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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 - Period 56 - Unit 9 - Lesson 2 - AT HOME AND AWAY A2 P.87 - 88

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- Unit 9 AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 2 A 2 P.87 - 88.
- Aims : Reading for details about the Robinson 's vacation and practice Wh - questions in the Past Simple tense..
- Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to retell the story of the Robinson 's trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium..
- Teaching aids : Poster, pictures..
- Warm up : Revision Pelmanism.
- Go, have, buy, went, talk, bought, had, take, took, talked..
- Past of the Verbs)..
- Set the scence : You ' ll read a paragraph of the Robinson 's trip to T.N Aquarium.
- Predict what the Robinson saw and did there..
- 1.The Robinsons went to Tri Nguyen aquarium..
- Ss read and check their predictions..
- Answer key : 1T, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F.
- Lucky numbers : Comprehension Questions Questions in A2 - P.88..
- P.88 to tell the story of the Robinson 's trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium..
- Tell a story of your family 's trip to somewhere in a summer holiday..
- Unit 9 AT HOME AND AWAY Lesson 3 A 3 P.89.
- Aims : Listening for details and practice past simple tense..
- Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand what they hear and use the S.Past correctly..
- Teaching aids : Poster, taple..
- Warm up : Revision.
- reads : went, bought, had, took, talked, returned, visited, wore, ate, saw, thought..
- Set the scene : T.
- "You 'll listen to a paragraph of the Robinson holiday in Nha Trang".
- Ss read the sentences in A3 - P.89 and guess which sentences are going to hear..
- listen vv vv vv vv v.
- Ss listen and check their predictions : Correction .
- Ss listen and complete the following paragraph..
- Liz was excited as the bus (1.
- At 4 o 'clock the bus (3.
- The bus (5) in Hanoi about 7 P.m..
- Answer key : 1 - Drove .
- Interview Liz about her family 's trip back to Hanoi..
- How did you travel back to Hanoi.
- What did you see on the way back.
- How did everything look.
- When did you arrive in Hanoi

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