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TRIM27 interacts with Iκbα to promote the growth of human renal cancer cells through regulating the NF-κB pathway

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- In the current study, we aimed to investigate the clinical impact and roles of TRIM27 in the development of RCC..
- Methods: The mRNA levels of TRIM27 and Kaplan – Meier survival of RCC were analyzed from The Cancer Genome Atlas database.
- Real-time PCR and Western blotting were used to measure the mRNA and protein levels of TRIM27 both in vivo and in vitro.
- Results: We discovered that TRIM27 was elevated in RCC patients, and the expression of TRIM27 was closely correlated with poor prognosis.
- TRIM27 directly interacted with I κ b α , an inhibitor of NF- κ B, to promote its ubiquitination, and the inhibitory effects of TRIM27 on I κ b α led to NF- κ B activation..
- TRIM27 serves as a specific prognostic indicator for RCC, and strategies targeting the suppression of TRIM27 function may shed light on future therapeutic approaches..
- To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/..
- The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data..
- However, the role of TRIM27 in RCC has not yet been investigated..
- The gene expression of TRIM27 and Kaplan–Meier ana- lysis were downloaded from TCGA dataset (http://.
- ualcan.path.uab.edu/analysis.html) to analyze the effect of TRIM27 on overall survival of RCC patient.
- Knockdown and overexpression of TRIM27.
- All animal procedures were performed according to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
- siNC- or siTRIM27-transfected Caki-2 cells (n = 2 × 10 6.
- Roche, Switzerland) prin- cipally according to the supplier’s instructions.
- Increased expression of TRIM27 in RCC correlates with poor prognosis.
- Western blots showed that TRIM27 was in- creased in 786–0 and Caki-1 cells at translational levels (Fig.
- Kaplan–Meier analysis of TCGA datasets demon- strated that the survival time of patients with high mRNA levels of TRIM27 was significantly shorter than that of patients with lower levels (Fig.
- suggest that up-regulation of TRIM27 expression in RCC links to a shorter survival duration.
- To gain a better understanding of the clinical signifi- cance of TRIM27, we studied the biological actions of TRIM27 using RCC cell lines, and by altering TRIM27 expression in vivo..
- Suppression of TRIM27 inhibits cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis.
- We designed three small interference RNAs (siRNAs) targeting TRIM27 and examined the effects on Caki-2 and 786–0 cells with a relatively higher level of TRIM27..
- The mRNA level of TRIM27 was upregulated in renal cancer.
- Prognosis of RCC (KIRC) patients with high or low expression of TRIM27 derived from the TCGA database.
- The relative mRNA level of TRIM27 was upregulated in human renal cancer tissues.
- TRIM27 siRNAs deeply suppressed the relative mRNA and protein content of TRIM27 in human Caki-2 and 786 – 0 cells, respectively.
- The mRNA levels of TRIM27 was used 2 −ΔΔCt method and normalized to that of GAPDH.
- siTRIM27 – 1 and siTRIM27 – 2 significantly suppressed the proliferation of Caki-2 and 786 – 0 cells.
- Apoptosis of Caki-2 and 786 – 0 cells was significantly increased following transfecting with siTRIM27 – 1 and siTRIM27 – 2 at 48 h, respectively.
- All three siRNAs effectively inhibited the mRNA and protein expression of TRIM27 (Fig.
- We used CCK-8 to determine the effects of TRIM27 on cell proliferation and found that cell growth was dramat- ically suppressed in TRIM27-suppressed groups in both Caki-2 (Fig.
- 2C) and 786–0 cells (Fig.
- We next used Annexin V-FITC/PI staining to evaluate the effects of TRIM27 on apoptosisand found that sup- pression of TRIM27 in RCCs promoted cell apoptosis (Fig.
- The role of NF-κB translocation to the nucleus in inhib- ition of apoptosis is well defined [10].
- Our results demonstrated that NF-κB was less active in the presence of TRIM27 siR- NAs (Fig.
- Moreover, our results suggested that knockdown of TRIM27 promoted the expression of IkBa in Caki-2 and 786–0 cells respectively..
- OeTRIM27 rescue the function of TRIM27 in siTRIM27- transfected cells.
- To further verify our results, oeTRIM27 was used to res- cue the function of TRIM27 in siTRIM27-transfected cells.
