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Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit four: A/ Schedules (A4+A5)

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- By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about schedules, read for comprehension about subjects and schedules..
- 1, Vocabulary: other, subject, interesting, important, difficult..
- 2, Structures: What is she doing? She is studying Physic..
- What time does she have her Physic class?.
- She has her Physic class at 8.40 III/ Teaching aids..
- Prepare pictures, a tape and a cassette player..
- Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities.
- 1, Warm up Call on one st and ask him/ her to write the names of subjects..
- Ask some questions.
- -Do you like English/ Math...?.
- -When do you have.
- English/Math...?.
- Now look at these pictures and.
- Write the names of subjects and answer the questions..
- -Yes/ No....
- -I have English ...on Monday, Thursday and Saturday..
- Look at the pictures and answer the.
- answer: Do you know what they are doing?.
- Have them tell the names of subjects that have in the pictures.
- Ask them to look at the clocks and speak: What time is it now?.
- Then ask: What is Lan doing?.
- Ask for the picture and listen to the sts , correct their mistakes..
- -Binh is studying Geography.
- He has Geography class at10.10.
- -Hung is studying Literature.
- He has his Literature class at 9.20.
- -Loan is studying Music.
- She has her Music class at 3.30.
- -Hoa is studying Math.
- She has her.
- teacher’s question..
- Tell the names of subjects: Physic, Geography, Literature.
- Music, Math, Physical education..
- Look at the clock and speak about the times..
- Answer the questions of the teacher..
- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions of her/ him..
- Math class at 2.50.
- -Mi is studying Physical Education..
- She has her Physical Education class at 4.40.
- Have the sts work with a partner, then call on some pairs and ask them to speak loudly on front of the class..
- Listen and give any necessary corrections..
- Note the using the present progressive tense and the present simple tense..
- Now you listen to the conversation between Hoa and Thu.
- It speaks about the schedules and the subjects that they like best..
- Play the tape twice, and ask them to read again..
- Listen and guide the sts reading the new words: other, important, difficult.
- Work with a partner: one asking and other answering..
- Some pairs of them speak loudly in front of the class..
- Listen and write..
- Listen to the tape and read it while you listen..
- Read the new words..
- -She has English classes on.
- Make some questions and have them answer:.
- -When does Thu have English?.
- -What other classes does Thu have on Thursday?.
- -What is Thu’s/ Hoa’s favorite subjects?.
- Ask the sts about themselves..
- When do you have English classes?.
- What other classes do you have on Monday/Wednesday...?.
- Do you like Math/ History...?.
- Write your schedules in your exercise books..
- -She has Math, Geography....
- -Thu’s favorite subject is History..
- Yes/ No..
- Rewrite in your notebooks.

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