectively.
- Despite propensity matching to reduce intergroup differences, we did not observe significant differences in the onco- logic outcomes of patients in the cx + and cx- groups..
- This result might be criticized because the MPA acted towards reducing high-risk patients in the cx + group (e.g., 117 stage III patients in the cx + group were re- duced to 29 patients after adjustments).
- however, we were not able to indicate the superiority of neoadjuvant over adjuvant chemotherapy even in the ex- tracted group consisting of stage III patients.
- Recently, a similar methodological study that used the National Cancer Database reported improved OS with chemo- therapy in the MPA of stage III soft tissue sarcoma pa- tients, especially in the undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma group [29].
- These trends may be attributed to the fact that Japanese clinicians exclusively administer chemotherapy for com- plicated cases based on their own clinical judgement, which was not quantified in the BSTT database..
- thus, our dataset did not in- clude patients treated at other departments (e.g., retro- peritoneal tumors treated in the urology department)..
- BSTT: Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor;.
- STS: Soft-tissue sarcomas;.
- SS: Synovial sarcoma.
- The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi..
- org/10.1186/s .
- Kaplan-Meier analyses of oncologic outcomes (extracted stage III patients).
- The oncologic outcomes of patients who did (cx+) or did not (cx-) receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy were compared (red curve: cx + group, black curve: cx- group).
- (b) The local control rate of patients with/.
- We thank all the hospitals and medical staff who participated in the BSTT Registry, and all the patients whose data were recorded.
- HA, conception and design of the study, acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data, the creation of new software used in the study, drafting the study or substantively revising it.
- Consent for publication must be obtained from that person, or in the case of children, their parent or legal guardian..
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