- Furthermore, the protein level of TRIM27 was significantly recovered by oeTRIM27 in siTRIM27- transfeced cells.
- Taken together, these results suggest that the function of TRIM27 is rescued by oeTRIM27 in siTRIM27- transfected cells..
- Suppression of TRIM27 reduces tumor growth in vivo Next, we examined whether TRIM27 siRNAs reduce tumor development in vivo.
- Our results illustrated that apoptosis was increased in the siTRIM27 group compared to the control group.
- These findings suggest that suppression of TRIM27 prevents tumor growth in vivo, partially due to increased tumor cell apoptosis (Fig.
- To further determine the function of TRIM27 in vivo, the oeNC or oeTRIM27 transfected Caki-1 cells were used to construct a xenograft model.
- TUNEL staining was performed to examine apoptosis in oeNC and oeTRIM27 tumors, and we found that overexpression of TRIM27 significantly suppressed the apoptosis of Caki-1 cells in vivo (Fig.
- 2F), we sought to determine whether NF- κB mediates the actions of TRIM27.
- Importantly, the in- hibitor PDTC also suppressed the protein level of TRIM27 in oeTRIM27 transfected cells, while pro- moted the expression of IkBa..
- We found there was a linear correlation between levels of TRIM27 and NF-κB (Fig.
- These data suggest that NF-κB is a potential upstream regulator of TRIM27 in RCC.
- Iκbα has been identified as the major regulator of the NF-κB pathway [19], and dissociation of NF-κB from Iκbα is a critical step in translocation to the nucleus.
- 3 oeTRIM27 rescues the function of TRIM27 in siTRIM27-transfected cells.
- The proliferations of Caki-2 and 786 – 0 cells transfected with siTRIM27, oeTRIM27, or siTRIM27 + oeTRIM27 at and 48 h respectively.
- Flow cytometric evaluation of the apoptosis of Caki-2 and 786 – 0 cells transfected with siTRIM27, oeTRIM27, or siTRIM27 + oeTRIM27 at 48 h respectively.
- Western blot was used to examine the relative proteins of TRIM27, cleaved caspase-3, NF- κ B (cytoplasm), and NF- κ B (nuclear) in Caki-2 and 786 – 0 cells transfected with siTRIM27, oeTRIM27, or siTRIM27 + oeTRIM27 at 48 h respectively..
- potential uses of TRIM27 as a candidate target for effective molecular-targeted therapeutics for RCC..
- Knockdown of TRIM27 in Caki-2 cells deeply suppressed the tumor volume and weight in vivo.
- Overexpression of TRIM27 in Caki-2 cells significantly increased the tumor volume and weight in vivo.
- The distinctly different actions of TRIM27 as com- pared to other TRIM superfamily members are likely due to the diversity of protein structures.
- 6 The NF- κ B inhibitor PDTC suppressed the function of oeTRIM27 in Caki-1 cells.
- oeTRIM27 significantly upregulated the relative mRNA and protein levels of TRIM27 in Caki-1 cells.
- However, similar to the molecular biological features of TRIM27 in esophageal and colon cancer [5, 7], we identified similar biological functions of TRIM27 in that it is significantly elevated in.
- Many downstream signaling pathways of TRIM27 have been identified in cancer, including PTEN/AKT, p38, and STAT .
- Western blot was used to examine the protein content of TRIM27 and I κ b α in oeNC or oeTRIM27 with or without the MG132 treatment.
- TRIM27 interacted with I κ b α in human Caki-2 cells.
- Further investigation is required to clarify the actions of TRIM27 through other pathways in RCC..
- The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi..
- org/10.1186/s .
- The relative mRNA levels of TRIM27 were much higher in human renal 786 – 0 and Caki-2 cells than that of HK-2 cells.
- Western blot was performed to examine the protein contents of TRIM27 in HK A498, ACHN, CaKi-1 and CaKi-2 cells respectively.
- S2: siNF- κ B inhibited the expression of TRIM27 in Caki-1 cells.
- The relative mRNA and protein levels of NF- κ B and TRIM27 in Caki-1 cells that transfecting with siNC, siNF- κ B-1, siNF- κ B-2 and siNF- κ B-3 respectively.
- agreed to submit to the current journal.
- All animal procedures were performed according to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee..
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